The Words of the Lamson Family |
Cameroon National Messiah Mission
Michael Lamson
July 21, 1999
Our family volunteered for NM mission because we were worried that not enough older couples would be able to go because of family size and debts. I must be honest and say that we were hopping enough older couples would respond so we would not need to go. Our lives were very full and we were in debt up to our ears. Anyway we were called and there was no backing out. I still sit sometimes at night and wonder what life would be like if I was still in DC and often think about friends, family and fast food.
We tried to make money, pay off debts and arrange as much as possible to be ready to depart only to discover that we would never be ready. There was just no way to make money, the debts were to high and to prepare ones family for a journey that was to last three generations was too heavy to think about. I was going through a new phase in my life at that time where plans were long term, I would really plant myself into the DC community, become free of all debts and never move again - what happened? Wiveka and I talked and made the decision to take a leap of faith and just trust that we would be walking with Father each day and he would help us find a way. At our age we knew that we would not have another chance and a wrong decision could quite possibly sink our ship and even destroy our family.
Now we are here in Cameroon for going on three years and would like to say we made the right decision. Our faith in God and our Parents vision has become so strong and we experience the direct intervention of spiritual world in such practical ways. Our children have become so united with us and understand the value of what we do. This unity allows us to work and accomplish much more than was possible in the states where are children could not really understand the mission of UC. Most of those we owed money to have forgiven us the debt and those we still need to pay have a better chance as possibilities here are greater for making money. We will focus on economic issues after the blessing in 2000 - unless Father asks us to bless 1 billion.
In Cameroon we were able to build IRFF to help with the external suffering from poverty. IRFF was the best tool for VIP outreach and winning the support of government. With WFWP we have been working on the problems of Gender. In Cameroon women have almost no rights to property or children and this makes them vulnerable to much abuse. Through YFWP we are building PLA and CARP. FFWPU introduces all to our Parents, teaches the principle and organizes most activities that were covered by UC which we closed in 1997. We now have over 1.2 million FFWPU members and centers in 5 of the 10 provinces.
A mission connected to TPs is a great blessing and even with all its problems we are filled with joy each day. There are always things we are lacking and things we need help with but we'll say it for another day.
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