The Words of the Price Family |
Testimony following the Atlantic City OSDP Conference by Rev. Dr. Gilda Webb Price
My Dear Officers of the ACLC,
I greet you all in the name of Jesus!
I thank God for giving to us a man whom He created in His image and likeness for a time such as this in the person of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. I pray that God will continue to bless him, Mrs. Moon and family as He continues to reveal Himself to him.
I do believe that the [Original Substance Divine Principle] OSDP preceded the Divine Principle, yet, in God's divine order, I was privileged to study the Divine Principle first, which not only opened my appetite but left me with a hunger and a thirsting for bigger and better challenges.
Our educator, Rev. Jeong Ok Yu was extra-ordinary in his delivery. He captured the heart of father, so that when I left the conference room, it's as if I was in another world. What is meant is, "the way you came in is not the way that you left." Awesome!
I must commend Our English interpreter Tossa Cromwell who took great pains to express the message with the heart and emotions of the author. May God bless him!
I must say, that each time that I would hear the message, it is as if a new "me" emerges from under. OK, it is like peeling an onion layer by layer. I am greatly moved as I am trying to think, "Where was I all this time?" You see, the messages contained are life-titillating and will never grow old. It somehow leaves one in awe.
At a time like this, when the world is out of control, when Man does not knowing who he is, nor his purpose: It is time for mankind to know truly the heart of the creator, His will and desire for us. We were created to fulfill a specific divine purpose and to know that when we choose not to do it – there is a penalty (indemnity) to be paid. Nothing is gratis. In the case of John the Baptist, who was sent as forerunner – "the voice crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the LORD" – He did not fulfill his assignment. He created doubt in the minds of the hearers (the very audience he should have convinced) as he declared at the river Jordan, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Had he stepped back and promoted the Savior instead of doubting: " Are you the one, or should I look for another?" the outcome would have been different.
BUT! BUT! BUT! I am persuaded, I am stirred with a desire to run with the spirit of father and declare TRUTH with no nonsense, no anxiety, and with commitment, that the great commission shall be accomplished. The mission is to have ONE FAMILY UNDER GOD. The ideal, as the ACLC teaches, is to "Renew the family Restore the community, and Rebuild the Nation and the World." As Jesus petitioned the Father, Let them be one as we are one.
In conclusion, I thank the distinguished members of the ACLC Executive Board, Reverend and Mrs. Michael Jenkins, the Conference Host Committee, Reverend and Mrs. Desmond Green, Rev. Bruce Grodner, Rev. Jorg Heller, and all those who worked around the clock so that I could be a part of this prestigious gathering, which got us "renewed in the spirit of our mind, so that we put on the new man, which after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness."
Without a doubt we have received "New wine in new wine skin." God Bless you all! Thank you all!
Aju! Amen.