The Words of the Klotz Family |
Anyonghaseyo, dear brothers and sisters!
Here again an inspiration, based on the words of True Family:
True Father: "The best way to remove the fallen nature is to serve millions of people as your Abels." [1]
Father wants us to be a blessing to "millions of people". He wants us to benefit everyone:
True Father: "Be a person who can benefit everyone. Your life should be lived for the purpose of benefiting everyone." [2]
To be a blessing to everyone, to benefit them all, has something to do with love, pure love, true love:
True Father: "I want you to understand that you are in a position to disseminate this pure love. This love will affect other people and benefit them." [3]
As we develop a heart of divine love more and more, we develop the desire to be a blessing to everyone that comes our way, no matter who that may be. As we develop the heart of Heaven in ourselves, we look at the people of the world as God does, as True Parents do:
True Father: "Begin sending out messages of love to those around. Pull out your old vision and replace it with "new eyeballs" of true love." [4]
With "new eyeballs" of true love we will treat the people of the world the way True Father asks us to do:
True Father: "I want you to be always humble, kind, loving and understanding of others, even though the person visiting you may be a cross or evil person -- even unforgivably evil." [5]
There are many different ways to be a blessing to others. Even a simple smile can be a blessing. Or some encouraging words. And certainly spreading the good news of the Messiah, True Parents, being on earth:
True Mother: "... you have to live for the sake of your neighbors and your country and all other countries. You should educate 7 billion people about True Parents." [6]
True Mother: "All those people who are like orphans, you need to guide them to True Parents. Then you can be proud of yourself.... Therefore you should become children who can participate in this historic work..." [6]
We need to tell the breaking news to the people of the world, no matter if they like it or not. Then God can start to exercise His power and get things moving. But first we ourselves need to move ahead:
True Mother: "And you should think that 7 billion people's lives are in your hands. How can you just enjoy yourself in comfort? You should rise up! You should go forward! You should shout out! You should let them know who True Parents are!... I only wish you can understand this and act upon it!" [6]
If we act upon it, we become more and more happy people:
True Mother: "Happiness can grow as you share more!" [6]
We will become truly happy people!
True Mother: "True Parents' teaching is to live for the sake of others, especially the spirit of true love. If we live it we can automatically go to Heavenly Parents... that way we can build the Kingdom of heaven on earth..." [6]
Spreading the good news is surely living for the sake of others. It is being a blessing to the people, benefiting them, serving everyone "as our Abel."
And the more we love the people of the world with parental heart, with heavenly heart, the more all our shortcomings will disappear:
True Father: " When fruits start to be borne, flowers and leaves drop off. Similarly, when divinity grows in your heart, all your shortcomings will fall away. [2]
And we will become heroes of heart:
True Father: "Be a hero of love and hero of heart. No matter how great a man/woman you may be, you will be a failure unless you conquer the heart of mankind." [7]
As we love the people of the world with a heavenly heart, then we will be the victors. We will be like living water that brings life into this dead world:
True Mother: "My message today for you is to become water that spreads out the true love of our Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Water is a living substance that is essential to all people, creation and animals, without exception." [8]
And then the prophesies in the Book of Revelation of the Bible will be fulfilled. Water of life will flow from God and True Parents into this world, through us:
Revelation 22:1: "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb [Messiah]."
Revelation 21:4: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more [spiritual] death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
That will be the new heaven and the new earth, the Kingdom of God. And we can do the historic job of building it.
Love from Bruno.
Blessed New Year 2015!
1. Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom, Vol 1, Pg 162 2. The way of God's will -- On faith: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/Bfik1-97/Bfik1-97-23.pdf
3. Restoration of true love, Chapter 10: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/sm-tl1/TL1-10.htm
4. Let it be a good year: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/sunmyungmoon83/SunMyungMoon-830102.htm
5. "Victory or Defeat", March 31, 1973: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon73/SM730331.htm
6. Christmas speech 2014 in Las Vegas
7. The way of God's will – Heart: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/wogw/wogw2-03.htm
8. True Mother, Hawaii, 22.7.2014: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/HakJaHanMoon-14/HakJaHan-140722.pdf