The Words of the Kunkel Family |
Blessing in February 2007 for Second Generation
Geros Kunkel
January 12, 2007
We would like to inform you about the upcoming Blessing. There will be a matching and Blessing in February. The matching will take place in Korea on February 3rd and the Blessing will also be held in Korea February 22nd. This Blessing is for Children of Ambassadors for Peace, Pure Love missionaries and Second Generation Blessed Children. This letter is only addressing the Second Generation participants. Although not all details are clear yet, we would like to send out this information, please stay alert for future updates. For questions and further clarifications concerning your personal situation, please contact Geros Kunkel directly.
Matching Candidates
All Second Generation above the age of 17 can apply for this matching. Matching candidates must fulfill the requirements of the CIG blessing and have completed the Blessing application. The deadline for applications is January 25th 2007. For forms and further details about applying for the matching please go to the Blessing Website: www.2ndgenblessing.com. (Under "Information" are the requirements, click on "application" for the forms) Note: ONLY Blessing candidates whose application has been approved by the Second Generation Blessing Department will be admitted to the matching. The requirements of the CIG Blessing are:
1st Qualification Purity:
Second generation members who have proudly preserved the purity of their lineage and who have had no girlfriend/boyfriend relationship with the opposite sex (maintaining purity)
2nd Qualification Obedience:
Absolute faith to accept True Parents’ match without question and not break it
3rd Qualification International Blessing:
Willingness to receive international Blessing to create one global family (international blessing)
4th Qualification No Previous Engagement:
Those who have been previously matched or blessed are not being called to this event
5th Qualification Health:
Those who have no special physical or psychological problems (good health)
6th Qualification Fast: Seven-day fast:
Even if the second-generation candidate has previously completed a 7-day fast, a new 7-day fast must be done for the sake of participating in this Blessing Ceremony. Those who offered a seven-day fast in preparation to participate in the Second Generation Blessings are not required to offer another one.
Whether Re-Blessing candidates will be admitted to this matching and under what condition is not clarified yet. Re-blessing candidates who want to attend should send in their application stating their situation and wait for further guidelines.
Those Blessing candidates who participate in the matching and get matched should attend the Blessing on Feb. 22nd 2007.
Attending the matching
Ideally all candidates should plan to attend the matching in person. This time this will present a challenge, since there are 2 weeks between the matching and the Blessing. For those that will be able to attend the matching in person at this point will need to make their own plans for the time between the matching and blessing. There is the possibility to stay in Chung-Pyung during this time. We will try to provide some program for this time.
Those that cannot attend the matching in person can attend the matching by picture. In this case it is necessary to fill out the "Declaration of consent for TP’s Matching" Form. Please apply in time and stay in touch with Geros Kunkel for further proceedings.
The Blessing is for all couples from the above mentioned matching. In addition Second Generation that were matched by their parents can attend if their age is above 24. Also those matched by parents should complete their application with the Second Generation Blessing Department. All Blessing participants should pay the Blessing Donation of 1400 USD (1100 Euro) for Western Europe and 500 USD (400 Euro) for Eastern Europe before attending the Blessing.
The Blessing Dept. will organize 2 Blessing Workshops especially for those candidates going to Korea. We advise all participants to use this chance to attend one of these Blessing Workshops. Currently we are planning to hold both Workshops in Schmitten Germany, with the possibility of flying together as group from Frankfurt to Seoul. Airplane tickets are currently between 800-1000 Euros. Please order these in time through the Blessing Dept.
1st Blessing WS:
Dates: 29th - 31st January 2007
Departure for Korea Evening of the 31st January.
Location: Schmitten, Germany
Cost: 50 Euro
2nd Blessing WS:
Dates: 17th – 19th February 2007.
Departure for Korea Evening of the 19th February.
Location: Schmitten, Germany
Cost: 50 Euro
For those not attending this matching and Blessing at this time there will be a European level Blessing WS later in Spring.
For those flying to Korea individually, please inform the Blessing Dept. of your flight schedule. In order to get best rates and highest flexibility in case of changing we recommend that you book your flight through WONSE Travel (wonse@debitel.net +49-69-2400150).
Other matters:
Your stay and accommodations in Korea during the official events connected to the matchings and Blessing will be covered by the Blessing Donation. Further details concerning the plan of the events in Korea will follow.
Please stay alert for changes and updates to be sent out in the near future (www.esgd.org). Those that inform the Blessing Dept. of their desire to attend the upcoming matching or Blessing will be informed directly by the Blessing Department of further news and developments.
If you wish to order a Blessing ring through the Blessing Department please do so as early as possible. Rings will cost between 150 and 200 Euros.
Yours sincerely,
Geros Kunkel
European Second Generation Blessing Affairs
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