The Words of the Orme Family |
of the Victory Over Communism Boards
Dear Father and Mother,
As the year closed the Unified Family Singers, holding banners of the HSA-UWC sang traditional carols at Trafalgar Square.
On four separate evenings they gathered beneath the huge brightly lit Christmas tree with our leader's symbol to sing to Our Father. Several thousand people not only saw Our Leader's symbol but heard the Unified Family Singers.
Dawn Eaton (Jouret) joined the family on December the 10th. Dawn is a secretary/typist.
Winter has finally settled upon the land and people seldom want to stop on the streets and talk so we have cut back our campaigns to two, the Hyde Park Corner stand on Saturday and Sunday at speaker's corner and our Oxford campaign.
Spiritually we have a seventy day prayer campaign going and a witnessing campaign for every day. Brian and Marjorie Hill brought Kimmy Curtin who comes from Dublin. He had revelation about principle when he was only five years old. Jimmy previously had been attending a Catholic Seminary for several years.
Members have also begun to prepare boards for our summer campaigns. We already have two Victory Over Communism hoards depicting Soviet Aggression against the United Nations in Korea. Through these winter months we hope to prepare more boards to take into account the summer activity. We are also preparing literature- pamphlets, whilst another activity is to study the Victory Over Communism book in order that we can begin lecturing.
As the year closes we have witnessed a steady expansion and at this moment are looking for a much bigger main center.
Many members are now on a three day fast preparing for God's Day and the New Year. We Wish Our Father and Mother and all our brothers and sisters a great fruitful New Year.
In Our True Parents' Name,
Dennis F. Orme