The Words of the Klotz Family |
Anyonghaseyo, dear brothers and sisters!
Here again an inspiration, based on the words of True Family:
True Father: "Absolute obedience means that one invests everything, including himself/herself, totally and completely. And one totally forgets about the investment that he or she made and then invests all over again." [1]
That is what heavenly love is all about. It is about investing love and forgetting what has been given, investing again and again, without end. Father wants us to be obedient to this kind of love. Even God is obedient to such love. This quality of love is the mainstream concept:
True Father: "What is the mainstream concept? You must invest and forget. You must forget. I really, really ask you, so you must do it because of God and True Parents." [2]
God invests His heart and love into everyone, He embraces everyone, no matter what people do, have done, think or believe, no matter who they are. And He expects nothing in return, and still keeps giving and investing forever and ever, without ever wavering. To become an embodiment of God's love, we need to inherit this quality of love, which means we need to develop such a heart in ourselves:
True Father: "If you are ready to receive nothing in return then you become like God, because God is always giving out love with His whole being, getting nothing in return. That's the point where godliness starts." [3]
By living in such a way we fulfill our "first goal", which is to live in the full image of God:
True Father: "Living in the image of God means having God's words becoming your words and God's love become your love. That is your first goal." [4]
There is indeed nothing more important than to become such people. There is nothing more important in the life of faith than to progress in heart and love every day, all the time:
True Father: "Therefore the most important matter above all else for an individual who lives a life of faith, is the degree to which he or she can live life with a progressive love and vitality." [5]
As we wholeheartedly work on raising the level of our love all the time, even loving the most "unlovable" people, we solve all the problems in the world and bring about peace and unification:
True Father: "All the difficult problems in the world now can be fundamentally solved only through the perfection of true love."[6]
ONLY through us becoming embodiments of the true love of God will all problems in the world be solved, not in any other way.
True Mother: "Let us constantly strive to spread true love. Let us sow the seeds of true love throughout our lives." [7]
True Parents have done that throughout their lives and will never stop doing that:
True Father: "Reverend Moon is one man who has been embracing everyone, including good people and evil people... Without a doubt, all mankind shall come under this one tradition. The True Father and True Mother have committed their lives for the sake of their mission, for embracing the enemy world." [8]
Practicing this quality of love is not supposed to END with True Parents. It is supposed to BEGIN with True Parents and to be inherited by all of us. We all are requested to spread the highest quality of love to the people of the world. We all are supposed to become divine sons and daughters, who represent the heart of God to all people.
And it only works if we join the mainstream of God, which is loving endlessly without expecting anything in return. Obeying true love, just as God and True Parents do, is the blessed life that leads to the highest fulfillment. And the great news is that we all most certainly have all the necessary potential of love in our heart. We just need to actualize and develop it, day by day.
Love from Bruno
1. The cosmos is my hometown and fatherland: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon00/UM000202.htm
2. 31.5.2001, Uruguay: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon01/UM010531.htm
3. Cain Abel relationships: www.tparents.org/moon-talks/sunmyungmoon75/SM750315.htm
4. Perfection and gratitude: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon76/761003.htm
5. Pg. 566, [Old] CSG: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/SunMyungMoon-CSG/CSG-05.pdf
6. Blessed family and the ideal Kingdom. Pg 273, Vol 1: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/Bfik1-97/Bfik1-97-31.pdf
7. Blessed Marriage and Eternal life: www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/HakJaHanMoon/hjh980401.htm
8. The restoration of true love, Chapter 11: www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/sm-tl1/TL1-11.htm