The Words of the Pak Family |
left to right; Rev. Chong Ilk Woo, Rev. Sung San Lee, Rev. Zin Moon
Kim, Rev. Sung Il Kim, Dr. Bo Hi Pak, Rev. Chan Kyun Kim, Rev. Byung
Ho Kim, Rev. bong Hyun Pak, and Mrs. Joong Hyun Pak.
Father recently asked five Korean elders, who have been serving in various regions in America, to return to Korea to work with our movement there. They are Rev. Chan Kyun Kim, Rev. Byung Ho Kim, Rev. Jin Hee Yu, Rev. Chong Young Ryu, and Rev. Joong Hyun Pak. The five were honored at a special farewell dinner held in Miami, Florida, on May 25, 1987.
At the dinner, the former regional coordinators testified, often tearfully, to the Korean elders' fine example of leadership and the valuable guidance they gave during their time in America. They all expressed deep gratitude for their Korean brothers' love and sacrifice, and each one felt that these elders had helped him inherit Father's standard and tradition.
Chan Kyun Kim speaks at the farewell Dinner.
Three of the departing elders -- Rev. Byung Ho Kim, Rev. Chan Kyun Kim, and Rev. Joon Hyun Pak -- spoke about their profound concern for the members they had worked with and how much they desired to see the American movement and the brothers and sisters mature and succeed.
Dr. Bo Hi Pak, the master of ceremonies at the banquet, said that since the five Korean elders have been through the suffering and victories along with all the members in America, they can be bridge-builders between the two cultures and can welcome them whenever they come to Korea.
The warm and memorable evening ended with the presentation of "top gun" hats to all the Korean elders.