The Words of the Saver Family |
When our eldest daughter was 16 years old, she offered me the opportunity to read her personal journal. On the inside cover she had penned the words: "I am a spirit trying to be human". But what does it mean to be truly human?
William Shakespeare's words "To thine own self be true" has been repeated over and over again in discussions about identity. However without a knowledge of self, how does one know if one is being "true"?
In this blog post, you have the opportunity to possibly discover something about yourself for the very first time that may completely change the way you view yourself and subsequently your life choices and therefore your destiny. So read on and follow the instructions.
Ask and answer these questions in the order presented to help yourself to shed light on who you are.
1. What are the five (5) most important things that you would like to achieve in your lifetime given that you have no limitations?
2. Imagine that you are now in the year 2040 AD and you have just died. What would you most like people to be saying about you at your funeral?
3. Are your answers for question #2 congruent with your answers for question #1? (If for example, you wrote things like "make a ton of money", "get a PhD in rocket science", "travel the world" as your answers for question #1 and yet you wrote answers like "a good husband to my wife and good father to my children" and "well liked by everyone who knew me" for question #2 , then your answers would be deemed to be in congruent. It does not mean you can't or should not achieve all these things. The exercise is asking you to prioritize. The assumption is that what is most important to you throughout your life should be reflected in the most important comments about you at your funeral.
4. If you have discovered that your answers are congruent then skip this question and proceed to question #5. If , however, you realize that your answers are incongruent then decide what is really, really, really most important to you.
5. Can you find a "why" underneath a goal? If for example, you wrote as one of your most important achievements to "never have to worry about paying the bills again" or "financial independence", ask yourself "why is this important to me?". Seriously, do people seek financial independence so they can do a Scrooge McDuck (remember those comics?) who would dive into a wheat silo filled with greenbacks or be spending the day counting his money with a huge grin on his face?
5. Based on your answers and your reflection thus far, what changes do you think you need to make, in terms of your daily actions, so that your time is best spent in pursuing what is most important to you?
6. What is more important to you? What you do or the person you become?
7. It's been said that " the most important things in life are not really things" What do you make of this statement?
I Wish You Success On Your Path To Living Your Most Authentic Life
Paul Saver