The Words of the Platt Family |
"What's up" on STF - Dec' 07
Roland Platt
December 16, 2007
Director of STF USA
Dear Family,
I do hope you are all having a great month of December. Time sure flies as we near the end of the year!
A brief update on what has been happening on STF: throughout the 12 City Speaking Tour we were blessed with opportunities to participate in and support a number of the Events -- and especially we could attend and offer our entertainment for True Mother and Hyun Jin nim at the Victory celebrations of San Francisco, Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas, Columbus and at East Garden on Thanksgiving morning.
Brothers and sisters sincerely poured out their hearts and invested all their passion and creativity into their entertainment -- (see the posted videos), putting in many hours of preparation and practice to offer the best heart and performance. Our mobile band team even hooked up amplifiers in the van to be able to practice during the drives between cities.
All in all they demonstrated the pure heart and spirit of the 2nd Generation, culminating in the 2nd year witnessing team offering at East Garden on Thanksgiving morning their original song 'Do the impossible' about going beyond our limits and Dreaming Big.
While in San Francisco Hyun Jin nim visited the STF International headquarter and spoke to the assembled STF members and BTA (Blessed Teens Academy) students and staff. Amongst other topics he emphasized our mission in this age to spread the message of One Family under God:
"What is most important? What becomes a merit worth of one's' life? We have to live for the sake of others. We have to touch the lives of as many people as we can, so that they can open up their eyes especially up to the expectation and dream of God and be One Family under God. That is what your aspiration should be, bringing the world into One Family. Think about how many tribes are out there, how many families are out there that have not been touched by this truth. You have to have it as almost your mission to go to the world and become a missionary."
In the wake of that storm that swept across America for 12 days, STF picked up that momentum and on the 1st of December, STF 1st Year members began their 21 days Super-challenge. Inspired by Hyun Jin nim's message they set the goal to "Go beyond Myself by Taking Ownership of God's Dream". Meanwhile the 2nd Years witnessing group divided into 7 teams and launched Pioneer Witnessing around the New York area. We are now well into these conditions and many breakthroughs and realizations are taking place, so we look forward to inspiring you more with their testimonies!
In the beginning of December, a five day meeting of all STF directors from around the world took place at the International STF HQ -- there we shared about each country or continent's situation, discussed and developed educational contents and planned for the future. We surely are moving towards creating an international standard of education and training!
As you may have seen the new application materials are out and we are now accepting early applications (by Dec' 31st!) -- Please be safe in this busy end of year, we will keep you updated monthly about what is happening on STF!