Unification Sermons and Talks |
by Reverends Oh |
The Providential Significance of the Inaugural World Convention of the Family Federation for World Peace Centered on the View of the Providential History of the Salvation and In Search of the Original Universe
Prof. of UTS Taek Yong Oh
I. Introduction
From July 30th to August 1st, the Inaugural World Convention of the Family Federation for World Peace was held in Washington DC. This convention was sponsored by the Washington Times Foundation, the Summit Council for World Peace, and the Womens Federation for World Peace. In this convention, participants were 1,500 representatives from more than 120 countries including two former American presidents, more than 40 former presidents and the ministers of the world. It was the world largest convention in its quality and quantity. Also, this was predicted on April 10th of 1992 at the Inaugural World Convention of the Womens Federation for World Peace held in Seoul Korea. This holds the special meaning in the providence.
President Dong Moon Joo of the Washington Times in charge of this convention commented the meaning of this convention as "the Universal Event providing the turning point of the mankind history." Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak appointed as the president the Family Federation for World Peace said "as the last convention, holding the providential meaning, this is the convention that signifies the proclamation of the opening of the era of the Completed Testament." In addition to this, True Father mentioned that "the time of before and after centering on July 31st (June 30th in lunar), the convention is providentially very important," and said "although there is only one day difference from July 31st to August 1st, there is unimaginably huge difference in the providence." Also, True Father had mentioned that through this convention, "all the secrets of Heaven have revealed ." Therefore, this convention was the event of a divine proclamation announcing to the world the end of one era and the opening of the new era in the providence. Also, it was the solemn ceremony of declaration the Magna Carta of Mankind which brightened the way that mankind of new era should follow.
The fact that I can say this convention was the proclamation of the Magna Carta of Mankind for the end of one era and the opening of new era will be examined by understanding True Parents proclamation of Kingship, Liberation of the grudge (Han) of God, Jesus, and Mary, and the Way of Mankind in the Original World. Two speeches given at this convention, as the new revelation beyond the teachings of every religion, thoughts, and philosophy until today, have strong meaning of the proclamation. So, the attitude of understanding the content in the view and the position of an proclaimer rather than in the position of a readers or audience is needed. Therefore, I will study the above content centering on speeches of the proclaimer and other supporting materials.
II. The summary of speeches and the distinguishing remark
The theme of this convention was the Global Implications of Family Values in the Twenty-First Century. The reception was held on the first day, and the opening ceremony and the general assembly were held on the second day. On the last day, the plenary session was on Family and Government, Family and Education. Also, committee session on Family and Society was held with various themes such as Family and Religious Value, Family and Media Environment, Family and Marriage." The evening was the Farewell Banquet. Representatives of plenary session and committee session were the experts in their fields, and all themes were connected with family. Especially, two former American presidents, Gerald Ford and George W. Bush have strongly emphasized that the family, based on their own experiences, is the foundation of the world peace.
In this convention, speeches of True Parents were each given at the opening ceremony and the farewell banquet. Opening speech was given by True Mother in the title of The Divine Principle View of the History of Providence of the Salvation, and the banquet speech was given by True Father in the title of In Search of the Origin of the Universe. Especially, True Fathers speech was the best speech of a bomb-like proclamation given with no script.
The speech given by True Mother was the same content which has already given to around 3,500 Christian leaders of South America in Uruguay from February 27th until March 31st of 1996, to more than 3,000 leaders of every field in U.S.A attending the Inaugural Convention of the Washington Times Foundation on April 16th, and to the world representatives of the 2nd Convention of the Youth Federation for World Peace on May 25th. Also, before the convention, True Mother has already given this speech to the Korean communities in ten cities in North America, and after the convention, True Mother gave this speech in two cities. This speech, with the banquet speech of True Father, will be proclaimed to 185 countries in the world. Through this, we can realize the importance of the speech and the intention of the proclaimer desiring for larger number of people to listen.
Speeches given on this day have the same content structure in the flow of the Creation, the Fall, and the Restoration as all the speeches that True Parents have given officially. However, different from other speeches, this one has few special meanings in the depth of its content.
First, True Mother has revealed the Purpose of the Creation more in detail. It is that "the Principle of the Creation is to perfect the absolute love of God through the perfection of love of man and woman in the mankind world." In other words, "Adam and Even perfecting themselves in True Love fulfills Gods desire to wear a substantial body," and "the meaning of they perfecting themselves as a True Couple fulfills the ideal of Gods absolute love." Also, True Mother has mentioned that "by Adam and Even having children of goodness and becoming True Parents, God would have established Himself substantially as the Eternal parent and achieved His ideal: Citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven would expand infinitely in the afterlife of the spirit world based on myriad generations of descendants in the physical world." At this point, we can realize the fact that God wanted to establish spiritual and physical kingdom by wearing a substantial body of man, becoming the True Parents of mankind and the King of both spiritual and physical world.
Second, True Mother emphasized that the Fall of mankind is not the result of eating the fruit of a tree, but is "an immoral sin against the ideal of the True Love of God." Also, True Mother stated that Adam and Even before the Fall, in the stage imperfect, in the period of growth, had fall because of an adultery and became the beginning of the False Love, False Life, False Lineage which is the against the Heavenly Law. Eventually they inherited the original sin to generations of descendants and provided the cause of the conflict between mind and body. At this point, we can realize the root of all problems in todays mankind world began from the fall of ancestors.
Third, True Mother explained the content of the Creation, the Fall, and the Restoration in the concept of the seed of the child of the new life. Also, True Mother has mentioned that the origins of the providence of the restoration are "how can we search for the seed of the mankind, the seed of the child of the origin which will perfect the ideal of the creation" and "how can we have the savior, the True Parents who become one with Gods True Love, True Life and True Lineage to be born." This is because the fall of Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind, occurred by losing the seed of the child of the True Love, True Life, True Lineage, and mankind has expanded with the seed of the child of Satans false love, false life, false lineage. Based on this, True Mother has explained the Thought of Messiah, the Thought of the Second Advent, and the Blessing in the concept of this seed of the child.
True Mother stated that Jesus, the Messiah, came to the world to perfect the origin of the providence of the restoration 2,000 years ago, was the first and the only son born through the process of the restoration in the lineage and with no original sin. Also, his purpose of coming was to engraft the new seed of the child of the True Life to the mankind. However, because Jesus could not receive a bride, he could not become True Parents. Therefore, he could not fulfill his mission. The Second Advent comes to complete the origin of the restoration of the providence of God which Jesus could not fulfill. This means True Parents coming as the seed of the child of the true origin which will complete the ideal of the creation, and perfecting of the ideal of the True Parents which is based on the True Love, True Life, True Lineage of God. Therefore, Second Advent must come physically and through the Blessing, the ceremony of the changing the lineage, he has to save the mankind as the true man by engrafting the new seed of the child, and furthermore, building the physical kingdom by establishing the true family. Accordingly, True Mother emphasized the origin of the Thought of the Messiah and the Second Advent in the concept of the seed of the child based on the True Love, True Life, and True Lineage.
Fourth, True Mother has revealed the secret of the birth and the life of Jesus. True Mother has revealed that Jesus was born as the first and the only son who was born through the process of the restoration of the lineage between Zechariah and Mary. Not between the relationship of the Holy Spirit and Mary as recorded in the New Testament. Jesus had to receive a bride in order to become the True Parents, and the bride was the sister of John the Baptist, the very half sister of Jesus. Also, True Mother mentioned that Mary, although became pregnant by receiving Gods Will with her absolute faith(Lk 1:38), later stood in the position where interrupting Jesus mission becoming heartistically in distance with Jesus by not helping him to get married with John the Baptists sister and continuously having sexual relationship with Joseph. Also, True Mother said that Zechariah, Elisabeth, and John the Baptist, by ignoring the revelation of God and the spiritual grace, eventually stood in the side of Satan by not being attentive to Jesus . Therefore, it is the responsibility of Mary, Zechariah, Elisabeth, and John the Baptist which directly caused the Jesus crucifixion.
Fifth is the fact that True Mother has newly revealed their identity. True Father has mentioned at the speech of banquet of The 1st World Culture and Sports Festival on August 24th of 1992 that, at the age of 16, True Father was called by God and inherited the mission from resurrected Jesus. However, on this speech, True Mother had mentioned the detail of the succession of mission. True Mother had explained that the Second Advent comes on the victorious foundation of the fundamental providence of Gods side up to the time of Jesus, and directly stands upon the victorious foundation of Jesus life and finds the bride that Jesus could not find. And together they become the True Parents to save all humankind." This means that through the call at the age of 16, True Father have received mission without the process of the restoration of the lineage, and at the same time, he became completely separated from the original sin. Also, it means the start of the providence on the victorious foundation of Jesus. As strongly emphasizing the True Parents transforming this world into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth under the dominion of God, opening the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world for registration after restoring the True Elder Sonship, True Parentship, and True Kingship which should have been completed in the family of Adam, True Mother has stated the restoration of the True Kingship with the detailed word.
True Fathers speech of the banquet can be simplified in the content of the Creation, the Fall, and the Restoration. True Father has explained such content centered on the concept of the Absolute Sex. This was the more in detailed content which the humankind has to keep in daily life for the world peace. God holding the character of absolute, unique, unchanging, and forever has created humankind as the object to fill the absolute love. True Father has emphasized that the absolute love can only be realized by vertically standing on the place where a man and a woman become absolutely united through the absolute, unique, unchanging, forever sexual organ. However, because humankind had fall, God could not fill the love. Appearance of the result of the fall is the free sex, and the appearance of the result is the individualism and homosexuality. In the other word, the fall became the root of the free sex and the ancestor of the individualism. True Father had mentioned that the grudge(Han) of God began from this. True Father emphasized that the free sex and the homosexuality which God hates the most are pulling humankind toward the spiritual and the physical hell. Therefore, in order to restore and go toward the way of heaven and the eternity, we have to go 180 degree opposite way through the blessing of True Parents. This way is only to find the absolute sex which True Father emphasized with a bomb-like proclamation.
Absolute Sex is that a man and a woman become one through the sexual organ centering the absolute love of God. True Father takes the free sex and the homosexuality as the opposite concept of the Absolute Sex. True Father has emphasized that although the owner of the sexual organ is ones spouse, since the original owner is God, one has to use the absolute, unique, unchanging, forever sexual organ only for ones spouse centered upon Gods dwelling after the blessing of a marriage. True Father has mentioned that, likewise, the Absolute Sex only exist on the place of absolute sake, and as God dwell in this, Heaven of family, nation, and the world peace will be establish. Through this, we have realize the root of the life of living for sake of others is the Absolute Sex.
True Father had said that the purpose of the establishment of the Family Federation of the World Peace is to restore the Absolute Sex lost from the fall. True Father mentioned this can be practiced in the family through the life of couple absolutely living for sake of each other, and through only the family practicing this, the world peace can be established. True Father also mentioned that since "the Messiah, also, is one coming as the owner who can establish the family on the place of the Garden of Eden created by God before the fall, he must establish the nation through the family which he had first established with God." In this view, Jesus who could not establish the family 2,000 years ago, could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven but remains in the Paradise, and in order for him to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, he must return to the physical world and establish the family. In other word, the first purpose of the second coming of Jesus is to get marriage.
True Father has strongly emphasized that Rev. Moon, solving secrets of Heaven veiled for 6,000 years, only knows all the secrets of God. True Father proclaimed that he has known God more than any one in the world. True Father has stated that True Father has searched the truth through the way of suffering life of being imprisoned for six times with no guilt and overcoming of the moments of life and death more than 100s of times. True Father strongly proclaimed that the truth which True Father has found was the Absolute Sex. Therefore, True Father told representatives of every countries attending the convention that they must announce this important fact to all their people through the TV broadcast, and received their pledge from them by raising their both hands.
The speeches given by True Father and True Mother at this convention can be summarized in to two. One is that they have clearly revealed the secrets of Heaven veiled to humankind facing the grand turning-point entering the 21 century based on the Original Principle of the Universe. The other is that they revealed the way that the humankind facing the new era to go. That can be summarized as we have to attend Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, who have revealed all the veiled secrets of Heaven, as the True Parents of the humankind coming with the seed of the true child of the new life. Also, we have to experience the rebirth through participating the International Mass Wedding which is the divine ceremony of the transfer of the lineage through receiving the seed of the child of the true life. Ultimately, they must live the life of sake based on the Absolute Sex. Then, what does these speeches means to us providentially?
III. The Proclamation of the Kingship
The most important meaning of the Family Federation for World Peace can be emphasized upon the proclamation of the Kingship. True Father has proclaimed end of the era of the Parentship as the midnight of December 31st of 1995, and proclaimed the beginning of the era of the Kingship as January 1st of 1996 to members attending for the midnight prayer at New Yorker. Since then, I, waiting for the time of the proclamation of the era of the Kingship to the humankind, have asked True Father that "I am expecting the proclamation will be done at the Family Federation for World Peace opening in Washington DC." At that time, True Father has answered "You are right." Also I asked Father for the method of the proclamation. I asked that, I am expecting True Parents will proclaim clearly and shortly with the saying of "I am the King of kings," just as the proclamation of the True Parentship from July sixth to ninth of 1992 in Korea. True Father has answered me that the content is included in the True Mothers speech. And True Father has directly read the paragraph of the conclusion part of the speech: "Furthermore, the Messiah will establish a True Family, creating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Thus, it is the International Holy Weddings that establish this new blood lineage when the Lord of the Second Advent comes in the flesh. On the level of the great worldwide family, the Lord indemnifies that which was lost in the family of Adam and restores the True Elder Sonship, True Parentship, and True Kingship that should have been perfected in Adams family. He will transform this world into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth under the dominion of God, opening the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world for registration. Humanity will enter into the era of kingship both spiritually and physically centered on God; and establish a world of victory, freedom, happiness, and unity; and create the Heavenly Kingdom on earth and in the spirit world, which is Gods ideal of creation. This is the View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation." From this paragraph, as True Father was strongly emphasizing the word registration, Father mentioned that in order to register there must be a land. In this way, True Father have re-emphasized the fact that the proclamation of the Kingship is the most important in the speech of True Mother.
The fact that the content of the proclamation of the Kingship is included in the speech of True Mother was predicted on July 24th. At this time, Mr. Peter Kim gave the report on True Mothers speech in Los Angeles. In his report, Mr. Kim expressed that, "just like Aaron who was the speaker of Moses, True Mother, as the speaker of True Father, gave the speech more powerful and beautiful than True Father." As soon as True Father heard this, Father corrected the expression of Mr. Kim by saying that "Mother is not Aaron but the Empress." Also, on August 5th of 1996, at the Belvedere speech given after the Washington DC convention, True Father said that "True Father is the King of kings." Through this, I could confirm that True Mothers speech in Washing DC was the proclamation of the Kingship.
As it has been mentioned earlier, True Mothers speech has been already proclaimed at Uruguay and Washington DC. Then, how can we say that the same speech given at this convention is the proclamation of the Kingship? It can be realized through the quantity and the time of the convention. Also the power of True Fathers speech can be compared with earlier given speeches.
In the aspect of the quantity, this convention had no lack to say as the proclamation of the Kingship. In the comparison of the volume of other conventions, the audience of the speech given in Uruguay had limit to Christian Ministers of South America. The speech given at the Inaugural Convention of the Washington Times Foundation had limit to the region called America. Also, the audience of speech given at the 2nd world convention of Youth Federation for World Peace had limit to youth. In comparison to these, the speech given at the Inaugural World Convention of Family Federation for the World Peace was to the summit-leveled representatives, being up to the reputation of own countries, all attended this convention.
Next we can think of the time. The speech given before the Convention of Family Federation for the World Peace has been already given before June, before sending National Messiahs. And the convention was held after June, after sending National Messiahs. Therefore, although it may be the same speech, there is the difference in its meaning. True Father had strongly emphasized two things when True Father sent 54 National Messiahs completed the special 47 day workshop at Chung Pyong Training Center. One is that they must proclaim the Tribal Messiahship before their departure, and the other was that they must arrive at their nations before June 30th. This can be understood as True Parents will proclaim the era of the Kingship to the humankind on the foundation of sending 54 National Messiahs out until June 30th. This is because the sending National Messiahs became the foundation of the proclamation of the Kingship. True Father said, "the sending National Messiahs is an assignment to be studied through out the human history." True Father also has corrected ones mistaken concept of the 54 National Messiahs as the National Messiah Candidates. True Father emphasized that "I never sent them as the National Messiah candidates, but sent them as the National Messiah." Also, True Father clarified the providential meaning of the sending National Messiah.
The providential significance of sending National Messiahs can be clarified when it is understood in relation to the restoration of the Elder Sonship, the True Parentship. True Father had completed the restoration of the worldwide Elder Sonship through the meeting of Gorvachov at the Moscow Rally from April 9th to 13th of 1990. Upon this foundation True Father proclaimed the Elder Sonship on the ceremony of the Declaration Day of Gods Eternal Blessing on July 1st of 1991. In order for True Father to connect the restoration of the Elder Sonship to the restoration of the Parentship, True Father had directed the Return to Hometown and sent Tribal Messiahs on September 1st of 1991. Right after that, True Parents, centering on True Love, have completed the restoration of Parentship with the victory through the historical meeting with Kim Il Sung, the False Parents from November 30th to December 7th of 1991. Then, True Parents have proclaimed the historical True Parentship through the rally of the leaders of the Womens Federation for World Peace held at four cities in Korea from July 6th through 9th of 1992. Through this, True Father had raised the dimension of the providential flow and open the way of the Blessing to the public.
Meeting with Gorvachov at the Moscow Rally became the foundation of the proclamation of the Elder Sonship and the victorious event of meeting with Kim Il-Sung became the foundation of the proclamation of the True Parentship. Likewise, True Parents needed some foundation in order to proclaim the Kingship. It, indeed, was the sending National Messiahs. For this reason, the sending National Messiahs was the historical grand event which can be compared with encountering Gorvachov and Kim Il-Sung. In fact, sending the National Messiahs carries the important providential meaning in providing the foundation where True Parents can proclaim the end of the Parentship and the beginning of the Kingship. Timewise, the True Mothers speech, proclaimed at Washington DC on July 31st, after June 30th, the date when National Messiahs have arrived. Therefore, in comparison to the earlier given speeches, we can strongly realize the meaning of the proclamation of the Kingship.
The proclamation of the Kingship, as the last proclamation in the providence preceded by the Elder Sonship, the Parentship in relate to the identity of the Second Advent, has much more weight in its importance. When we see that Jesus, who has kept the silence at the court of Pilate, has clearly answered him "You say so"(Mk. 15:2) to Pilate asking that "Are you the King of Jews?", it is clear that the proclamation of the Kingship is also what Jesus wanted. This proclamation was an historical moment of founding the Messiahnism: True Kingship preceded by True Elder Sonship and the True Parentship, which Adam has lost and Jesus could not complete. Also, the fact that the proclamation was held on July 31st of 1996 holds very important meaning in providential history.
On August 24th, at the banquet speech of the First World Culture and Sports Festival, the time when the Blessing become generalized right after the proclamation of the True Parents, True Father has stated, "When the national and international leaders of every level accept and participate the True Parents proposal presenting the vision of the world peace centering on family, world peace that God desired will come within eight years, when the 20th century ends." At this point, we can understand the time, within eight years, means within December 31st of 1999.
True Father, opening the Completed Testament Age by proclaiming the first year of the Completed Testament on January 1st of 1993, on True Gods day, commented the history of until 1992 as followed.
"Right after the World War II(1945), Gods Will was to unite Christianity within seven years, until 1952, by these three nations(America, England, France) becoming one with True Father. All of those got eliminated until last year, 1992, for 40 years. Then, what is True Fathers forty-seven years of life? It was the period to reindemnify all the lost due to the failure of the responsibility of England, America and France, right after the World War II."
God, originally, desired to establish the unified world centering on the law of Heaven during 1945-1952. Due to the failure of responsibility of three allied nations, True Father needed forty-year of wilderness course and seven-year of indemnity course. At last, the reindemnity course of forty seven-year has ended on 1992. So, the history until 1992 means re-establishment of the free environment as same as the time right after the World War II. Thus, this signifies the world peace which should have established between 1945 through 1952 must be established during 1992 through 1999. When we see until the end of 1992 as the period of indemnity, seven-year period from January 1st of 1993 through December 31st of 1999 can be identified as the same meaning with the eight-year period which True Father has mentioned on August 24th of 1992. Therefore, the eight-year, from 1992 until 1999, explains the seven-year from January 1st of 1993 until December 31st of 1999 in detail. Also this seven-year has the meaning of the period that his would have completed, if Jesus has established a family.
Then, why True Father has awaited anxiously for the end of June of 1996 to pass by? What does this means providentially? The end of June is the mid-point which exactly divides the seven-year period from January 1st of 1993 and December 31st of 1999. However, True Father took the end of June in lunar calendar as the July 31st in solar calendar. Therefore, since the 31st of July is the turning point of the middle of seven-year providence, it can be called as an historical grand turning point which ends the first half of this seven-year providence and begins the new second half. In order to overcome the difficulty of this mid-point, True Father has sent National Messiahs before the end of June in solar calendar. And on such foundation, True Father has made a historical proclamation of the Kingship at the Inaugural Convention of the Family Federation for World Peace on July 31st which has the meaning of the end of June in lunar calendar. Through the proclamation of the Kingship, True Parents have proclaimed to the humankind the beginning of new age, the returning age of the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven.
Now, lets think about the power of the speech given by True Father. True Father, standing on the foundation of the proclamation of the Kingship by True Mother on July 31st, has revealed Fathers identity in detail with strong voice tone. True Father has clarified the content of Fathers life after the call at the age of sixteen in detail. Then, True Father has mentioned "Only Rev. Moon knows all the secrets of God." True Father has declared that Father is the only one who knows all the secrets of God which no one was able to know until now. Therefore, in this age, True Fathers teaching is the only truth and the absolute truth. True Father gave a bomb-like declaration that the truth declared through True Father is only way, truth, life, and love.
The fact that we have to focus on is, that, it was not easy for True Father to find all the original secrets of God and the universe. True Father has mentioned that this truth is not something that was automatically given, but was the crystal of his own blood, sweat and tear. True Father has clarified that this is the result of indescribable passion and suffering. True Father has mentioned that this is the truth which Father has found from being imprisoned six times and overcoming the death agony. We can understand that was the way of overcoming the passion of Jesus Crucifixion. Also, it was the battle of overcoming the uncountable agony which Paul have experienced at the field of his mission. In spite of all these moments of passion, rather than blaming God, True Father has made "God to shed the tear for uncountable times" and deeply moved Him by comforting His Heart. Namely, the truth, that True Father proclaims is the truth abstained through Fathers in detailed physical and heartistic experience since the call received at the age of sixteen, it values as the true truth. Therefore, True Father is in the proclaimed truth, and the truth is in True Father.
About the truth found in such way, True Father absolutely does not allows any negotiation. True Father has completely closed the mouth of ones raising the flag of revolt against the proclaimed truth. True Father has warned that no one should be negative on the first causal being. True Father has warned that there is no perfection in the ignorance. True Father emphasized that we should unconditionally follow the proclaimed truth. True Father, victoriously won all these passion, mentioned that now is the time that Father can command the mankind by trumpet the fanfare of victory. In other words, True Father has precisely clarified Fathers identity and has revealed Himself being the King of kings by using powerful words such as to warn, to command in the speech. This was just like, as the King of kings, True Father was showing the ruling system in the age of Kingship: first, teaching the kings of every nation the way that humankind must go, then, they teach the content to their people as it is.
What does it mean by the Kingship has been proclaimed? True Father clearly stated the proclamation of the True Kingship, proclaiming the turning point toward the age of Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven where God dominates, is "not the concept but the reality." The word reality means that "just as all the names become real as Adam has named, everything will be done as it has been proclaimed." The meaning of proclaiming is to announce to the world that the historical level has determined, the time has come, namely, the time of the proclamation has been established. In other words, the fact that the True Kingship has been proclaimed means the historical level, that such world will be establish in detail and in real, has been determined.
Just as the age of the universalization of the Blessing has been opened after the proclamation of True Parentship, after the proclamation of the Kingship, namely, in the second half of the seven-year providence, we can expect some kind of transition will occur providentially. Through this convention, True Father has mentioned that "the foundation of Unification Church is going beyond the level of a nation." Also, "the age of restoration through indemnity has passed and the age of the completion of an actual performance." True Father, said that "we are entering the era of a fate of 1997 since August 1st of 1996." True Father, also, explained that the Blessing will be opened even in spiritual world after 3,600,000 couples Blessing on November 29th of 1997, and "Father will become a national King." Additionally, True Father has mentioned about the National Law, Palace Law and Unification Church Law.
True Father has stated that "the Blessing of 3,600,000 couples signifies the perfection preceded by 30,000 couples(Formation), 360,000 couples(Growth)." When we understand the meaning of this, based on the True Fathers word that we are entering the era of the fate of 1997 since August 1st of 1996, we can realize the direction of the providence after the Kingship proclamation is focus to the Blessing of 3,600,000 couples. Also, when we understand True Fathers mention that the Unification Church Law, National Law, and Palace Law will be established on the foundation of a nation, we can realize that the day for the proclamation of the Heaven Law which will be the standard for the organization and system needed in the age of Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven is not in distance. Precisely, through True Mothers speech, True Parents have proclaimed the end of one era and the beginning of new age, indeed, the age of the Kingship at the convention. Through True Fathers speech, this was clearly confirmed.
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