The Words of Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak |
400 Million Blessing Guidelines #2
Chung Hwan Kwak
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
1120 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1029
New York, NY 10036
(212) 997-2362 Fax (212) 768-9670 email admin@hsanahq.org
North American Headquarters, Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, Continental Director
To: Regional Directors, State Leaders . . .
From: Jorg Heller, HQ
Re: FYI - Official Memo from Rev. Kwak
Dt: May 20, 1999
To: Continental Directors, Regional Leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International President
Date: May 13, 1999
Re: Guidelines # 2 on the Matching and Blessing Ceremony of 400 million couples
I pray that God and True Parents' holy grace be with all the leaders and members who are making efforts in preparation for the Blessing of 400 million couples. On April 26, I sent you an official letter on Guidelines on the Matching and Blessing Ceremony of 400 Million Couples, and the following information is in response to questions that I have received from many nations. This memo will be Guidelines 2.
1. Matching
True Parents will supervise the matching for the Blessing of 400 million couples, but each nation will conduct the matching for unmarried men and women under the supervision of the National Messiahs and National Leader. They can also approve unmarried men and women who are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship and are recommended by senior blessed couples or church leaders as matching candidates for the Blessing in the case where they have pledged to keep Pure Love and participate in our ideals of the True Family Movement.
2. Data Management
All Blessing candidates must fill out the Blessing application form to ensure the matching and administration of blessed couples after the Blessing. Also, each national HQ has to make preparations for the matching by inputting information on the Blessing candidates and receiving Blessing candidate's IDs from FFWPU International office according to the New Blessing System (the management system for unmarried Blessing candidates), which was distributed to each continental headquarters together with education from the World Computer Center on April 17, 1999 at the 40th True Parents' Day celebration. Therefore, each continental headquarters should begin now to use the New Blessing Data System (the management system for unmarried Blessing candidates) and input data on Blessing candidates from all nations within each continent to get ready for the matching.
3. Matching Method
Matching should be done only after you send the Blessing candidates' data to the World Computer Center according to the New Blessing Data System and get a review of their appropriateness and quality as Blessing candidates.
In the case where matching is done in each nation, you can choose the best method in the nation's situation, whether it be person to person or with pictures. However, when you do the matching with pictures, please cooperate for clear administration by printing a sticker and attaching, the sticker on the back of the picture.
In the case where each nation or continent supervises the matching, it is a temporary matching. The matching will be confirmed after the data on the temporary matching is sent to the World Computer Center by the New Blessing Data System and is examined to be correct.
When the matching is carried out by a leader, that leader should attend the matching from the position of taking the place of True Parents with the power and authority accorded by True Parents and are asked to fully establish internal and external conditions in order to prevent any confusion that may otherwise arise.
4. Matching by leaders of other religious orders or organizations
There is no need for photos of matching candidates to be submitted when matching is conducted by leaders of other religious orders or organizations. You can, however, appropriately modify the content of the Blessing application form to use it for the purpose or administering them as blessed couples. They should undergo the traditional 40 day period of abstinence after the Blessing. and come to take the original position of blessed couples by fulfilling the three day ceremony (complete with Holy Handkerchief.)
5. The problem of AIDS Is getting more serious worldwide
Each nation should be thorough in the AIDS examination. FFWPUI office is now researching for a way to have a convenient AIDS examination in less developed nations and will provide details as soon as it is decided.
The True Pure Love Commitment Ceremony
1. Those children from the age 11 to 18 (12 to 19 by Korean age) are eligible to attend the ceremony. Those until the age 21 (22 by Korean age) may attend the Pure Love Ceremony if they want. Since the age to be able to receive the Blessing is over 16, it is more ideal that they attend the Blessing than the True Pure Love Ceremony.
In case they attend the True Pure Love Ceremony and are engaged, you have to keep a clear record of their couples' names and dates of birth. When this is not possible, you just need to confirm the number of engaged couples and report it to the FFWPUI office.
2. True Pure Love Candy
As I have already informed you of True Pure Love Candy, leaders of each nation can multiply and use the Candy after getting the benediction and the seed from the International President. I will inform you more in detail through leaders' meetings about the method of transmitting and multiplying the seed. You can also use the Pure Love Candy by importing it from the Pure Love Movement Headquarters in Korea as mentioned in the April 26 official memo.
3. Pledge for participants at the True Pure Love Commitment Ceremony
Please use the following pledge at the ceremony.
"We Join together today as true children of pure love, promising to be true to our parents and to keep and protect the purity of our love with the heart of a brother and sister. We will respect our teachers and create a family environment in our schools. Keeping our sexual purity, we are willing to become faithful husbands and wives and then true parents of goodness to create a pure family, healthy society, hopeful nation and a world of unity."
We have to be victorious in the Blessing of 400 million couples for the big victory or Father's 80-year of life course. Leaders in each nation are urged to exert themselves more, encourage members and do their best to fulfill the goal given to each nation.
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak
FFWPU International President
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