The Words of the Krishnek Family |
Portland Report
Larry Krishnek
May 23, 2007
Portland, Oregon was graced with a touch of the Holy Spirit this tuesday with the arrival of Yeon Ah Choi Moon. After a sucessful inaugural event in Alaska, the entourage boarded a plane at 2:20 am (after a 45 minute delay) and arrived in Portland at 6:00 am.
Foregoing much deserved rest, Yeon Ah Nim joined the local organizers and leaders for breakfast after which we visited the Holy ground at Mt. Tabor.
Oregon is unique in that Miss Young Oon Kim and David SC Kim both pioneered in Oregon; the beginning of God's work in America. Our program was held at the Emanuel Temple in downtown Portland with Bishop Scott who is the Presiding Bishop.
The day had started cool and overcast, but as time went on, the clouds cleared and by early evening, the skies were clear and the sun streamed through the many windows, providing powerful natural illumination.
In attendance were Native Americans, Muslims, Buddhists, and the ACLC ministers.
John Dickson had returned from the events surrounding the Wash. Times anniversary, to serve as our MC.
Pastor Flemming, a long time supporter of our work, gave the invocation. who is a professional dancer, performed a beautiful drum and fan dance. Rachel Curry, Program director of the Next Gen. Academy, sang beautifully accompanied by guitar.
Mr. Gary Spanowich, Founder and director of the Wholistic Peace Institute, gave special remarks. His was a deep testimony of the spiritual authority of True Parents and their family.
It was our special fortune to have Archbishop G.A. Stallings on the program. He inspired the participants as he introduced Yeon Ah Nim with his usual eloquence and power.
Yeon Ah Nim was splendid. Her natural poise and warmth was obvious. After the speech many stayed to have their picture taken with her, shake her hand or get her autograph on the speech booklet.
6 New Ambassadors for peace were appointed. On honoree asked us to recognize her father who was in attendance. "Today", she said, "Is his 103rd birthday!"
At the end of the program, in his wrap up, Rev Dickson reiterated that we were attending a family reunion. In response to his question; "What is America's Destiny?", participants shouted: "One Family Under God".
Gary Spanowich: We need to have events like this more often. People get spiritually dry just doing their work every day. This nourishes them.
Amb for Peace "My passion is ignited by the diversity of the people attending, and their desire to work together."