The Words of the Malicdem Family |
"I have always been a supporter in the past. Life as a supporter, life as a new leader is different. Sometimes, I forget that I am already a national leader. I am still finding my way around, it's hard so I am trying hard, too."
Philippines – Our continental director, Rev. Dr. Yong mentioned that the Chinese character of filial piety, looks like an old man with a stick. Taking a closer look after a presentation of children in Laguna with a map of the Philippines on their backs -- an inspiration about the map of the Philippines with the Chinese character of Filial Piety on top of it looks it reveals that the shape of the Philippine islands looks like the character of filial piety. So, Filipinas means Filial Nation or Nation of Filial Piety. Our mission is to be a nation of filial piety.
Our international Unification Church President, Rev. Dr. Hyung Jin Moon, said that there are three levels of filial piety.
Level 1 – Serving your parents and attending to their needs.
Level 2 – Preserving and protecting your parents name, dignity and reputation.
Level 3 – Glorifying and testifying about the greatness of your parents.
We are a daughter nation. But, the destiny of a daughter is to become a mother.
120 Holy Grounds is Rev. Jun Basuil's offering before he went to the Spirit World. He talked about his going to Spirit World as an offering a year and a half ago. A few members are beginning to remember what he said sometime in the past as an offering. He also told Brother Julius that he will continue his work after a year a half.
Spiritual trinity of Jose Mata, Kuya Soc, and Brother Jun Basuil plus the support of all those who went to SW already. Family members feel their presence sometimes. Some members dream about them.
Dr. Venus Agustin dreamed about Atty. Dr. Celso Talaba gaining weight and preparing lectures with Kuya Zinc Bacalares in Spirit World.
Do 15 minutes of Divine Principle reading before starting any meeting. We can see and solve more problems and situation when we do Hoon Dok Hae before doing our official business.
Talking about the stages and levels of activities that UM Philippines is doing now: It's like the story in the Bible about the Israelites marching around the Walls of Jericho. Once a day around. 7th day – 7 x marching around and then they raised a great shout... and the walls crumbled.
First time – no result, 2nd. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, nothing happens and then on the 7th we fulfill the goal.
1st time – establish holy ground
2nd time –UPF 1-day seminars (meeting mayors, VIPs in the Holy Ground Areas)
Establish Traditions of:
1. Education (1-Day, 3-day, 7-day, 21-day, 40-day, 120 days) Read 100x all 8 books of Father starting with 1-Hour Divine Principle reading 100x..
Offer it like, 3 times. Record it and save it on PC.
Though Hoon Dok Tradition – Reading is like receiving God's love. If you read more, you will have more love and more power of the words of God. Adam and Eve lost the word of God. So we must regain those words by dong Hoon Dok Hae every day. You will receive more blessings if you do ore Hoon Dok Hae readings.
The beginning point of the Kingdom of Heaven starts from knowing and receiving God's love by doing Hoon Dok Hae. Every day becomes a day of receiving love and repentance when we do Hoon Dok Hae.
When you read, just read and don't stop and analyze. Use your trinity organs to attain mind and body unity: eyes, ears, and mouth. Hoon Dok Hae can heal sickness. You can hear or receive spiritual guidance or inspirations. Kuya Joshua's testimony about his eye problem that became very clear. Hoon Dok Hae reading virus should be spread out especially to those who are immune.
2. Witnessing
Witnessing is not just an option of Hoon Dok Hae. When we give life, we get back life in return. When we give love, we get love in return. When we are alive we can easily give life. It is giving salvation.
Witnessing is giving salvation. It is to multiply sons and daughters of God and True Parents.
Witness to your tribes. How can I restore my tribe. Organize 1-Day or 3-Day. Organize your tribe.
Witness to VIPs. Religious leaders can still be leaders of their groups and religions while accepting the teaching and traditions of True Parents. They can still do their churches.
Divine Principle Seminar in Thailand – 1st time to happen. VIPs paid for their plane tickets. Including Maj. Gen. Acacio, Chief of the AFP Chaplains. We have to raise up True VIPs. They have to become like Gen. Alfredo Cayton, our model VIP. Attended all Divine Principle seminar including 120 days Divine Principle, giving tithes. Receive the blessing, finish 3-days ceremony.
Thailand Divine Principle Seminar is once every month.
One of the Philippine UM Leader is to visit our tribe, connect them to True Parents, establish Holy Ground of your tribe. Go home and make an activity centering on TFs autobiography.
3. Missionary
True Father said..."serve at least 3 nations." Philippines to send missionaries to the world >>> IPLC, Pioneering. If we do this, Philippines Will never perish.
4. Self-Reliance
The heart of a filial child is to be able to help his parents. We should not rely on True Parents support to do activities, establish schools or centers. In order to be self-reliant, we need to have members supporting our activities. *Tithing – anyone who is giving tithe, God can protect... your family.
To protect your family, you need to: Hoon Dok Hae tradition and Tithing tradition.
Our Steps of Faith and Substance:
1. Establishment of Holy Grounds
2. Pioneering centers
3. UPF Seminars
4. Orig. Divine Principle Workshops
5. EDP Reading/Home Groups (home church or family groups)/ UPF Chapters
6. Family Party
Seunghwa Ceremony of Rev. Jun Basuil. Attended by Rev. Dr. Yong, Gen. Cayton (3-star general) and wife (very ideal couple), an orthodox priest and more.
Regarding the selection of the National Leader during a year end assembly where they choose Jun Basuil. Man's will plus God's Will -- BASUIL. There is more stability now. " He is a man of utmost sincerity..."
Rev. Yong talked to Julius Malicdem about preparing himself for a possibility of becoming a National Leader the night before the election.
PUCMJ needs a Council of Elders just like UCC in Philippines.
Strategic Planning Meeting (SWOT, Key Areas, etc.) You should be doing this one in Japan, too.
National Lecturer – CAUSA, Divine Principle, UT.
7-Day ODP Workshop held at the Provincial Capital of Sultan Kudarat last July 23-29, 2011. It is the first of its kind in the Philippines and the whole global unification movement. The provincial governor of Sultan Kudarat also offered their provincial gymnasium for future UPF activities. He is a breakthrough for our movement in the Philippines particularly in Mindanao.
Divine Principle Seminars in Asian Leadership Peace Academy (ALPA) -- Formerly Antipolo 2 IPLC. "Where everything begins…
Testimony of Gov. Mangungudadatu. He is now is planning to run for ARMM. He helped a lot of our UPF seminars. He used his contacts to coordinate for UPF activities in Mindanao like the one that we did in Marawi City.
We are making centers based on the 165 pioneering centers. It is not easy to do this because of the financial and logistical needs and support involved. How to support the pioneering centers is a challenge. Your mission is how to adopt a pioneering center. Maybe you can make a group so that our members there can just focus on witnessing. Sometimes our pioneering centers are composed of 3 staffs so it is hard for them to also do the financial mission of supporting the centers.
We have mobile witnessing staff or pioneers to support our staff in a pioneering center.
TIMD instructors will be sent as missionaries. Rev. Julius Malicdem joined the church through martial arts. This is using TIMD to help the pioneering centers.
IPLC students attend the college for a variety of reasons. They didn't know that they have to do fundraising and witnessing. Now, they realize that they need it. Some of them have been recommended for Divine Principle education in America. IPLC is like heavenly West Point, said Rev. Peter Kim.
The architect of IPLC is a member so we can always change the plan without worrying much about the fees and the cost of the contract.
The goal of IPLC is to produce 1,000 missionaries every year. True Father is inspired and he is fully supporting the construction. How can we find qualified students who have sponsors?
Please do not sponsor your tribe members only. You have to find qualified people who will become leaders of our movement in the Philippines in the future.
Re-construction of the Philippine Headquarters. Right now, we have 7.6 Million pesos out of a total budget of 30 Million pesos. This is our offering to True Parents as filial children of God. Just wait for more detailed instructions about this later.
Let us do our best to testify and glorify our True Parents as their blessed filial sons and daughters.
Reported by:
Rev. Rafael E. Ablong
Vice-National Executive Minister for
External Affairs and Western Regional Executive Minister
Unification Church Ministry in Japan (PUCMJ)
Noted by:
Rev. Dante Negre
National Executive Minister
Unification Church Ministry in Japan (PUCMJ)
Rev. Roy Carumba
Vice-National Executive Minister for Internal
Affairs and Central Regional Executive Minister
Unification Church Ministry in Japan (PUCMJ)