The Words of the Read Family |
Invitation To European CARP (Youth Of UPF) Meeting Autumn 2006 - Rome, Italy
Tim Read
October 3, 2006
Dear brothers & sisters,
You are invited and encouraged to take part in our Autumn European meeting at the end of October in Rome, Italy. The focus will be on taking together the next step after having just received Hyun Jin Nim in many of our European nations. It will be a chance to evaluate what we need to do in order to catch the spirit and heart behind his very clear guidance & directions during the European stage of True Family's three generation tour.
There will also be internal guidance and practical support from the staff who are working together to develop our European Youth Movement. As usual it will be a chance to meet with each other, network, and be creative.
Please be prepared for a serious meeting. The goal is that everybody leaves with a clear mind & is ready to invest more into service & outreach. We want to continue to develop our identity in connection to the mission we have: which is to bring all aspects of our world back to God.
The theme for the internal guidance will be: How to strengthen our conscience and our sincerity towards God.
The last day will be spent sight seeing in Rome where we can follow the path of the early Christian martyrs, and check out how accurate Dan Brown's research is.
Practical Details
Arrival: Thursday 26th October, Evening
Meeting: Friday & Saturday (27th & 28th)
Sight seeing: Sunday 29th October
Departure: Sunday 29th evening/ Monday 30th October
Available spaces: 50 participants (first come, first served basis).
Location: Colle Mattia (Rome) 20km from Ciampino airport
Flights: a round trip with Ryanair is about 70 Euros at the moment, (as you know the prices go up the closer it gets to the date.)
Accommodation: Beds provided for all but please bring sleeping bag.
Meeting Fee: 70 Euros
Registration: Please fill out your details in the attached excel file and return the file to Keimi.
For further details & registration please contact:
Keimi Kanno (Italian CARP)
We look forward to seeing you.
Yours Sincerely,
Tim Read
Julius Alexy
Simon Cooper
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