The Words of the Lamson Family |
Hope Harmony And Healing In Columbus Ohio
Michael Lamson
May 27, 2007
Columbus, OH
Family Federation members, ACLC clergy, Ambassadors for Peace and many friends of the Unification movement joined together in an effort to welcome True Mother and Hyun Jin Nim to Columbus, Ohio, for the 50 State Tour. It was an amazing experience, and it took us on a journey where we learned that the theme of the tour Americas Destiny: Realizing One Family Under God! Hope Harmony and Healing was more than just a slogan.
It became clear as we developed our outreach plan and many people came together with their ideas and inspirations that this was our destiny as well: that we are already One Family Under God united around a vision of peace for all people. We were not just bringing a message of Hope, Harmony and Healing but we were living the message as we worked together to welcome Mother Moon. We felt great Hope as we were reaching out to others; we worked in Harmony even though we were from different races, cultures and religions; and we experienced Healing as we learned to respect and honor one another. God is an amazing God.
We decided to create a reunion of friends who could welcome Mother Moon so each of our members and friends invited only people they knew. This meant that there were no strangers in the event, only extended family. The strategy worked, and the event was filled with people who knew each other.
Bishop Emma White, I think, had the most friends at the event as she brought over 127 people from the Dayton area. Rev. Tony Flores with his AFC contacts reached out to appoint over 83 new Ambassadors for Peace and played a major role in bringing together 136 women for the Welcoming Committee. It was obvious that God has been and is still very much working through women to create a culture of peace, and this was reinforced in Mother Moons speech as she shared that this is the era of women.
The event, which started with a banquet, was held at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Columbus. The hall was filled with guests who came to hear the peace message and to share the evening with others who are also concerned about the world and how to make peace a reality.
The preprogram was led by Dr. William Craig and opened with a prayer by Rev. Robert Jones. Providence and the Gospel Gems lifted up the spirit as only music can while, Mrs. Pendra Lee Snyder and Dr. Hazel Williams shared messages filled with hope and a call to take action to the world. Rev. Tony Flores through his sharing and video presentation "The Power of Parents to Change Lives" set the stage for the coming Parents Day celebrations.
Rev. Michael Jenkins took the lead in the main program and launched right into the Ambassadors for Peace and the five core values that are the foundation for the Ambassadors for Peace movement. Rev. Lillie North inspired many as she offered the invocation prayer and set the perfect atmosphere for the main program. Rev. and Mrs. Bishop Jordan was the representative couples on stage for the Blessing of Families as Rev. Michael Jenkins lead all those in attendance to be a part of making a new start in their families.
Dr. Chang Shik Yang in his welcome address provided many insights into the providence which we are now living and the role each of us should take as we join hands with True Parents in building the Peace Kingdom.
Entertainment in the main program was provided by Ms. ___, who offered three songs during the event. Hearing her sing is like being embraced by heaven.
One of the biggest highlights of the evening was Dr. Hyun Jin Moon as he introduced the keynote speaker, his mom. His introduction, the things he shared about his family and the power of his mom, moved everyone in the hall. What better testimony can parents have than when their children are following in their parents footsteps?
True Mother was just amazingly beautiful, dignified and warm as she shared the Founders Address.
After Mother Moons speech, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Rev. Michael Jenkins, Rev. Michael Lamson and Rev. Tony Flores presented Ambassadors for Peace certificates to 6 representatives from the 83 Ambassadors for Peace who were appointed that evening. After the Ambassadors for Peace appointments, 8 leaders for Ohio were presented Family Church Peace Flags to hang in their homes or churches.
The program moved ahead with the signing of the Declaration of Peace led by Mrs. Alexa Ward and three women for the Welcome Committee and was closed with a song by Ms. ___ and a prayer by Pastor Thomas Johnson.
God was able to help us offer True Parents and the True Family a victory in Ohio because members and friends were united in their desire to bring their friends to hear the message of peace. We all shared together and the night will be one we will remember for many years to come. A BIG thank you to all those who made the event wonderful.
Rev. Michael Lamson District 6 Columbus, Ohio
Dr. Moons speech really made me realize that we are one family under God. This is the way I live and teach in my ministry. I feel blessed to have been a part of this gathering. My fiancé and I will take what we have heard tonight and share it with others.
Pastor, Gods Vision Church
There was so much unity in this meeting tonight and in the message given by Mother Moon and her son. I enjoyed the entire program and the message which promoted world peace, family and the call for women to take the rightful role in the family and the providence by living for the sake of others.
Rev. Lillie North, Pastor and Ambassador for Peace
The theme of our church this year is "The Year of the Family". This occasion was a confirmation that God speaks to those who are called to proclaim His message. It was a moving, spiritual event. The acknowledgement of women taking a central role to establish peace was a profound blessing.
Minister, First Church of God
In our life times it is not often that we can meet or hear a living saint; tonight I heard two when Mrs. Moon and her son spoke.
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon and his message "One Family Under God" has moved me so deeply. Through the message and the people gathered at this event, I could see that God is working in miraculous ways through Mrs. Moon and her family.