The Words of the Lamson Family |
Allowing God to Work and the Art of Heart-washing Hyun Jin Nim in Dayton and Columbus Ohio
Michael Lamson
January 26, 2007
Dayton, OH
As we came together to prepare for the arrival of Hyun Jin Nim and Jun Sook Nim, it became obvious that this would not be an event that we could do on our own. We needed God's direct intervention and support from the whole district, with mobilization and finances. We prayed and decided to "LET GO and LET GOD". He is an awesome God, and He worked His magic in Ohio with the support of all the members in the District.
On the 26th of January, Hyun Jin Nim arrived in Dayton, Ohio. At 2 pm we held a lunch meeting at O'Charlies restaurant in Dayton, Ohio for ACLC clergy and Ambassadors for Peace who are working in the district and who participated in the 4th World tour. There were 27 attending the luncheon. The spirit was so warm and uplifting as everyone shared their testimonies about the tour and about their growing relationships with our movement.
At 6:30 the doors opened for the main event at the Summit Christian Church in Dayton. The host pastor, Rev. Johnson, with the support of many from his congregation, provided an outstanding welcome for all those crowded into the packed church. Members of the Summit Christian Church under Rev. Johnson's guidance developed and printed the program as well as ushered and greeted guests. The Summit Christian Choir lifted the hearts of everyone present with their beautiful, professional musical presentations.
Archbishop Stallings, to the delight of all, became filled with the sprit and jumped from pew to pew. "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's ARCHBISHIP STALLINGS." What a moment, what a memory.
When Hyun Jin Nim arrived, those attending were well prepared to receive him and the message that he brought to share. Hyun Jin Nim got down and personal with the participants as he invested completely his energy and heart into those present. He walked up and down the aisles, getting close to people, touching their hearts and allowing God's love to flow into the church. Hyun Jin Nim touched people, and their lives, I believe, were changed forever through his "HEARTWASHING".
Hyun Jin Nim stressed the theme "One Family under God, Aju!" and in his presentation, his conviction that this vision is God's vision became clear. The vision was immediately adopted by those attending as people chanted together "One Family under God, Aju!" in unison.
Hyun Jin Nim also poured out so much love and concern to the leaders and members in Ohio and from the district. At the airport, in the hotel, and everywhere he went, Hyun Jin Nim shared his heart and expressed to everyone how much love True Parents have for members and the world. As we know, you can judge a man by his fruits. Hyun Jin Nim's, love for God and for the world make it easy to know True Parents. Through him, we can see the fruit of True Parents' work in America and the world and have great hope that all things are possible at this time.
At Hoon Dok Hae in Columbus on the 27th Hyun Jin Nim's couple continued to share their hearts and love with the members. After the reading of Speech #10 by one of our 2nd Gen., David Young, Hyun Jin Nim shared his heart and his passion for America with the members and guests. Everyone was amazed at how much Hyun Jin Nim knew about Ohio and the depth of his understanding about the people of Ohio. I wonder if Rev. Jenkins coached him (Rev. Jenkins is a son of Ohio.) The college age 2nd gen. in Ohio offered a song, followed by the STF band in an amazing ceremony that allowed all 1st gen. to become 18 again.
The breakfast meeting afterward for Ambassadors for Peace in Columbus was led by Rev. Tony Flores, and it renewed the vision of Ambassadors for Peace for the state and the District.
We are all changed from this experience as many were touched by God through Hyun Jin Nim's message and the love he so freely gives.
Testimonies Summit Christian Church, Dayton OH
As President of the International Ministerial Alliance of Dayton, I was elated to collaborate with other groups of Christians who preach love of peace and family.
Rev. Wilbert O Shanklin.
As Pastor, I enjoyed the time I spent at Summit Christian Church. The singing, the people and the love were in the air tonight. I was so moved by what I heard. I was hoping it would go on forever.
Pastor Allen Holland.
The invitation to attend Dr. Hyun Jin Moon's speech sparked my interest because I wanted to hear from Rev. Moon's son, myself. It was great to see so many people from all over the Midwest rallying together as one family of God. Based on my experience tonight, we need more of that type of message.
Pastor Robert Jones
This was one of the most spiritual-filled ACLC events that I have ever attended. It showed and exposed how the church, the family and the people of the world should be united under the one God that we have. Tonight's program set the stage for the work ahead for ACLC.
Bishop Richard Cox
This evening, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon shook the hearts of men, women and children with words repeating out aloud throughout his message and the audience participation. A heading which would also fit his message "RESTORE ME, RESTORE MY FAMILY, RESTORE MY NATION, AND RESTORE MY WORLD, IN THE NAME OF JESUS. (Aju) Amen!"
Rev. Dr. Melva Dorsey.
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