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Universal Peace Federation Nederland an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the the UN's Economic and Social Council One Family under God -- Universally Shared Values -- Living for Others www.upf.org and www.upf-nederland.nl
Click here for the invitation letter
The Universal Peace Federation is pleased to announce plans for a global peace tour to 194 nations, beginning February 15 to May 15, 2009.
The theme of UPF Global Peace Tour 2009 is One Family Under God: A New Vision for Peace in the 21st Century. GPT2009 is sponsored by The Universal Peace Federation, supported by Co-Sponsors, UPF Partners, and UPF Ambassadors for Peace, on the local, national, regional and international level.
The main events of Global Peace Tour 2009 Nederland will be on Sunday, March 15 in Sunday, Van der Valk Pier Scheveningen, with a Conference in the afternoon (15.30 - 18.00) and Peace Tour Gathering in the evening (20.00 - 22.00).
Sub-Themes and Topics for Discussion on the Tour are: The Meaning and Significance of the vision of “One Family Under God”; Developing a new paradigm or model of leadership rooted in universal spiritual and moral principles, values and aspirations; United Nations Renewal; Establishing an Inter-religious Council at UN; Promoting an understanding of Human Rights as “endowed by our Creator”; Contributing to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); Developing UPF as a leading, global, inter-governmental and inter-religious movement for peace; Promoting Interfaith Cooperation and Conflict Resolution; Establishing a Global Culture of Service and a “global peace corps”; Building God-centered marriages and families.
Specific topics for the UPF Nederland conference include: The vision of the UPF: Dr. C.H. Kwak, UPF Co-Chairman, lawyer, philosopher and theologian; The EU, a model for peace and prosperity: Dr. W.F. van Eekelen, former Minister, State Secretary, member of Parliament and Senate, active in particular with the Dutch Committee for Advice about European Integration; Education, especially of character and family values, Drs. L.A.C. Baroness Van Tuyll; Service Projects in Ghana, Mrs. M. Bos, CPYWD Foundation.
The evening Peace Tour Gathering will feature: Welcoming Music by Hans Campman, keyboard and Giancarlo Dragonetti, guitar; Word of Welcome; Interfaith Invocation; Song of Peace, Eleanor Klerkx-Flowers; Address of Mrs. J. van Eekelen-Wentink; Video Presentation: Global Peace Festivals; an Address of Professor M.K. Gautam; Keynote Speaker: Dr. C.H. Kwak, Co-Chairman, UPF; Ambassador of Peace Presentation and Call to Action; and Songs by Mrs. Milly Scott, renowned singer, actor and therapist.
Projects to be promoted through the UPF Global Peace Tour include: Global Peace Festival (GPF); GPF Convention in Manila, Philippines, on December10-14; Ambassadors for Peace; Global Peace Home Association; Regional Peace Initiatives such as MEPI, NEAPI, SAPI, SEAPI, Balkans, South Caucuses; Global Service Initiative.
UPF Nederland is also holding a one day conference on Saturday, March 14: "Universele Waarden en Economie" in ontmoetingscentrum “De Paraplu”, Van Bijnkershoeklaan 10, 3537 XL Utrecht, dagconferentie van 10 -- 16.30 uur including talks: Een Verkenning naar Vrede, Jhr. dr. P.A.C. Beelaerts van Blokland, o.a.voormalig Minister van Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening, Commissaris van de Koningin in Utrecht en voorzitter Unicef; Universele Waarden en Economie - Hans Campman, voorzitter en lector FWU; De Europese Unie als Antwoord op economisch moeilijke Tijden - Dr. W.F. van Eekelen, o.a. voormalig staatssecretaris, Minister van Defensie, lid van Parlement en Senaat, bekleder van diverse belangrijke overheidsfuncties m.b.t. Atlantische Samenwerking en de Europese Unie; and Op Weg naar een nieuwe en rechtvaardige Economie - Prof. Marcel Canoy, econoom, publicist en adviseur Europese Commissie.
In addition, UPF Nederland is supporting, by attendance and service, various activities surrounding International Women's Day in Amsterdam and Den Haag, together with a delegation of Japanese members of the UPF affiliate Women's Federation for World Peace visiting the Netherlands in connection with GPT2007.
The Purpose of GPT2007: Since the year 2000, the UPF's Founder, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, has been calling for United Nations renewal, and a new kind of United Nations' system that is more inclusive of faith-based leadership. At the same time, all institutions, from governments to religions, from civil society to the private sector, are called to honor and apply the highest standards of spiritual and moral excellence.
In keeping with this call, and building on the great achievements of the Global Peace Festival in 2008, as well as the recent International Leadership Conference and World Summit on Peace, and its January 31, 2009 "Special Session" on "Toward a New Paradigm of Leadership and Good Governance", the UPF Global Peace Tour 2009 will carry an innovative vision of peace to the entire world at a time of global crisis, securing a global foundation for a new, God-centered paradigm of leadership and good governance.
The UPF Global Peace Tour 2009 will call the leaders and peoples of all nations to join a movement for moral and spiritual awakening and renewal of individuals, families, societies, institutions, as well as the entire nation. The UPF Global Peace Tour 2009 promotes a platform of interfaith, service and family for the sake of national renewal and restoration.