The Words of the Miller Family

European News - True Parents in Europe 23rd - 26th July 2009 - Cote d'Azur to Seville to Germany and back to Spain

Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
July 29, 2009

The last few days have seen True Parents party traveling almost daily and it has been very busy for those moving with them and supporting their visit. Several of the True Children have joined them, Yeon Jin Nim and Jeon Jin Nim in Cote d'Azur and Sun Jin Nim and her husband, In Sup Nim, in Seville.

President Song reports that True Father has been very focused and making great Cheon Song in Europe connecting to the conditions he has been offering in Las Vegas over the last months. Each morning at Hoon Dok Hae he has been very serious and has challenged President Song and those leaders in attendance.

On the Thursday 23rd July True Parents traveled to Seville for the opening of the Peace Cup.

On Friday 24th True Father delivered a two hour speech which covered the essence of his address from June 1st in Korea (at the celebration of his autobiography). Present were top VIPs from the football world and Andalucia who are involved in the Peace Cup. Father was very serious and forthright in his expression about absolute sexual ethics. A more detailed account will follow later.

On 25th July True Parents and True Children traveled to Baden Baden in Germany, the famous spa town located between Strasbourg and Karlesruhe. You should have already received the testimony from our German leadership about their experiences: the joy of seeing True Father set foot on German soil after 19 years and attending Hoon Dok Hae on 26th July.

True Parents are eager to watch all the Peace Cup matches and on discovering that they could not watch live in Germany, decided to return to Spain on 26th afternoon. They are now very happily settled in Barcelona and True Father expressed that he feels he is the right place, he equated the name "Barcelona" with the meaning "standing straight" or "at 90 degrees" by relating it to its sound in Korean language..

On Sunday evening he could watch both that days Peace Cup games. He was very excited to see Soengnam get a good draw against Seville and to watch Ronaldo and Benzema play their debut game for Real Madrid as part of the Peace Cup. Father was encouraged to see the attention that the participation of these football stars is providing for the Peace Cup. He announced that he wants to launch an Abel-Olympics in Korea on October 14th this year and have a major focus on football inviting all participants to join the World Peace Blessing.

President Song sends his deep appreciation to you for all your generous support in prayer and through your financial contributions. He is very grateful that this enables us to host True Parents and Family with proper respect and care. True Father is very serious about his visit to Europe and the Peace Cup. Our continued prayers and fulfillment of our Cheon Song donations play a very important part in ensuring the full success of this historic visit.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office 

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