The Words of Chung Hwan Kwak |
Commemorative Address for True Father' 85th Birthday and True Mother' 62nd Birthday Celebration, and the King of Peace Crowning Ceremony of Cosmic Unity
Chung Hwan Kwak
February 14, 2005
International President, IIFWP
Honorable guests from home and abroad, respected leaders from over 180 nations, brothers and sisters from around the world taking part in this ceremony through satellite and internet broadcasting, ladies and gentlemen! We are gathered here today to celebrate the 85th birthday and the 62nd birthday of True Father and True Mother respectively, who, as the True Parents, stand in the position of Savior, the Messiah, and the Lord of the Second Coming. On this day, as we participate in the King of Peace Crowning Ceremony of Cosmic Unity, we wish to express our admiration and honor their great work of salvation through true love. True Father received God' calling while praying earnestly one morning at Easter time, when he was 15 years of age.
At that time, Jesus appeared and conveyed to him the will of God, which is to realize a world corresponding to God' original vision and ideal at the time of the Creation, and to save humanity. Jesus thus passed on to him the mission of the Messiah. True Father has revealed to us comprehensively the fundamental truth about life, which no one until now has been able to clarify. Even when he was engaged in a desperate life-or-death struggle with Satan, True Father had no one to teach or guide him. He therefore had to tread the solitary path of a pioneer knowing only loneliness and sacrifice as he offered atonement for the sins of history on behalf of mankind. It is important to note that the positions of the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord of the Second Coming and the True Parents were determined only after official recognition from the spirit world and God's word of approval were received. True Father thus had to succeed, by himself, in winning over any possible accusation.
Without correct knowledge of God and the spirit world, the problems facing mankind and the challenges of our life here on earth cannot be fundamentally solved, and neither can the will of God be fulfilled True Father broke down the walls dividing the spirit world and put everything into proper order. He educated those in the spirit world and bestowed the blessing of true love on them. The fundamental teachings as revealed by True Father can be found in over five hundred published books, including Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong, and The Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
True Father teaches us that the essence of truth resembles God Himself, and so can only be realized through the practice of true love. True Father himself pioneered the path of a true parent, true teacher and true lord, and consistently walked the path of true love, setting an example for us all. He has led an altruistic life, giving true love to others for the greater good of all. From the outset, he committed himself to a life as a sacrificial offering. Rather than spending time with his children, he sacrificed his family life and gave everything he had for all the people of the world. True Father has continued his work, establishing hundreds of international organizations in order to fulfill the will of God. First among them was the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (The Unification Church) founded in 1954.
The originality of approach and important purposes served by these organizations not to mention their number and diversity have marked a new epoch in history. Notably, all these organizations were founded with the common purpose of contributing to the establishment of an ideal world of peace and love. What is most wondrous about them is that all of them are interreligious, interracial, international and global in their structure and operation. The activities of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, the Peace Foundation, the Peace Kingdom Federation, the Summits for World Peace and the federations of island, peninsular, and continental nations for world peace, as well as the global work of the ambassadors for peace, the work to support the renewal of the UN, the Interreligious and International Peace Council (Peace UN), and work of the Mongolian People's Federation for World Peace together constitute a movement for the realization of world peace.
The activities of the Council of the World's Religions, the Assembly of the World's Religions, and of the International Religious Foundation, which published World Scripture, along with those of the Youth Seminar on World Religions, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Interreligious Peace Sports Festival as well as the volunteer work of the Religious Youth Service have become a movement to bring religions together in harmony. The work of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Pure Love Alliance, as well as international marriage blessing ceremonies, organized scripture readings (Hoon Dok Hae), and the true family values movement have formed the nucleus of a movement for the realization of exemplary families. The International Federation for Victory over Communism, CAUSA, the International Security Council, the Unification Thought Institute, the Institute for Peace Studies, the Citizens' Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea, and the International Educational Foundation have been leading a movement for the reunification of Korea and the development of new systems of thought.
The efforts of the Women's Federation for World Peace and volunteer service groups such as Aewon in Korea, plus the holding of seminars for Korean and American women, Korean and Japanese women and Korean and Chinese women highlight the importance of women and their peace-making power; while the undertakings of the International Relief Friendship Foundation, and various international medical service projects have been a force in international relief work. The endeavors of the Youth Federation for World Peace, CARP, HARP, Service for Peace, the World University Federation, and the Youth Forum, as well as various international leadership seminars for students and youth character training are key aspects of a student and youth movement. The Segye Times, the Washington Times, the Middle East Times, Tiempos del Mundo, United Press International, Voices of Peace TV and Peace TV constitute a powerful force for the promotion of justice and ethics in the media and beyond.
Moreover, there is a movement to make loving God, loving humankind, and loving one's nation the motivation underlying education, beginning from all kindergartens in the world to all elementary, middle and high schools; This effort is being championed by Sun Moon University, the University of Bridgeport, and the Unification Theological Seminary. There is a movement to nurture the development of science, technology and industrial innovation and to facilitate technology transfer and equalization through the activities of the Professors World Peace Academy, the International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, the World Research Institute for Technology and numerous other enterprises and foundations.
Moreover, activities in the fields of sports, culture and the arts, all aiming to contribute to the cause of world peace, are being carried out and developed by the International Cultural Foundation, the Korean Cultural Foundation, the Universal Ballet Company, the Little Angels Performing Arts Troupe, Ilhwa Cheonma Football Club in Korea, the Sorocaba and CENE football clubs in Brazil, the Tong Il Moo Do martial art, and the annual World Culture and Sports Festival. Thus, the work True Parents are carrying out in all sectors of society can be classified broadly into ten major fields. The basis of these activities is a religious movement, first initiated through the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Father has worked continuously to enable humankind to recover the divine nature lost through the Fall and to teach us the heavenly way through true love after having revealed to us that the original relationship between God and humankind is that of true parent and true children. He has taught the fundamental principles through which the true nature and form of humanity, as originally intended at the time of the Creation, can be restored.
These teachings could never have been revealed or taught by anyone other than True Parents; the work of True Parents can be carried out only by them, and by them alone. Most honorable and noble True Father, I thank you, on behalf of all people in the world, for the grace you have bestowed on us, in making it possible for all people, both on earth and in the spirit world, to be reborn into God s true love, true life and true lineage, through the rebirth ceremony, the resurrection ceremony, and the ceremony of eternal life, under the blessing of your true love. You are the one and only seed and source of true love and true life, but your honorable and noble self has been ruthlessly trampled on through persecution and suffering due to our fallen history, ignorance, mistrust, and disobedience; your life has been offered as a sacrifice. How can you ever be compensated for all that you have gone through? Respected guests, and beloved brothers and sisters, today is also the birthday of our True Mother, who, as co-founder of all providential organizations, is guiding the world alongside True Father. In particular, she is in charge of directing the activities related to women, education, culture, the arts, and voluntary work.
True Mother has delivered speeches in places where the highest leaders of the world have congregated, including the UN, the United States Capitol, China's Great Hall of the People, the National Assembly Building of Korea and the House of the National Diet in Japan. Furthermore, she has given vision to leaders and the youth of the world and has guided them to the path of righteousness through hundreds of workshops and lecture meetings held the world over, not to mention invitational lectures she has given in many universities around the world, including those in Korea and the United States. She is also carrying out relief work and voluntary service work as expressions of true love in 180 nations, including some of the world's poorest and most strife-ridden regions. As can be seen from these external results, True Mother has accomplished many record-breaking achievements in different sectors. Her true merit, however, lies in her internal, providential position. There is only one True Mother, who is the highest and most noble person representing the earth in God's providence of restoration and in the work of realizing the original ideal. True Mother stands before True Father as the sole representative of the whole cosmos.
She is the greatest, the one and only partner of God and True Father. She is also an admirable mother who has given birth to and raised, in an exemplary manner, her thirteen sons and daughters, the True Children. And that is not all. Can you imagine how many hardships she must have had to go through as the lifetime companion of True Father, who, with absolute faith, is constantly and vigorously at work, day in and day out, for the providence of God in the spiritual and physical worlds? And yet whenever she stands on the podium to deliver a speech, True Mother reveals the heart of God with authority and affection, and touches the heartstrings of all those in her audience. True Mother is the queen of mercy, embracing people at all times with her graceful smile, whether in public or in private. Seeing her seated in front of us is enough to make us feel happy. True Mother, you are truly the great, true and holy mother of all the world's people! Nevertheless, the cross of the heart that you have had to bear as you pioneered the thorny path of restoration in this sinful world has been so very heavy.
The injuries suffered by your precious True Family through the attacks of Satan have been so terrible, and each time your heart of truth, beauty and goodness must have throbbed in pain. Even in those times, however you remained undaunted and calm in our presence. Most honorable True Father and True Mother, how can we ever fully appreciate the sacred lives you have led and the true love that has motivated your constant sacrifice and giving as you cherished God's heart in your own? We have gathered here before you on this day of joy and gratitude, though we are deeply lacking, without anything to offer you. All we can offer you is our firm resolution that all blessed families both in the spiritual and physical worlds will settle down in purity of heart, purity of lineage, and purity of love, establish the kingdom of peace, and become your absolute object partners under the kingship of the true love of True Parents. Please accept our resolution, and please accept our congratulations. By dedicating to God the coronation of His kingship, and proclaiming the era of the kingdom of peace, True Parents have bestowed boundless grace on humanity, and opened the gates, through a cataclysmic transition, to the time after the coming of heaven, a time of the original true love and ideal of peace. On this victorious foundation, Jesus was enthroned as the king of peace of the first Israel on December 22, 2003, and the coronation of the king of peace was held for True Parents in America, the representative nation of the second Israel, on March 23, 2004.
Finally, on August 20, 2004, leaders from around the world assembled at the National Assembly Building complex in Korea, the third Israel, and enthroned True Parents as the king of peace. The blessed families have attended you as the king of peace, and each clan has held a coronation of the king of peace in its own name. Furthermore, 182 nations have held a coronation of the king of peace for True Parents on the national level, and continental-level coronations were also offered in each of the six continents. On December 13, 2004, representatives from all sectors of society, including the religious and the political spheres, congregated in Washington, D.C., and offered the coronation of the king of peace of the harmony and unity of Cain and Abel, on the global level.
Today, as the fruit of all these providential victories, the representatives from the realm of the elder son and the realm of the younger son on earth; the Commander in Chief of the spirit world, Heung-Jin Nim; and the five great saints are all present here to offer the King of Peace Crowning Ceremony of Cosmic Unity. In other words, on the foundation of the participation of representatives from the spirit world along with representatives of 182 national chapters of the Mongolian People's Federation for World Peace, representing the realm of the first son, Cain; and on the foundation of God's providential victory achieved all over the world; representing the realm of the second son, Abel, True Parents will ascend the throne of the King of Peace, True Love, and Cosmic Unity. True Parents, the King of Peace and Cosmic Unity! We offer our heartfelt congratulations to you. Your sovereignty of true love will henceforth become the fundamental structure of the Peace Kingdom and of the time after the coming of heaven.
All humankind and all things of creation will honor you with their original nature, original heart and original form. Until now you have made such tremendous sacrifices over the course of indemnity; from this day onwards, you will only be glorified and honored as befitting your original positions. May you be with us for a long, long time, in health and comfort! I would like to conclude my commemorative address by offering you my congratulations once again on behalf of all blessed families and everyone in the spiritual and physical worlds, in celebration of your joint birthdays and of the King of Peace Crowning Ceremony of Cosmic Unity.
Thank you.
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