The Words of the Oyamada Family |
Meeting with Rev. Oyamada
February 2, 2003
Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are transcribed notes taken by our sister Susan Hosokawa last Feb. 2 at the first of monthly meetings held between the IFA members in Japan and the Japanese leader. It was quite an informative session. Hope it brings all some insight as seen from the mother nation,
Nick Bikkal
Rev. Oyamada
February 2nd, 2003
Feb. 6th is the Holy Matrimony of True Parents. Also, we together will receive the 3rd level of Blessing. In the beginning Adam and Eve were to grow and become husband and wife. Then they would be King and Queen of the Cosmos. But because of the fall, this didn’t happen. Jesus also came to fulfill this, but He couldn’t. So now it is True Parents’ time – they can do it. In 1965 Father came to Japan for the first time (to visit church members) Someone asked Him: "What is the Holy Spirit?" Father answered, "No, not yet. It’s too early." Then he looked at Rev. Oyamada, who had been a Protestant before joining the church, and Father explained that if Jesus had married His wife would’ve been in the position of the Holy Spirit. In spirit world only Father has a solid shape – Mother doesn’t yet. She has had to walk the indemnity course for all Eves. So this Feb. Mother will be 60 years old. After the Blessing she will have her own shape. (I assume this means she was victorious!)
Not sure I got this straight!
1st Blessing: 40 days in Brazil.
2nd level: Chung Pyung Registration
Now 3rd level, in Chung Pyung and at local church through internet. After this what is Father’s plan? A world tour – to all 189 (?) nations. 172(?) heads of state to attend Chung Pyung (Later he said 72)
191 member nations in the UN, but only have there own national interest at heart. There is no international thinking, so Father wants to set up a Senate for the UN. What for? Who would be members? Religious people would make up it’s members as they can easily go beyond national level. This would the fore runner of a world government. Yesterday the space shuttle Columbia crashed. Also in Korea an army spy plane crashed into a village, and a Thai actress is in hiding for comments she made against Cambodia. In the secular world there is a lot of confusion. In car you have a car navigation, so if one way is crowed it will show you another way to go. Sounds like it was comparing this to Father’s position, but I’m not sure.
Now leaders are in Chung Pyung for 50 days – started Dec. 21st. 2000 page book on Spirit World facts published. Hopefully it will be quickly translated. World is full of 1,000’s of problems – how to digest? God’s Will is subject of true life. Need God’s True Love, therefore God is key for peaceful world. (I missed a lot of this next piece)
1 God is True Parent
2 God is true Leader
3 God is King and Queen
4 All are children of God
7 TF and TM are True Parents of all mankind
8 Senate of UN 2003: New establishment of the Unified World of Heaven and Earth Feb 6th: Cheon Il Guk Holy Blessing
7am Blessing
9am Coronation Sometime True Parents will stop. Then other blessed couples will take responsibility for fallen world. From this year on so many international events will take place. Recently Father called Rev. Oyamada for a 3-day workshop , also head of Sekai Nippon – media conference? Mostly media are negative, but 200 media leaders attended conference in Seoul. This year Japan has 2 Nobel Prize winners. From now on we must understand SW. Only way to understand and solve world’s problems.
Feb. 11th at the Imperial Hotel, start of media conference for Japanese media. 13th, close to NHK HQ (?) Rev. Kwak, and Rev. Oyamada will speak. Will lecture facts about Spirit World and True Parents. Now in Brazil a Labor government elected – almost like communist so local government felt empowered. Local government took over everything. Father invested a lot in Brazil, but they want to take everything. 3 days ago some document arrived (Where I don’t know) "Brazil Absolutely Needs Rev. Moon". Father’s projects are for the sake of Brazil. Local government could accept this and we can start again there.
Asian soccer teams playing in Yoyogi Stadium. J-League teams Kashima Antlers and Iwata Jubilo, plus top team from China and Il Hwa team from Korea. For the J-League team games the tickets are almost sold out, but for the Chinese and Korean team games, only 10% sold. Organizers approached Sekai Nippon to help. Games 16th, 22dn and 25th. Buy a ticket and can see two games. May 22nd – 25th: Special games for peace. Except for the soccer teams, athletes should be under 25, soccer under 30. Cheon Il soccer team: North and South Korea and Japanese athletes together. Winners get not only a gold medal but also a scholarship to Sun Moon University. FIFA – Kingdom of corruption.
Pele met Father through one brother, and Father introduced to him the Sun Moon World Cup. There will also be a fishing world cup. This year it will be in Oct in Korea. In Tokyo Rev. Oyamada attends a monthly meeting of a church ‘fishing club’ and then they go fishing. Every day he prays 8 points (sorry I didn’t get these!) Because of the fall, all world lost. Mother’s responsibility to bear baby, educate and raise children. So Japan best fundraiser. Why Japan’s responsibility? Originally England’s – chosen at time of King Arthur (?) 20th century – 1200 years England becomes mother nation. Finally couldn’t recognize, but opposed True Parents., therefore Japan chosen and Germany instead of France as Cain son nation.
Japan blessed with wealth but using selfishly. Japanese missionaries go out to the world – in mother’s role. Need grass roots church – this was Home Church, 360 homes. Because only 10% of missionaries doing, then finally 2000 should go to America In the Korean elections the candidate that everyone thought was going to win, was suddenly over taken by Noh. During the World Cup the Korean team wore red for the first time, and were nicknamed the ‘the Red Devils’.
In Korea an American serviceman killed two high school girls, yesterday US plane crashed into houses. Strong anti-US feeling in Korea. Father told Bush: Using war as a negotiating tactic is wrong.. So now using candy and stick method with North Korea.
We should know Father’s plan for North Korea. Who invited Father to meet Kim Il Sung? Kim Jong Il. Father advised Gorbachev: Give up communism, take up religion. He agreed. Then Father gave same advise to Kim Il Sung. For 4 years Kim Jong Il tried to kill Father, but then found that that Father wasn’t his enemy.
1994 Kim Il Sung died, he strongly recommended that Kim Jong Il meet with Father. At the funeral he met for 30 minutes with Dr Pak. For the reunification of Korea needs the Unification Church and Rev. Moon. Kim Jong Il wants to change system. Kanemaru went to North Korea – many complaints. Father went and no one complained. Kanemaru met Father – He scolded him for 3 hours but Kanemaru couldn’t understand. Father scolded Nakasone for 3 hours – he recognized that Father is a smart man.
Now Kim Jong Il will change North Korea Chinese style (economy first?) From now on for 5 years, make foundation: friends, relatives. 120, 160 base give Holy Wine.
Need schools. Need Heavenly language/native language. We need teachers of languages and culture. Need some cemetery. Father’s plan: World is one house
1st Pillar: Korean Peninsular
2nd Pillar:
3rd Pillar
4th Pillar: Hawaii
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