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Two Day Regional UPF/IIFWP Seminar "Universal Principles: The Foundation for Lasting Peace"
Michael Lamson
May 4-5, 2006
Yaounde, Cameroon
103 VIPs jammed the conference Hall of the FRANCO hotel in down town Yaound on May 4-5, 2006 to participate in a seminar organized by the Universal Peace Federation, Cameroon Chapter for on the Theme "Universal Principles: The Foundation for Lasting Peace" Conference participants came from Central African Republic and Gabon to joins hands with those in Cameroon to make the event a great success.
Before and during the Registration session, one could notice the excitement of the participants. They were like children expecting some very important relative.
While Opening the Conference Pastor NGI MBOUA prayed followed by Honorable Francis NKWAIN, a former Minister of External Relations/Cameroon and the Chairman of UPF/IIFWP-Cameroon who stressed on the importance of Peace as illustrated by the example of Father Moon and thanked the VIPs.
They were made up of:
01 CAR National Assembly
03 Cameroon Current Ministers Representatives
02 Cameroon Former Ministers
02 Cameroon University Rectors
08 Mayors
21 Members of National Assembly
07 Religious Leaders both from Muslim and Christian backgrounds.
07 University Lecturers
27 NGOs Presidents
14 Traditional Rulers
01 Diplomatic Corps: Equatorial Guinea Embassy in Cameroon
10 Business Directors
In the Opening Remarks, Reverend TOKUNO, the UPF/IIFWP Regional Chairman presented the purpose of the VIP Seminar which was to introduce the Family, Teaching, Philosophy, Works and Testimony of Father Moon, the Founder of UPF/IIFWP. He also explained the 16 points Father Moon emphasizes in His Thought and Philosophy.
The Testimony he gave on True Father left people perplexed and shocked. Perplexed because they discovered that what they were hearing was in contradiction with the received and prejudiced ideas they came with. Shocked because they discovered that Reverend Moon’s Thoughts, Philosophy, and Way of Life were not ordinary ones: he teaches what he practices and practices what he teaches. He could forgive, serve and love even his enemies.
This presentation took him the whole morning of May 4th. In the afternoon He presented UPF activities nation by nation in 2005. All this was with the use of PowerPoint. As the VIPs watched the images they were very impressed with the achievement of Father Moon.
In the UPF/IIFWP Plan for Africa in 2006, Reverend Tokuno talked of Reverend Moon’s love for Africa. He also talked of the exchange program between American Black Pastors and Africa. Reverend Tokuno also presented Reverend Moon’s Rallies in Korea in the month of April. At the same time, he asked the Ambassadors for Peace to prepare and welcome True Mother and True Children during their visit to Cameroon in July 2006. They were stunned by the immensity and the vast scope and fields of activities in which True Parents are involved. They had to put their wine into the new wineskin. They changed from being slaves to media prejudices to servants of Peace.
In the evening of May 4th, Reverend TOKUNO, had time to inspire members who had gathered at the FFWPU centre in Yaound? He informed all the members that Cameroon been nominated as one of the countries to receive True Mother and True Children during their 120-nation Tour. This is because there is no leadership struggle among members and the country is politically stable.
To prepare for True Mother’s visit he asked 3 things to all the members in Cameroon; to start a serious sincere indemnity condition, to create absolute unity centered on the national leader couple and catch up to establish a stable foundation of VIPs centered on the Head of State.
The Seminar continued on May 5th with other presentations. More VIPs came on this second day. Reverend ASONG Stephen presented the Universal Principles as Foundation for Peace. This presentation inspired the participants. They were showered with the Universal Principles. As some said, this teaching is not some kind of scientific or mystical mechanism of brainwashing people, but it reconciles all religions. "I have the impression of being landed in some kind of galaxy or planet confessed a parliamentarian.
HIV/AIDS was presented by Dr. Gabriel NKAKU based on IIFWP perspectives with emphasizes on the importance of abstinence in place of condom.
The Family as a School of Love was presented by Reverend Ronald Atoh in which he explained about the Fall of the First Human Family and the resulting sexual misconducts in the Human Family.
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