The Words of the Price Family

John Knox

John Price
December 1971
(English Family)

John Knox was born in Scotland in 1505. Until he was 51 he lived locally and served as a layman in the Catholic Church after a period at Edinburgh University.

His life changed when Wishart, a Protestant leader, was martyred. Knox proclaimed his Protestant faith. He had moved to St. Andrews to teach noblemen's sons, and it was here that he experienced conversion one Sunday: he broke down in tears. God was preparing him for his important role. Yet Satan was not far behind. The French captured St. Andrews and Knox was taken to sere e in the galleys. He spent 18 months in a boat, becoming very ill: already he was 43, not young in those days.

Due to pressure from the Protestants in England, he was released and gradually recovered. He went to England and become a preacher. His fame spread. This small wiry man who spoke with such heart and would dive into arguments with bishops who held onto the old faith too much. He became a Minister of Westminster. It is interesting to know that his signature, one of six, appears on the original 45 Articles, the basis of the 39 Articles that Archbishop Cranmer drew up outlining the Protestant faith.

The king died, and under pressure from his enemies, John left for Europe. Geneva harbored John Knox for a few years. Here he was preaching and writing with no lack of zeal. Finally, in 1559, at age 54, on the 2nd of May, he landed in Dundee, on still Catholic Scotland.

Immediately he was outlawed by the Regent Queen. He fled to Perth, preaching all the way. Here, he so fired the congregation, that they tore down the church pictures and images and destroyed the monastery. The fire spread and he again went to Edinburgh. On July 7th, by popular vote of the congregation, he became Minister of Edinburgh. That's just two months after he landed. Think of that! The Queen's Army took possession of the city, so he fled and travelled the extremities of Scotland.

On August the 1st, Parliament put forward a Motion calling for Protestantism. Knox was recalled and started to plan the ecclesiastical government. Queen Mary went to Scotland and called for our preacher; in all, five times. But he didn't move an inch. She is said to have tried tears and flattery, but he didn't move an inch. He was determined. She then tried him for treason but by a majority vote in the Royal Court he was absolved, and commended for his brave defense. Once, Lord Darnley, the Queen's husband, heard a sermon pointed at him, by Knox. Darnley was angered. He said he would not eat until the defender had been punished. Our preacher defended himself, saying that he had preached the Word of God. He died some years later in 1572, at age 67, happy, and full of fire -- even to his last sermon.

The Scots are a very stubborn people. This has helped them many times, but also one could think they would be slow to change. How, then, could this little man electrify the people and become a minister from an outlaw in two months?

History shows that Henry VII's personal desire had such a lasting effect in establishing Protestantism, because the nation itself had wanted the change. So, too, with Scotland. They no longer wished to be dominated by Rome. John Knox was necessary but was only the match to the fire.

So, too, with the world today. Our Leader is, of course, necessary but he cannot be the restoration himself. The Unified Family cannot be that themselves; we need a willing nation and world. Therefore, we must show the people how good it is to be in the Family that they must want themselves to change. This is true on the individual level. If we are willing, God can mold us very quickly and powerfully. So, really, there is nothing to be sad about. Everything is looking good. Even Indemnity is a joy. 

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