The Words of the Lamson Family |
Brothers and Sisters,
As you are aware our family has been in a battle to solve financial problems ever since I was robbed two years ago. I have requested help this year from Rev. Kwak and from Peter Kim but as yet there has been no response. I want to send yet another request for help and ask, from those who can, to review the letter and make suggestions as to how the letter could be re written to increase impact or clarity.
Thank you
To Mr. Peter Kim,
Over the last eight years our family has fully invested itself in serving the movement and the people of our mission country in Cameroon. I could go on about the difficulties and hardships our family has gone through but I think that these difficulties are all part of the struggles most missionaries must go through and through the struggles we have come closer to God and realized more clearly the vision of our True Parents. The purpose of this letter is not to go into the difficulties of our course as National Messiahs in Africa but to enroll others into helping our mission work grow.
There are so many amazing things which are happening in Cameroon at this time and we feel strongly that Africa as a continent will become a very fertile place for the Principle and the fulfillment of Fathers vision.
The New prime Minister of Cameroon is a very good friend of ours who has supported our work since 1998. Now that he is Prime Minister he will be able to help our work more than before. Last month IRFF Cameroon was approved for the Headquarters Agreement with the Government of Cameroon which will give IRFF Cameroon Diplomatic status in the region. We have been working on this approval for the last 7 years. IIFWP Cameroon has at this over 800 Ambassadors of Peace all of whom are high level VIPs thanks to Hon. Kwain and Mr. Ndwane.
IIFWP has purchased land for the Peace Embassy in one of the best areas of the capital city Yaounde. WAPA has educated thousands of youth with the PLA material and all the programs are widely used in the schools through out Cameroon. The country membership is growing through the many workshops which are carried out regularly. There are at this time 28 HD churches and members are happy and excited about their future and the future of the movement. It is so wonderful.
Our family feels so strongly that we can continue supporting these activities and work with the Continental leader to expand what is working into many other countries. This is what we feel called to do and long to see these dreams realized.
As you are aware I was robbed two years ago and lost most of the money which was given for the Peace Embassy and also funds which we were holding for scholarships and travel for Cameroonians who were in our programs. This happened when I was moving money from one part of the country to another as the banks would not transfer funds to different banks at that time.
I was stabbed around 16 times and my faith was tested beyond even what I could imagine. I overcame however and started the long process of searching for ways to replace the funds lost. Then when things were starting to work again my appendix burst and I had to have emergency surgery in Cameroon which did not go well and caused many complications. I had to go to the US for treatment and then to CP in Korea for another operation in December 2004. Now I am doing well and I am still pushing to find ways to support my family and mission work as well as to raise the funds which were lost.
It has been a difficult task but many members all over the world have been sending donations to help and to support our work and family. I am humbled by many who are sending donations as I know their situations are not any better than mine.
We have asked for help with the money lost from Rev. Kwak, Rev. Lee and from you a few times as we do not know where to turn. Our family has been working hard on these issues and will continue to do so but we feel so strongly that Father would help if he knew our struggle. Don’t you think he would help? I believe that Satan has attacked us directly because God wants to bless Africa and someone had to pay indemnity. We have paid indemnity and I feel that we have been able to offer it all with the right heart to heaven for Africa.
At this time we are able with the support of my physical family and many members to take care of our basic needs and we are updating everyone about our activities through our family web site www.lamsonfamily.org.
The biggest problem we are facing is replacing he money that was stolen. At this time students that were to travel to their universities can not because the money is gone and after two years of waiting for us to solve the problems they now want to make a case in the courts. Funds from other programs that were lost have also requested refunds. The Peace Embassy Land is sitting unfinished and in general all the projects are on the verge of collapse.
This can be resolved. It only takes money. Our family is not asking for support based on claims of what we could do but on the foundation of what we have done and are doing. We will continue to fight and find ways to solve these issues because we have so much hope and belief that Africa will come alive over the next few years and blessings will come. We believe that Fathers investment in our work to solve the problems related to the money lost will free us to focus on today and the future where we need to be at this time.
What should we do? How does one in our situation let Father know what are needs are? As a family we are in the field, walking with those in need, and helping to share the Principle and Father vision in Africa. This is what we want to do as our life’s offering -- it is our joy. I am sorry that we have not been able as yet to over come all these issues on our own and that we must seek support from Father but this is our reality and we need help changing it. Our family is doing what we do to help build the Kingdom which we all want to live in and it is with this spirit of partnership which we are requesting support. This is a battle which we all share as everything we do is connected through our service each other and to our True Parents the King and Queen of Peace.
Please respond soon. I am in the US at this time and True Father is also here.
Thanking you in advance for your understanding and support,