The Words of the Platt Family |
Greetings From All STF Staff As We Begin Another Jubilee Year
Roland Platt
January 20, 2008
Following the December super-challenge all 1st Years gathered in Colorado for a beautiful end of year…it was the kind of environment that only the Rocky Mountains can offer: lots of snow followed almost instantly by bright blue skies -- it was also the coldest we've experienced of any STF Colorado workshop in the past 7 years. There was a lot of excitement and joy, and tears too, as brothers and sisters met and shared their experiences of those 21 days.
After digesting and framing those experiences, preparations for a new start included a time to reflect and meditate on the entire year, and write a letter to Heavenly Father which we prayerfully offered in a big fire under the stars; following that we took the time to think, plan and make goals and determinations for the coming year. Thus we entered 2008 with a clean and clear spirit. Part of God's Day included a very lively and heated Yute game, hike in the mountains and hours of entertainment and games.
The workshop turned out to be a great combination of experiential and educational contents and members went home with high spirits. As for the 2nd Year STF members, they returned from their break to attend the CARP workshop at UTS which included Divine Principle study, True Parents course and Blessing guidance. That was followed by a special workshop to launch the 70 days of Pioneer witnessing experience which will take them right up to the STF Families Workshop at the beginning of April.
This pioneer group will spread out into 10 teams (of about 4 members each) covering 3 main areas, around New York, Washington DC and Chicago. I can clearly see how these members are growing deep roots and brothers and sisters are becoming very solid about their identity, who they are and what they stand for. The challenge of pioneer witnessing (last 21 days in December) not only brought some very potential guests who are continuing to study the Principle, but also had the great effect of strengthening our members' conviction, spirit and passion to realize God's Dream.
The 1st Year members returned from their break and are now headed towards Texas, soon they will begin their focused training to become future pioneer witnessers, assistants or team leaders in their 2nd year. All 1st year teams will be gathering for their next workshop in Feb' 10th at Camp Flaming Arrow, Texas…back to the place where this year began.
February will be another exciting month as we will carry out try outs in 10 different cities: Denver and Dallas on the 9th, Seattle and Atlanta on the 16th, Chicago and Boston on the 17th, Washington DC and the Bay Area on the 23rd and finally LA and New York on the 24th. We are all looking forward to the STF Families workshop on the first weekend of April where all members, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year and parents and siblings will meet up to have an unforgettable time!
Wishing you all a great new beginning,
Roland Platt -- STF USA director