Unification Sermons and Talks |
by Reverends Lowen |
High School Sunday Church School Education Program
Sandra S. Lowen
For those JPFFWP folks that have not got a copy, and others, attached is a part of the Curriculum Outline proposed by the Kathy Winnings at the NYC-HSA Sunday School Teachers convention this August. This part is by Saundra Lang, and contains an outline of proposed lessons for 9th to 12th Graders.
Below is and "Introduction" by Saundra, A lesson plan for lesson # 1, "Study course", "Format for materials", "Arrangement of materials", And "Lesson Paln - Outline", which is and an outline of proposed lesson plan topics for 4 years.
By next year more actual Lesson plans should have been created. I am putting my First Grade lessons into E-format, and have the first 10 or so completed. -Jon
>From Saundra:
A Sunday Church School Education Program For 9th, 10th, 11th And 12th Graders
Sandra S. Lowen July 15, 1995
The 9th to 12th grader is standing upon the threshhold to independence. For the most part, he or she(1) has successfully traversed the rebellion and confusion of early adolescence, and is cognitively and emotionally prepared--even anxious--to contemplate approaching adulthood with a sense of anticipation and hope.
Typically, the elder teen involved with the Church has been to numerous workshops and seminars, and is well-grounded in the essentials of Divine Principle. The next several years, however, will bring him into contact with many different people, whose lifes styles may well confront, challenge, and even shake his own convictions. The voices of those who tell him that his life experience has been shallow and sheltered and that his knowledge of the "real" world is little more than theoretical will echo loudly in his ears.
Unfortunately, our past efforts at establishing a program for the older teen have been sadly lacking, largely due to the youth of our movement. Even the elders among the American second generation are just reaching their middle teenage years, for the most part, figuring from 1978, the year in which the bulk of the 1800 couples began their marriages.(2) Despite True Parents' warning in 1969 upon the occasion of the foundational 13 Couples Blessing in Washington D.C. that members would have to provide for the total education of their future generations, this education is only now coming to pass. As a result, our older children have had to establish their own ethics and morality in a world that was not designed for them.
Our children face many crises of faith.
We may pride ourselves as a religious movement that the plagues of secular adolescents--teen pregnancy and abortion, STDs, substance abuse, and promiscuity--have virtually passed our children by. However, this sterling record does not hold into adulthood. A significant number of eligible second generation young adults chose to pass up the Blessing for educational or business opportunities. A few have, upon reaching adulthood, indulged in sexual activity or even taken spouses outside the church, thus throwing away their precious lineages.
Still others, while pledged to fidelity to the Church and True Parents, have found Church leaders and central figures to be oppressive, or have discovered little within the structure to challenge them. They view church life as dull, and the continuous loop-recycling of Divine Principle to be unappetizing. Where, they wonder, is the excitement their parents spoke of? How, now that their status is clear to them, do they realize in a practical and pragmatic way the vision of a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth which is the end-point of the Principle?
A number of children have been infected with the problems and attitudes of the outside world--moral and ethical confusion, intolerance for those of different races, religions, and cultures, and a rank disrespect for property and the environment. Such confusion may stem from their homes, the media, or peers. Such children may find themselves living two lives; a, Unification Church "Sunday" life and a workaday weekly life in which they are almost two different personalities. Those who are under the influence of such confusion are at-risk of becoming second generation dropouts, for whom the call of the world is simply louder and more appealing than that of the Church.
Still there are other children who ask about the traditions of the church and how to continue them when they come into their own as parents to the third generation. With 1998 and the anticipated three million blessing so close, they wish to prepare for holy marriage and the responsibilities of married life and parenthood.
Our work is clear.
With these concerns before us, a curriculum almost suggests itself. The ideal program of study would:
1. fortify the individual , for confrontation and contact with other concepts and ideologies;
2. clearly define aspects of the primordial deviation from the ideal and the significance of their having been reclaimed by True Parents as blessed children;
3. explore the balance between physical and spiritual activities-bread-winning and mission-fulfilling--in terms of their personal responsibilities;
4. inspire the development of social opportunities including and going beyond Church activities; such as:
A. witnessing
B. community action
C. attending movies
D. trips and travel
E. workshops
F. dances and banquets
G. lecture practice
H. honors and celebration activities
I. competition
J. leadership and character training
K. service projects
L. creative art training and exhibitions
Frequent training
Recently a 70-day training program was instituted for high school students. While such a program was very beneficial to those who could attend, many students have commitments to family or their education which make such a protracted block of time untenable. Relevant lectures on the Divine Principle over shorter periods of time, such as three-day workshops under the aegis of the Sunday School would be especially good for such students. If programs could be held four times a year--let us say the weekends before the school year starts, before God's Day, spring break, and the end of the school year(3). The objectives would be:
1. To instruct in Church traditions, such as prayer, making appropriate indemnity conditions, Church service preparation, and domestic traditions, such as holy salting and Pledge service;
2. To make available the testimonies of faith of elder members.
A very skeletonized version of a two-year program for grades 9 through 12 appears below.Some resource lecturers are proposed.
Previous planners relied heavily upon Seminary graduates as lecturers for high school aged students. While the presentations were for the most part informative, many students found them also to be "dry' and "boring". For this age group, graduation from the seminary cannot be the singular qualification for selection to lecture.
Let us hope that we may establish a viable plan for these students who have for such a long time been deprived of a program fitting their needs.
In Their Names
Sandra S. Lowen
Lesson One: The Blessing
1. What does it mean to be Blessed?
2. What kind of preparation should you be making right now to prepare for your Blessing?
3. Why is the Blessing important?
Since you were very young, you have probably heard people telling you that you were a Blessed child, or that you were expected to marry within your Church when you reached the appropriate age. Perhaps you witnessed the Church marriage of an older brother or sister or of members of True Family.
It is easy to think of the Blessing as something that will come to you inevitably, when you are old enough, and to think that you will have an ideal and happy life. Yet, what does it mean to be blessed? Why should you seek out the Blessing? How will you know that you are being blessed to the person of your destiny?
First of all, the Blessing comes to us on the foundation of the victory of our True Parents. The Divine Principle teaches us that, as a result of True Parents' discovery of the cause of humankind's separation from God and subjugation of Satan by confronting him with his crime, your parents were able to overcome their original sin conditionally and grow toward God. You were conceived, therefore, by them in their state of grace.
When a child is conceived, he receives the status of his parents' state of spiritual growth. If they are at an undeveloped level, the child is born with an undeveloped spirit, subject to the whims of the negative spirit world. If, however, he is conceived by parents who have surpassed the spiritual level at which Adam and Eve fell, then he inherits their spiritual level.
Because Adam and Eve were subjugated by Satan at the top of the growth stage, Satan has dominated the entire spirit world up to that point. To escape his dominion, therefore, it would be necessary for a human being to grow beyond the top of the growth stage. Still, if a person at a higher stage married someone below his stage, they would share spiritual elements. Unfortunately, he would not pull her up; she would pull him down into the realm in which he, too, could be dominated by Satan.
What if two Blessed people were to fall in love with each other and, without the authorization of the Church, marry? Without God's blessing through True Parents, their union would constitute a fall, and they would both plummet into a satanic realm ruled by Satan.
Domination by evil is not pleasant!
Perhaps you have many friends who are not Blessed who appear happy and well adjusted. Perhaps some of your Blessed friends are unhappy, complaining people. Can it really be true, then, that your life is much better because you are Blessed? How?
You are probably aware of the service and sacrifice of your parents and many First Generation members, who worked hard with our True Parents to make a successful foundation for your generation. Unfortunately, despite their hard work and earnestness, they were unable to make a substantial foundation to make this world a safe place for Second Generation. As a result, you are like benign aliens, who have landed in a world that is not ready for you. What kind of person could actually be contented and well adjusted in today's world, with its wars, crimes, poverty, disease, discrimination, hatreds, and fears?
Of course, there are brothers and sisters who complain too much or want too much; but this is generally a case of faulty upbringing that has not bred selfishness out of them. In general, however, we cannot be content with today's world, because it is not the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which it is our destiny to live in.
Many Second Generation youths are fortunate enough to live in pleasant, suburban surroundings, have access to shiny new cars, attend modern, well-equipped schools, and always have extra money to spend for movies, clothes, or other things they want. Others, however, live in towns that are not safe, because of crime or even wars. They may have to share their room with several siblings or other Center members, with a minimum of privacy. Everywhere they go, they walk. Some have had to fundraise or work from an early age, in order to help support their families or their Centers. Perhaps they do not always eat well, and sometimes at night they are cold. It is difficult for them, but also it makes other Second Generation children sad and even a little angry to know their spiritual brothers and sisters are suffering so.
However, this is only physical domination by evil circumstances. Imagine being spiritually impoverished; wishing to grow and move forward and finding yourself unable to. This is the tragedy of domination by Satan. In every area, anytime limitations are imposed on someone, he cannot accomplish what he should be able to. We cannot reach our spiritual, physical, mental, or emotional destinies if we are hampered by limitations.
It is a well-established fact that most of our Blessed children are more excellent academically than other children, if they truly apply themselves. Blessed children tend to score higher on intelligence tests, and we have many geniuses. Is this an accident? No; absolutely not. Most have highly-developed wills, even as toddlers, and will persevere beyond the endurance of ordinary children. Those who can see spiritually testify to the auric and spiritual beauty and development of our children.
Life is about spiritual development.
A child spends 280 days in his mother's womb. While he forms some specific adaptive structures, such as the umbilical cord, which accommodate him during his womb life, virtually everything that happens to him in the womb is for the purpose of his next life, that on the physical earth. What if the child became side-tracked by some experience in the womb and decided to devote a major part of his growing time to that, or found the process of preparing for earthly life to be tiresome or "boring"? Then he might arrive on earth missing some major organ, or unable to live at all.
Many Blessed children complain about their way of life. They are unhappy that they are always having to attend Sunday School, or participate in some campaign, or pray, or get up early in the morning for Pledge service when their friends are blissfully sleeping. Some curse this life, and wonder why they were chosen for it. Secretly, or perhaps not so secretly, they wish they could just be ordinary people, and let the Providence pass them by. Yet, like the fetus who doesn't want to prepare themselves for earth life, they run the risk of not being prepared for the next life.
As much as we may enjoy life on this earth and be grateful to be alive, we must all, without exception, die someday. It is then, if we have never been convinced before, that we shall understand the true blessing of being Blessed.
"I had had a high fever for a couple of days, and I fell into a fitful sleep. I dreamed of a room, like a waiting room. Everything in it was white. The floors, the ceilings, even a White lady with white hair and a white dress sat behind a white desk. The only thing that wasn't white was a red rose in a vase on a desk, which I knew represented my life. It was still in bud, even though I was 30 at the time.
There were other people in the room, waiting around to be called. The woman told me to pick my leader, and pointed to what looked like revolving metal CD racks. Each held a key like for a Xerox machine, with the picture of a spiritual leader on it. They were all there; Guru Maraji, Yogananda--I was looking for Father, but I could not find him, so I thought I would take Jesus' key, since I had felt very close to him. Then I saw that rising out of the rack Jesus' key was on, at the very top almost at the ceiling, was Father's key. I climbed up and got it. Everyone in the waiting room was very impressed; they all smiled, and said, "You chose the right one." I put the key in the slot indicated in the wall and out came a package with a robe so white and yet of all different colors. I have never seen anything like it on earth. Then I put the key in a slot in the wall and a compartment opened up, like a pneumatic tube. In it was a one-person car, with a bright orange leather seat. I put one foot in, and looked into the tube.
I could see lights in the tube. I almost stepped in, but then I realized that if I got in, I would never return to the earth; I would die. I wanted to go, but I knew my life was not over, because of the rose. I was Blessed, but had not begun family life, and I had no child. I knew I had more to accomplish for True Parents. Meanwhile, the people in the room asked me if I intended to go or not.
I was tempted again, thinking I might not always be at such a good level; but I wanted to live. I felt my body say, "No" as I stepped out. The next instant I awoke in my bed, in a sweat. My fever had broken. I believe that if I had stepped into that car it would have taken me to a beautiful place in the spiritual world, because I followed True Parents on earth. That dream took away my fear of dying, and also let me know that our work for True Parents is essential for our spiritual growth."
-Above is a First-Generation member, on a near-death experience.
Many members have testified to the validity of our Blessing through experiences such as this one. Following True Parents is, according to this experience, the paramount thing on earth. Video games, movies, nice clothes, a good job, a six-figure income, buff bodies, school, friends--they will become insignificant the instant we leave this life. It would be unfortunate, indeed, if that became the moment of our deepest regret! When you were in your mother's womb, you did not fool around. You did not get sidetracked. Nothing mattered to you other than getting developed so that you could come out whole. Is it the same with your spiritual life?
How fortunate you are, to be in your position! You are among the most envied people on earth. If you lose your Blessing, however, you will become the laughingstock of the satanic world and the source of much pain and suffering for your family and your descendants:
"I really thought I couldn't wait. I wasn't old enough spiritually to go to the Matching, and everyone kept saying they didn't know when the next one would be. I was getting old; at least, I thought so. Joey(4) and I had always been friends, and we were on the same fundraising team. One thing led to another, and we decided we didn't want to wait for the Blessing, and we might not get each other, anyway, so we left and got married.
I could convince myself for awhile that the Principle wasn't that important, or that Father was just a nice man; but when I saw my child's face it was all over. She was beautiful, and she was smart, healthy--everything you could want; but she wasn't Blessed I felt terrible, because I knew I could have given that to her. Whenever I looked at her I felt so guilty. Worst of all, there was another Matching just 18 months after I left, and a Blessing a week later (2075).
Some of the people who were faithful and waited to be Blessed had children older than my daughter.
Even though we became active with the church, a few years later, when I saw her playing with the Blessed children, my heart would break. One day she asked me, "Mommy, am I a Blessed child?" and all I could do was cry. Plus, Joey and I fell out of love with each other. He finally wanted nothing to do with the Church, and when we separated, he tried to have our daughter taken away on the grounds that I was involved with the movement.
My poor child! For the sake of pleasure right now, when I wanted it, I murdered her spiritually. I gave up everything to marry a man I can't stand the sight of now. Nobody would marry outside the Church, once they heard the Principle, if they could understand what the Blessing means to their children.
- A single mother seeking the Blessing, fifteen years later."
How fortunate you are!
Nothing is more valuable than your status as a Second Generation child; not your schooling, not a job, not your sexual feelings, not your desire for friends, nothing. You are the most envied people in the universe, living or in spirit. Don't just hang on, doing the minimum you can to maintain your status as a Second Generation member. Value your Blessing. Seek to make of it a rich experience for yourself and your future generations.
Some Points For Discussion
1. What does it mean to be a Blessed child?
2. What are some of the problems Blessed children have in relating to the Principle?
3. Compare the lives of Second Generation and ordinary children.
4. Why would it be such a great disaster to lose your blessing status?
Study Course
9TH - 12TH graders need: To begin preparing substantially for the Blessing;
1. Church traditions and practices;
2. Pre-Marriage workshops (S. Lowen)
3. Understanding of Three Blessings (J. Williams)
To prepare for their role as parents
1. Parental heart and love;
2. Inner-Child (Re-Parenting) workshop (R. Cohen)
To avoid sexual and substance temptations
1. Substantive explanation of the Fall and its consequences, almost to the Kamiyama 1976 Parents' Workshop standard (Rev. Baughman-See Today's World, 5/95);
2. Free Teens presentation (R. Panzer or Dr. Bergman)
3. Mind and Body as Temples of God (Drs. Cabrera and Pearson), incorporating right eating and exercise;
4. Points from China and Russia sexuality courses (S. Lowen, J. Williams, M. Stanecki);
To develop practical knowledge re: living away from home:
1. Movies, TV, and their effects on the mind (pornographyand violence);
2. Cleanliness and Godliness
a. Personal hygiene
b. Environmental order
c. Beauty (design and developing an artist's eye) S. Koch
3. Money Management (P. Shanker)
a. Health and Life Insurance
b. Budgeting
c. Banking and Credit
d. Investing
To formulate and implement a viable life plan
1. Daily, Weekly, and Monthly planning
2. One, Five, Ten, 20, 50, 100-year plans (Father's speech)
To keep the faith
1. An evaluation and critique of world religions;
2. Topic-by-topic study, quizzes, and testing in Divine Principle;
3. Lecture practice and competition.
4. Overview of practices of daily Principled living
Format for materials:
I propose the development of a Teachers Manual and a Student 'Text. As most of the materials would not change, this could be a standardized text, to be distributed to the students each year at the beginning of the Sunday School term, with tear-out work sheets, as indicated. An alternative for students' worksheets would be to arrange each month's lessons into smaller texts, which could clip into a notebook. Less desirable, but certainly possible, would be to arrange individual lessons into worksheets, which could be distributed at the beginning of each class, to accommodate new students. The lessons compiled a year at a time, or four books for each high school student, would appear to be the most feasible plan, though month-by-month would permit more flexibility in deciding what should be taught. Four books would ensure that a student moving from one area to another would cover the entire spectrum of material.
As students would be able to study the material in advance, there would be less possibility that they would come unprepared for discussions. This would also place less strain on less-skilled teachers, who would be able to read the materials students were studying in advance and plan for subjects with which they were less familiar. Finally, an overview over a longer period of time would permit time to arrange for outside speakers, plan field trips, and prepare musical and visual offerings well in advance.
Arrangement Of Materials
Why does this particular program begin with Blessing? Mainly because the Blessing is what interests this age group most. Espousal to a heavenly mate is the "hook" for this generation, which has so many other possibilities before it. As well, involvement in the 1998, or Year 2000 Blessing is one of the goals for this group.
Despite the age difference for the younger ninth graderwho is as young as 13, and the older twelfth grader, who is as old as 19, I am recommending whole-group presentations, with discussions in groups divided by grade.
Lesson Plan - Outline
Year One
September: The Blessing
- We understand its meaning
- We understand the procedure [Video]
- We prepare our hearts
- We prepare our environment
October: The Third Generation
- Their mission and task
- Raising children lovingly
- Carrying out our traditions [Presentation of Tradition book]
- Instilling a sense of destiny
November: Victory Over the Pitfalls
- The Identity of the Serpent (Ch. 11 lecture)
- Results of the Fall
- Dealing with Sin Today: Ugliness in Pretty Packages
- Waiting (Pledge of Chastity)
December: Being Different
- Loneliness
- God's Island in a Foul Sea
- Dealing with Friends (Peer Pressure, taking leadership)
- Dealing with Opposite-Sex Friends
January: Being Different
- Parties, Dances, and Dates
- The Need to Witness and Teach
- Witnessing Practice I
- Witnessing Practice II
February: Loving the World
- Racial and Religious Differences
- Economic Problems
- Morality Problems
- Old Age
March: Other Ideologies
- Fundamentalist Christianity
- Islam to Baha'i
- Hindiism to Krsna Consciousness
- Atheism to Materialism
April: Our Divine Principle
- Father's Life Course (encapsulation)
- Mother's Life Course (encapsulation)
- True Family's Life Course
- Your Family's Life Course
May: And Now, It's Up to You...
- Your Life-Plan: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 yrs.
- Dealing with Doubt: Questions and Answers
- I Pledge I Will Go! Day of Repentance and Dedication
- Day of Celebration (Trip, picnic, or other activity)
Year Two
September: Lighting the Path
- Overcoming Peer Pressure
- Dealing with Conflicts at Home
- Arbitrating/Communicating
- Witnessing: Role Play
October: Our Church Work
- Witnessing II (Under local church leadership)
- Working with Younger Children: Camp, Sunday School, Sitting
- Helping My Church and Community: Fundraising, Role Play
- Church and Community 11: Fundraising for Unicef/UC
November: A Season of Thankfulness
- US History and My Ancestors
- Collections and Delivery
- My Personal Testimony of Thankfulness
- Being Thankful for Adversity (Indemnity)
December: The Life of Jesus (from the Gospels)
- Environment and Significance
- The Early Years (to Baptism)
- The Mission Goes Forth
- Betrayal, Trial, Death, Resurrection
January: The Old Testament
- Books of Law
- Books of History
- Books of Poetry
- Books of Prophecy
February: The New Testament
- After the Resurrection
-The Disciples' Lives
- Pauline Christianity
- The Book of the Revelation to John
March: Our U.S. Church's History
- The missionaries to America
- Father's Speaking Tours; The Pioneers
- Organizations
- Where We Are Today
April: Our Church Around the World
- European Missionaries (1965)
- Pioneers (1975)
- Africa, South America, and the Pacific
- The Asian Church
May: The Church and My Future
- The Washington Times
- Bridgeport, Barrytown
- Manhattan Center
- Experiencing Center Life (Field Experience)
Year III: I Plan My Future
September: I Make a Life Plan
- My dreams and ambitions (group discussion)
- My talents and skills (skills tests, group discussion)
- Balancing Mission and Work, Career, Parenthood
- My Hundred-Year Plan (Introduction and Work Session)
October: I Plan My Education
- Getting the best out of high school
- Planning for College: Where, When, How, Why
- Living On Campus (Panel discussion)
- Why I Want/Don't Want to go to college
November: I Examine My Standards
- What I Do when I'm Not With You (Ethics/Morality)
- Peer Pressure and Me
- "Drinkin', Carousin' and Livin' a Life of Sin"
- How I Handle Problems (Situational Role Play)
December: I Take Control of My Inner Life
- Garbage In, Garbage Out: What I choose to see and hear
- Developing a Peaceful State: Meditation and Devotional Study
- My Prayer Life - Pt. I (Guest Speaker)
- My Prayer Life - Pt. 11 (Experiential and Group Discussion)
January: I Take Control of My External Life - My Body: Diet and Health (Speaker)
- My Body: Exercise and Health (Speaker and Experiential)
- My Immediate World: Organizing my space and belongings
- My Attire: Appropriate Dress is not Inappropriate!
February: I Learn to Get Along with Others
- Proper Relationship of males and females
- Communications
- Respecting my parents and elders
- Relating to Non-Church People
March: I Learn Traditions
- Relating to True Parents and True Family
- Ceremonies of Sanctification (Holy-salting, etc.)
- Sunday Service (importance and order)
- Pledge Service (History, when said, etc.)
April: I Learn Traditions (11)
- Making an Offering Table
- Arranging an Altar for All Occasions
- Church Holidays (origins, how celebrated, etc.)
- Holy Grounds (If possible, arrange field trip)
May: I Learn Traditions (111)
- Liberation and Depossession Services
- Reading of the Literature (Father's speeches, Bible, etc.)
- I review the Blessing Criteria
- Closing Sunday School picnic
Year Four: And Now I Get Serious
!September: True Father's Life
- Backdrop: Japanese occupy Korea, Buddhism, Korean Christianity
- True Father's birth, family, early life, Call by Jesus
- The Search for the Principle; Subjugating Satan, beginning mission
- Tong-In, the journey south, Pusan
October: True Father's Life (II)
- Beginning again: Early disciples, prison, Ehwa, Missionaries
- The Holy Wedding of 1960; 3, 12, 24, 36, 72, 124, 430 Blessing
- Building the American movement (Holy Grounds, 1965 tour, 1969 - Blessing
- Subsequent Blessings (with movies where possible)
November: True Father's Life (111)
- Speaking Tours
- Trial and Imprisonment, w/ Prisoners' testimonies
- ICUS, Religious Freedom, CAUSA, trips to USSR and N. Korea
- Vision for South America
December: True Mother's Life
- Our Living Feminine Spirit
- Birth of a Princess
- Fleeing the North, Marriage
- Women's Federation and Beyond
January: True Children's Lives
- The elder True Children (Blessed)
- The younger True Children (not yet Blessed)
- True Parents' Third Generation
- How to Attend True Family
February: Developing Leadership Ability
- Qualities of a Good Central Figure
- Leading where others can follow
- Directing a Center
- Community Activist Skills
March Developing Leadership Ability (II)
- Home Church
- Home Town
- Presenting an Effective Sermonette
- Sermonette Practice
April: What Have I Learned?
- Divine Principle Review
- Divine Principle Review
- Divine Principle Q & A
- Divine Principle Test
May: Moving Up, Moving On to Move the World
- Discussion and Distribution of Principle Tests
- Moments Together (Activities)
- Class Trip - Grand site, TBA
- Graduation/Awards Ceremony
Footnotes to the text:
(l)For convenience of reference, generalized gender will be referred to as "he" .
(2)0f the previous couples, only seven of the 13 couples blessed in the U.S. and three of the seven U.S. 777 couples blessed in Korea have children who are actively involved in the Church.
(3)Such dates would probably vary from region to region and from year to year. However, many parents complained that their children would not be able to spend such a long period of time away from family activities and responsibilities, particularly those involving grandparents and extended family. There was also complaint that notice for workshops came long after they had planned other activities for their children. Much of this planning is done as early as the beginning of the new year. We might do well to schedule events much farther in advance, so that children are able to attend.
(4)No real names are used in this text unless so indicated.
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