The Words of the Lamson Family |
Columbus, Ohio Report
Michael Lamson
September 3, 2006
Columbus, OH
The event in Columbus was a complete and total victory. We definitely live in a time of miracles and God is touching people, moving their hearts and building the kingdom of heaven. Members in this region are saints and came together to make a miracle happen.
Jin Hwa Yoshida arrived with her mother to the Marriott and from that moment our event took on a whole new spirit. She is such a wonderful person, ready to serve and so full of life. We all felt True Mothers heart of absolute love towards her new granddaughter in law, how much joy True Mother and True Father must have at this time of blessing for the grandchildren. From this moment a mothers loving spirit filled the hall and the event took on such a warm and loving atmosphere.
We were expecting around 400 people to attend but God had a different plan and 600 people joined to welcome Jin Hwa.
The event was opened by our pre program Emcee Rev. Dr. William R. Craig who rallied the audience and brought them into the spirit of the event. The WAIT team from Tenn. joined with the WAIT team from Ohio and put together a fun filled dance routine, our second generation are so amazing and added power to the event.
Our guest speaker Rev. Dr. Thelma Johnson shared about how the family is the cornerstone of the nation and the school of love, which set the stage for our main speaker. She was followed by a famous singer Clifton Hardy who sang "You Took My Heart By Surprise" and had the audience rocking in their seats.
The main program was opened by Josef Schrattenecker the regional leader of FFWPU and Rev. Pete Sigueroa offered the invocation prayer which lead to the Holy wine ceremony. Everyone in the audience enjoyed sharing the holy wine and Rev. Schrattenecker did a wonderful job of explaining the ceremony.
Rev. Michael Lamson, the District Director of District 6 read Rev. Kwak’s speech and it was well received by those attending. His speech was followed by the Video "Blessed Families and the Ideal of Peace? Jin Hwa Yoshida was the invited to the stage to give the keynote address. She looked so peaceful and very professional. It was hard to believe that this was the first time she had given the speech as she quickly won the hearts of those listening. Many commented after the speech about how beautiful she was and many were amazed by her English.
Rev. Michael Lamson and his wife Wiveka conducted the blessing ceremony and Jin Hwa Yoshida returned to the stage to receive flowers and gifts from the District. This was followed by a rousing Ok Mansei lead by Andre Reese.
The program then continued with another musical selection followed by the film "On Common Ground" which lead up to the appointment ceremony of 5 new Ambassadors for Peace.
Next came the presentation of the Three Generational Certificates which were given to two families who came with members of three generations.
The event was really too wonderful to put into words or to show in a photo. You just had to be there to feel the unity and love that surrounded the hall and all those attending.
After the program local leaders went with Jin Hwa and her mother to our Japanese restaurant to share together a wonderful meal before departing to the airport.
Thank you to God, our True Parents and all the restored absolute good spirits for helping us to have such a wonderful event to offer heaven.
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