The Words of the Orme Family |
The outstanding family event of this month was naturally the World Day celebration which we held on Sunday 23rd May.
World Day was celebrated with simple traditional service of prayer, thanksgiving and singing with the day set aside for games and other activities. The family gathered at Rowlane, and cakes, fruit and special foods were offered to, our Father. We all felt the heart of our Father and cried that we could not offer Him more of the creation.
The month remained one of endeavor. Doris and I visited Scotland and the city of Aberdeen staying with Norman and Morag Gibson in Castleton of Asloun. They had heard of Divine Principle in Paris and live in the north of Scotland, over 500 miles from Reading.
All centers have heavy witnessing, programs, with teaching in the evening, whilst our Headquarters at Rowlane are beginning to look a National Headquarters. Open-air services were held in Trafalgar Square, London, and in Bedford Market Square. Both places have significance: Trafalgar is in the center of London and here all demonstrations take place. But on Ma: 2nd, the square witnessed a religious service of prayer and singing an open-air, inter-denominational service led by HSA-UWC members. Communists demonstrating on the same day had to march past, unable to use the Square. Two weeks later, Bedford Market Square witnessed a similar service. Here on the market place where John Bunyan walked and talked, another stand for religious freedom was taken.
Our launching of the Hearts of Oak campaign has not yet brought results although we shall persevere and develop this activity. This is our schools activity. Members sang at the University Church of Christ the King at a special service led by Ian Hall to demonstrate the use of music in worship. Ian Hall and the Rev. Peter Delanely had previously joined in our service at Trafalgar Square. This church, having the highest ceiling in the country, was built by a group of Christians who believed that the Second Coming would take place in the physical world and at this time the whole church would go up into heaven. It is a beautiful church, as they wanted only such a church for their worship in the heavenly world. As the family sang, one would feel the heavens rejoicing over the Father's music. We are endeavoring to serve the churches for their acceptance of Divine Principle.
In our True Parents' Name
Dennis F. Orme