The Words of the Salonen Family

What is FLF?

Neil Albert Salonen
January 1970

The Freedom Leadership Foundation [FLF] is, a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational organization committed, to the preservation and extension of freedom, peace and brotherhood. It was organized in 1969 and incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia.

Board of Directors

Neil Albert Salonen, Chairman, Washington, DC

Rev. Young Oon Kim, Washington, DC

Philip Kent Burley, Washington, DC

George C. Edwards, Washington, DC

Jon Schuhart, Los Angeles, California

Executive Officers

President: Neil Albert Salonen

Vice President for Administration and Planning: Neil A. Winterbottom

Vice President for Research and Education: George C. Edwards

Secretary: Rebecca J. Boyd

Treasurer: Cynthia R. Efaw

How Did the Freedom Leadership Foundation Originate?

The Foundation originated as a group of young men and women who were concerned about the problems caused by poverty, racism, war and revolution and the uncertain future they project for America. This led them to form a study group focusing on current influences in American society. Their study of Marxist theory, in particular, made clear to them the destructive nature of its central thesis, dialectical materialism, and the extent to which this mode of thought has pervaded our culture.

Seeing the urgent need for responsible, dynamic 'leadership on all levels of society, these young people are motivated to study and share objective information concerning the theory and strategy of current revolutionary movements in the United States. They formed the Freedom Leadership Foundation as a vehicle through which other individuals and groups can cooperate to revitalize and reform this society, through constructive means.

What Are the Goals and Purposes of the Freedom Leadership Foundation?

To respond to the challenge of world crisis by promoting the high quality of leadership necessary to preserve and extend freedom to all peoples.

To educate and inform all men of the responsibilities of that freedom, as man's highest gift from God.

To proclaim that the doctrines of materialism, especially those propounded by Marxism Leninism, constitute at present the greatest single threat to world freedom.

To inspire and develop dedicated leaders who are committed to the revitalization of this society, protecting its heritage and ideals while pioneering new levels of achievement.

How Will the Foundation Work to Accomplish its Objectives?

The Foundation has a two-pronged approach in accomplishing its objectives: (1) Developing educational programs; (2) Encouraging programs of social action.

In Schools...

Current radicalization of alienated youth, aggravated by the seeming lack of alternatives to revolution in bringing about reform, has dramatized the urgent need for constructive new programs. The FLF conducts studies on educational methods focusing on the role that education must play in building a productive and free society. Activities are designed to fully develop a necessary sense of individual responsibility and initiative in American youth.

High Schools

FLF student chapters are established in high schools with such programs as newsletters, inter-school leadership conferences, critical study courses on competing economic systems and ideologies, and panels in areas of student interest, emphasizing individual responsibility in problem- solving.


FLF chapters are formed in leading universities throughout the U.S. through a variety of lectures and leadership training workshops, students analyze the forces shaping their world, planning active, creative programs to revitalize the present system.

In studying the concepts and tactics employed by the radical lift, and by understanding the fallacious nature of dialectical materialism FLF establishes coalitions including all groups that seek responsible change.

Speakers Bureau

Speakers on a wide range of topics are available through the FLF Speakers Bureau. Membership includes social workers, teachers, businessmen, students, writers, nurses and people from many other professions who provide a broad perspective on contemporary issues. The Speakers Bureau also conducts training sessions in public speaking.

In the Community...

FLF conducts workshops in the community to educate and involve citizens, particularly with regard to the present possibility of revolution. People who are clearly aware of the conditions which exist around them are better equipped to formulate opinions, plan intelligently for any eventuality, and work effectively for community improvement,

Religious Organizations

Individual speakers and workshop programs are available to church groups and religious organizations, Regardless of apparent tolerance, Marxism and its modern derivatives are diametrically opposed to belief in God and the spiritual nature of man. Therefore, it is imperative that people of religious conviction understand more clearly the nature and strategy of movements centered on philosophies of materialism.

Community Workshops

Seminars are given in the community at which now approaches to solve problems are formulated, concluding with group evaluation and a specific plan for involvement. These seminars provide a strong sense of community cohesion for all participants.

Is FLF Affiliated With Any Other Group or Organization?

The Freedom Leadership Foundation is a totally independent organization with no sectarian or political goals. Its membership includes people from all religious, social and political backgrounds, working with many other individuals and groups for common goals,

What about Financial Backing?

The Freedom Leadership Foundation is financed only by the contributions of its members and friends. The Foundation welcomes contributions of its members and friends. The Foundation welcomes contributions from every interested individual, group or organization. Funds are used solely to promote the stated objectives of the Foundation. Contributions to the FLF are tax-deductible. Checks or money orders are payable to The Freedom Leadership Foundation and may be sent to the Washington headquarters, to the attention of the Secretary.

How Can I Keep Informed About FLF Activities?

"Critique" is the monthly newsletter of the Foundation. It reports FLF activities on the national and local scene and includes book reviews, articles, and information about study resources. It promotes and assists in the study of Marxist theory and the revolutionary movement and in forging constructive alternatives to these.

Membership in FLF includes a subscription to "Critique". Extra subscriptions are available for $3.00 per year. Send checks or money orders to the attention of The Editor, Critique, Freedom Leadership Foundation, 1611 Upshur Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20011.

Am I Eligible for Membership in FLF?

This is a period of challenge for America and the world. There is a great need for people to become well-informed to direct their concern toward positive action. FLF programs coordinate and maximize the exchange of information, depth of understanding, and positive action of its members. The serious challenge which we face requires a serious response.

To become an active member of the Foundation, write to headquarters in Washington, DC. The following types of membership are available:

Student -- $3 yearly
Associate -- 10 -- $25 yearly
General -- $25 -- $100 yearly
Supporting -- $100 -- $500 yearly
Corporate -- $500 every 3 years

All members receive the monthly newsletter, "Critique," and any bulletins issued. General and supporting members are eligible to vote on the affairs of the national organization, as are life and corporate member.

How Are Local FLF Chapters Organized?

Chapters have been organized in many parts of America. There may be a chapter near you. If you are interested in contacting your local chapter or in organizing one yourself, write to Membership and Chapter Affairs in Washington. You will be provided with full information on how to begin.

The work of FLF can most effectively be done at 'the local level, confronting problems and stimulating awareness and action in each community. FLF in Washington will be glad to furnish' information and suggestions for your chapters. In turn, the national organization can provide a broad picture of what is happening in FLF in America.

How Can I Participate in FLF Work?

The Foundation needs the support of responsible individuals to accomplish its stated objectives.

Become an active member of FLF.

Give as generously as you can to support Foundation activities.

Attend study groups, workshops and seminars sponsored by the Foundation or other educational groups.

Study and read independently

Be aware of current trends and events.

Take a leadership role in group discussions, and be willing to take the initiative in expressing political and philosophical opinions as well as confronting those with which you disagree.

Recognize and assume your responsibility to guide your family, community and country toward continual growth in a positive direction.

For More Information:

Write to:

The Freedom Leadership Foundation
United States Headquarters
1611 Upshur Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20011

Or call:

(Area Code 202) 726-1155 

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