The Words of the Portelance Family |
Fundraising with the Blessed Children -- Reflections from Two Team Captains (Roger Bair and Roddy Portelance - July 10, 1984) |
True Family Health Training Academy (Roddy Portelance - May 19, 2006) |
21-Day Training Program With Roddy Portelance (May 9, 2007) |
Nature, Witnessing and God's Love (Roddy Portelance - April 2009) |
Two Easy Ways to become a Better Witnesser (Roddy Portelance - June 15, 2010) |
We need to Change the Way we Think (Roddy Portelance - August 25, 2010) |
Change is Inevitable but Personal Growth is a Choice (Roddy Portelance - June 1, 2011 pdf) |
The Knowing Doing Gap (Roddy Portelance - June 14, 2011 pdf) |
Goals Shape the Present, not the Future (Roddy Portelance - October 8, 2011) |
What Works (Roddy Portelance - October 22, 2011) |
Understanding How our Mind Works (Roddy Portelance - January 24, 2013) |
In Loving Memory of John-Michael Portelance (Michael Balcomb - January 28, 2015 pdf) |