The Words of the Kunkel Family |
Fraser Harris, from the Middle East Region took initiative to plan
and organize a Blessing Preparation WS for the 2nd gen of the Middle
East Region. In Middle East there are only a few Blessed families,
mostly missionaries from Europe or the US, living in different
countries all over the region. They have few opportunities to meet or
hold workshops (WS). David contacted me and together we put together
a the WS. The WS was held end of June in Cairo, Egypt. 12 2nd Gen and
a handful of parents attended the WS.
The local Family in Egypt arranged for us to stay at a horse farm, near Cairo in the dessert. We had 4 days there, which were a good mix of Blessing related content and sightseeing, as well as recreational activities. I believe for all the participants, who only have very little chance to meet and share with other 2nd generation, it was a valuable experience to be together. President Lee, Continental leader of ME Region was also present and gave us guidance and shared from his personal testimony. The Blessing related content was given by me, with about 3 days worth of presentations spread out over 4 days, with 2 outings. One to see pyramids, ride camels and go into downtown Cairo, to see Mosques, a synagogue and 2 Coptic Christian Churches. The second was a ride with a Faluka on the Nile. Falukas are sailing boots, still made and operated like the ancient Egyptians.
Overall it was very overwhelming to meet our missionaries, working hard in the Arab part of the world, and to meet our 2nd gen brothers and sisters, who really would like to be able to participate more in our activities and network with 2nd gen around the world.