The Words of the Lamson Family |
ILC Conference in Alaska 8/28-29/07
Michael Lamson
August 29, 2007
I arrived in Kodiak at 4:00pm on the 28th. We were very blessed to be on the same plane with Hyun Jin Nim on the flight from Anchorage to Kodiak. He talked with many people at the airport and even though he flew from Israel to Alaska he was full of energy and excited about going to Kodiak.
All the FFWPU members are staying at Angel Garden and AFP (guests) are in hotels. It was interesting sleeping on the floor with the brothers, I had not done that for quite a while. Orientation was at 8:30pm and we all retired early. Some people traveled 30 hours to get to Kodiak. There are people from 23 nations attending the conference.
On the 29th we woke up at 4am and everyone gathered at North Garden to join True Parents for HDH. Father shared many times during the HDH while Dr. Yang was giving reports. HDH finished around 8am. I will send the HDH notes. Father is very happy and relaxed.
It has been raining all week but yesterday and today was full of sun and a big blue sky. Father has been fishing in the rain for a few days before we arrived.
At 9am the conference started. Topics covered today were:
A Vision of Peace: One World Family Under God. Religion, Spirituality and Leadership United Nations Renewal: The Significance of Civil Society and Religion Understanding the Root Cause of Conflict Principles of Restoration The Significance of Marriage, Family and the Blessing
The mayor of Kodiak came at 2pm and welcomed all the participants to Kodiak. She shared about the impact (positive) our movement has had on Kodiak and a little about the history of Kodiak.
Hyun Jin Nim spoke at 4pm and I will send the note from his talk latter today.
My brother Art and sister Jean will join the fishing tournament on Friday and Saturday. Everyone is talking about catching a big fish.
I miss everyone!!!!
Rev. Lamson