The Words of the Oyamada Family |
A Brief Report Of Rev. Oyamada's Sunday Service
Rev. Oyamada's
April 3, 2005
It was as usual. Rev. Oyamada walked in promptly at 2pm but unexpectedly. Before most of us could settle down he walked straight to the alter and was soon in a meditative position as most of us still fidgeted around in preparation.
As he refers his sermons to us, it was in a form of report and no title. He Started by emphasizing on Japan's responsibilities as assumed after England's failure as mother nation. Japan's late recognition of this and failure to educate and take care of the world as a mother, she had to go the cause of sharing blood, hence Japan's task of supporting financially the worldwide providence. This is as told by True Father a symbolic sharing of her blood.
Before Japan became a mother nation church activities were divided into three categories:- 1/3 of the members engaged in witnessing, 1/3 in education and 1/3 in business. However, during this indemnity course Japan could not conform to this system, she had to totally neglect herself for the sake of the world. Crying and spilling blood members sacrificed and tried very hard to fulfill one after the other numerical targets True Father requested.
As initially directed by True Father, this indemnity course was supposed to end in 2000. This was later postponed to 2002. He expressed his feeling for the foreign members here. The hardships we are going through he said was unfortunate, and delightfully to inform us that True Father has requested of Japan a last donation until True Parents' Day on April 9th (3/1/60). After this last donation Japan will have accomplished her responsibilities. And from April 10th Japan will revert to her old system 1/3 of the members engaged in witnessing, 1/3 in education and 1/3 in business.
He made mention of plans of things to do which Japan have long denied herself. One of these will be to build a university in Japan and also buy more land in strategic locations for graves. These grave lands could also be used for recreational activities like skiing.
From April 10th there will be a drastic change in the Japanese system, as already initiated in Korea, with the providence centered on specific internal and external goals
INTERAL GOALS:- Tribal messiahship, hun dok hae, by reading the Sunjungyong.
EXTERNAL GOALS:- UNITY Loving our enemy, example North and South Korea unity and Israel and the Palestinian unity. . The Korean UC president has already been asked to vacate his post and do tribal messiahsip.
He again urged every one to do the CIG registration and ended by promising to report to us further development after his return from True Parents' Day celebrations in America.
A full video recording of the report will be available from next week. Visit uc Japan homepage at http://www.uc-japan.org/ and click international to view this and other recordings.
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