The Words of the Kunkel Family |
would like to invite You to experience something deep and good
together with us and Dr. Frank Kaufmann. On 6th-8th March 2009 we
will have together long weekend about the topic "I Am Who I Am"
It is indeed the time when the world and its people are struggling to understand our true identity, our movement not being exception. The idea behind the weekend is to create/develop the platform to openly share about the issues of our/my identity, address and approach the points which are often "tabooized", and see what can be done about it. Done by all of us.
Dr. Frank Kaufmann is one of our best experts in the area of Inter-religious affairs, he helped to organize for True Family meetings with world top religious leaders. Beside that he is a wise elder brother who is very open to share more than wisdom. Some of us could experience him in the summer 2008 at SAWS 008, since then we are trying to work more closely together. Mr. Kaufmanns Blog: frankkaufmann.blogspot.com
Weekend "I Am Who I Am" is created for elder second generation (over 21 years old). Location: Slovakia, Dunajska Luzna. You can fly/travel to Bratislava (15min ride from the airport) or Vienna International (from there taking a bus to Bratislava Bus Terminal). If we are informed, we will pick You up from Bratislava. Dates: 6th (Friday) - 8th March (Sunday) 2009, arrival latest on Friday 6th before 11:59 a.m., departure on Sunday 8th after 15:01. Financial contribution: 80 €/person (lodging plus 3 meals per day included), if you wish to stay longer (arriving earlier or departing later) we will kindly ask you to pay an extra 10 € for staying overnight with breakfast. To bring: Sleeping bags are needed; our ws house offers cozy but humble environment, house shoes, and notebook
Questions: For all who will apply there will be www. available to ask/address your questions, topics and similar ahead of time.
Registration deadline: Please, apply latest by 22nd February 2009 to saws.europe@gmail.com or call Julius or Martin.
We will be very happy to host you in beautiful Spring Garden of Slovakia.
saws.europe team Julius Alexy, Martin
Alexy, Geros Kunkel, Orlande Schenk.
(saws.europe is an
international network of youth educators.)