The Words of the Malicdem Family |
Philippine Brothers and Sisters --
Sent: December 28, 2012
To: All Philippine Blessed Families
and Members
Re: 1-Day Fasting Condition for the Success of January
2013 Events
Date: December 29, 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Warm greetings from the Philippine HQ!
We would like to enjoin all brothers and sisters in the Philippines to offer a 1-day Fasting Condition on December 31, 2012 for the success of January 2013 Providential Events. If for some health reasons, anyone cannot do fasting, he or she should offer a 3-Day Skip Meal Condition.
We sincerely request for everyone's cooperation on this matter. We hope that we can all work together and march forward without pausing until we create a unified Cheon Il Guk Nation in the Philippines.
Thank you very much.
Rev. Julius B. Malicdem
National Leader