The Words of the Lane Family |
Myung Moon and family, May 1, 2011
The week-end of June 17-19 was when Scotland's Community Interfaith Society and the local branch of the Universal Peace Federation joined forces to hold a Youth Leadership seminar in the hills and woodlands of Glenprosen in north east Scotland. This scenic and somewhat remote part of the country had been the training ground for some of Captain Robert Falcon Scott's tragic polar explorers in the early part of the twentieth century.
Now young people, from different parts of Scotland and, from as far afield as Kazakhstan and Belgium, were meeting to explore their views of life and prepare for the moral and relational challenges that lie ahead of them in the 21st century.
Dr. James Baughman's presentations were on subjects such as,
What is a Leader?
Good and Evil and
the Purpose of Existence
The Family, Marriage and Human
Character, Discipline and Personal
Setting and Achieving Life Goals
Although those attending came from different backgrounds, faith traditions and cultures they were at times surprised that their ideals, values and aspirations had so much in common. As well as studying, participants were able to enjoy walking the hills – despite the weather -and share meals and leisure time.
They were also glad to have time to reflect on their life goals and set an agenda for future plans and personal development.
Many thanks to the team of James Baughman, Paul Currie, Arthur and Irina Gardner, Kazue Allard and all those that supported the week-end.