The Words of the Kwak Family from 2008 |
Pledge Service and Commemorative Service for True Parents Birthday
Chung Hwan Kwak
February 12, 2008
FFWPU International
Translation of notes taken by the UC History Committee
The pledge service for commemorating True Parents' birthday took place at 7:00 a.m. at the main hall of Cheon Jeong Gung. The Commemorative Service was held at 10:00 a.m. with nearly 3,000 participants including the participants from the World Summit on Peace and International Leadership Conference hosted by the Universal Peace Federation.
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon was born on January 6, 1920 by the lunar calendar (February 25 by the solar calendar) in 2221 Sangsa-ri, Deogeon-myeon, Jeongju-gun, Pyunganbuk-do in what is today North Korea. He was born as the second son out of thirteen siblings between Kyung Yoo Moon (Choongbu nim) and Kyung Gye Kim (Choong-mo nim).
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon was born on January 6, 1943 by the lunar calendar (February 10 by the solar calendar) at 4:30 a.m. in 26 Sinui-ri, Anju-eup, Anju-gun, Pyungannam-do in what is now North Korea. She was born as the only daughter of Seung Woon Han and Soon Ae Hong (Dae-mo nim).
The emcee for this day was Dr. Sun Jo Hwang. The ceremony began with a video presentation titled "Mansei for the Ssang Hab (combined) jubilee years, the 7th and 8th years of Cheon Il Guk based on the Universal Peace Federation."
True Parents entered the room after the video presentation. Dr. Hwang then led everyone in singing the Cheonilguk anthem. Rev. Dow Soon Yim then offered a prayer. In his prayer he earnestly expressed his hope that this occasion be one where all participants could come together in heart with True Parents to strengthen their resolve in fulfilling and completing their responsibility and mission.
A number of guests were introduced this day. Especially noteworthy were H.E. Tuilaepa Malielegaoi, Prime Minister, Independent State of Samoa and H.E. Ham Lini Prime Minister, Republic of Vanuatu.
Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak took the podium and delivered the commemorative address. In his address Dr. Kwak asked that we all emulate True Parents who live consistently in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in order to liberate God from His grief and sorrow. Dr. Kwak emphasized that we should all become true owners of true love, true life and true lineage through True Parents words that are encapsulated in the Family Pledge, Cheon Seong Gyeong and Pyunghwa Hoongyeong.
Dr. Kwak testified about True Parents' worldwide foundation and the many organizations that they established for promoting world peace. He strongly spoke of these achievements being True Parents foundation and that through this a new history was beginning. Dr. Kwak then introduced the significance of the Peace UN or Abel UN.
H.E. Malielegaoi and Hon. Soo Sung Lee, former prime minister of Korea, then offered some words of congratulations to True Parents on their birthday.
The prime minister first thanked the founders for inviting him to Korea and expressed his appreciation for being part of the conference and showed his determination for peace saying "the cold weather clears the mind" and that he would "return to Samo with a clear mind" and with the principles he learned from the UPF conference. He congratulated True Parents on their birthday and for their life-long dedication to world peace.
Hon. Lee spoke on behalf of the Korean people and expressed his pride that such a great leader like Rev. Moon had emerged from his people. He also shared an experience he had in Japan in meeting two Korean women who were living in Japan with their Japanese husbands. Hon. Lee noted how strong-willed and sincere these women were and how he was not surprised to find out that the women were married through the blessing ceremony officiated by the Rev. Moon. He expressed his delight in knowing how there were so many blessed families living in all the corners of the world.
Mr. Gun Hwangbo and his wife then presented flowers to True Parents. Gifts were presented by each region to True Parents along with the copies of Cheon Seong Gyeong that were recently translated at this time.
Following this True Father took the podium and delivered his address for the day. It was titled "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will." After the speech Dr. Chang Shik Yang led everyone in three cheers of eog-mansei.