The Words of the Moore Family |
The Los Angeles ACLC monthly prayer breakfast convened on Saturday Sept. 6th at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Westminster. For the first time a second generation couple served as administrators of the event. Tadakimi and Christa Takashima received the MC “baton” and with their older and brothers and sisters brought victory together.
Minister Michelene Millsap of the Sadoc Christian Church presented us with quotes from Dr. Hyun Jin Moon’s Global Peace Festival Address.
Our Japanese Sisters Choral group further added to the investment of heart and soul for a resounding success that likely will keep the ACLC monthly participants and guests coming back for more.
Our Southern California District Director Bishop Timothy Henning presented us with a powerful video presentation of worldwide Global Peace Festivals. He challenged us to participate as partners for peace in the upcoming GPF to he held in Los Angeles on October 9th.
The keynote address was given by Rev. Chris Lagerlof of the Mariners Church of Newport. He gave a stirring testimony of his mountain biking, near-death experience and an organized account of the rudiments of church growth.
The title was “A Living Ministry: Reach, Belong, Grow and Serve.” He challenged the participants to dedicate themselves to a life of witnessing. He had each of the participants put a rubber band around their hands and stretch it as far as they could to graphically demonstrate that to reach out to others we have to stretch ourselves. Like a rubber band that bites tightly around a hand, it will makes us uncomfortable. He has been in charge of outreach for his church after being the youth director for 12 years. He challenged us “to build bridges instead of walls” in our reaching out to others of different religions.
Norma Foster, President of the United Nations Association West Coast Chapter gave an inspiring testimony of the recent Global Peace Festival in Washington D.C. She mentioned how being there was a beautiful blending of hearts centered on a common goal.
Dr. Rini Ghosh, President of the Interfaith Council of the South Bay Area and President of the Vedanta Society explained how this Global Peace Festival idea for peace is foreshadowed in the 5,000-year-old Hindu Scripture, and since ancient history has been the noble goal for all mankind.
Mr. Jatoma Gavin, Director of Youth Summit Project spoke of his efforts in working with reach out to youth with the Family Federation for World Peace. He has recently moved to Southern California to give his full time and effort for this project. He emphasized the importance of being thoroughly natural and “keeping it real” in our reach out work.
Our dear sister Claudelina Smith, President of the Women’s Federation for World Peace Southern California Chapter, prompted us to attend the up and coming WFWP annual benefit for the schools of Africa on October 5th.
Elder Don Garrick gave Interfaith Program and Family Value announcements. He asking for minister to stand for God’s centered family.
In the end, Dr. Cecil Murray offered the closing prayer. We are grateful for his support.
With all our sincere and enthusiastic presenters and alert audience the spirit of the Global Peace Festival was present at our monthly prayer breakfast.