The Words of the Mito Family |
Spring Break Workshop for College-Age
Kazushi Mito
March 16, 2008
Memo E 2008-03-16
To: District, State, Church and Department Directors- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE
From: Education Department
Date: March 16, 2008
With apologies for the very late notice, we are attaching (see below) a recent letter from the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) announcing a 5-day workshop for college-aged guests who have completed at least a 2-day introductory seminar. This program will take place in Ossining, NY, and is aimed primarily at participants from the East Coast. Although the workshop takes place this week, please note that if the following week (March 25th) is more convenient for some participants, a second workshop can be held during that time.
For details, please contact Rev. Hiroshi Higashino, as indicated on the attached letter.
Love and prayer,
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Vice President for Education
CARP - National Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles
Headquarters - 81 Croton Ave - Ossining, NY 10562 / Web: usa.worldcarp.org
March 14, 2008
Dear leaders;
We are very happy to announce that World CARP USA will hold a national level 5-day Divine Principle Workshop during the college spring break starting from March 18th. This workshop will be held on a national level, targeting mainly at new guests that are current college students or of college-age. We assume most participants will be from the east coast. The workshop guests should have already finished the education of 2 day workshop level, and know about our movement in general. We recommend the inviters to come to the workshop together with their guests.
It is open to welcome any college age young people from FFWPU as well. We also invite participants to stay for activities on Easter Sunday, Mar. 23. Let’s use this opportunity to raise our future leaders together.
Workshop details
Date: Mar. 18 (Tue) ~22 (Sat)
Gather by Mar. 17 (Mon) 6pm, Welcome Dinner at 7pm
Ends Mar. 22 (Sat) 6pm followed by Closing Dinner
Additional event of Easter Sunday on Mar. 23 (Sun)
Location: 130 Pinesbridge rd. Ossining NY 10562. National CARP Workshop Site (BCP center)
Main lecturers: Rev. Hiroshi Higashino and Mr. Meinan Goto
Basic schedule: Divine Principle, Father’s course, Life of faith and Blessing
Workshop fee: $100 (for guests and inviters), additional donation for the activities on Easter Sunday
Contact person: Rev. Hiroshi Higashino
(*Some colleges start their spring break from March 24. If your guests want to participate in workshop during that time, we may able to hold another 5 day workshop starting from Mar. 25 with a certain number of participants. Please contact us.)
Kazushi Mito
President, W-CARP USA