The Words of the Saver Family |
Unfortunately, in the present Unificationists gatherings, we still label each other as "fundamentalist", "conservative", "liberal", "non religious", "quasi religious", "humanist", "mystic", "spiritualist", and in other categories, "leader", "member", "minister", "Western", "Eastern/Oriental", "First Generation", "Second Generation" and now "Third Generation"! Why do we label each other? I say, it becomes necessary, to have a label for every person, so that we can avoid, REALLY talking to each other, and finding out WHO, each UNIQUE one of us, are really like!
Let us forget the names of all the labels we have worn and the positions we have held or think we should hold. Let us line up together, arm in arm, making one big line that circles the Earth. 7 Points to Remind Us, Not to, Label Each Other
1. God created all human beings as his children and as unique individual truth bodies each with a God given personality. Since we are created as God's children then we are brothers and sisters to each other. Parents natural desire is for children to get along nicely. I don't think we should mess with what God has already created.
2. True Parents are the living example of having no enemies and welcoming everyone.
3. We are all born with fallen nature and grew up with fallen parents and a fallen society. Some were born and grew up with a better set of circumstances than others. All of us are at different points in terms of our spiritual maturity based on our life experiences, education and ancestral inheritance. No one changes simply by adopting a new set of beliefs. Whilst there is a valid argument to propose formula courses, and we share similar needs and traits as human beings, every person has a unique restorational path to walk. I say let everyone walk their path with our total acceptance and our whole hearted encouragement and support.
4. No one joined our Movement to oppose it unless they were a spy. [Interestingly after we got Blessed, my wife received a test from the spirit world and came to believe I was a spy. Also True Father once looked at me and declared that I had "the eyes of the KGB" So be very careful those reading this... ha! ha!]
5. Since we are all unique it means that each person can understand and relate to certain people like themselves, like nobody else can. Since we have an enormous task in reaching out to every kind of person on this Earth, how handy it is that there is a kind of brother or sister who is just suited to reach out and touch someone like themselves.
6. Life is change. As we mature our hearts become bigger and we can learn to love even the impossible person. This is the path to true health and happiness.
7. If God and True Parents believe that mass murderers like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and others can now be working for Heaven from the spirit world, I guess there is not one living Unificationist who comes anywhere near the level of evilness of these guys!
In conclusion, let us truly celebrate our differences and be in awe of each other and the story that each one has to tell. Let us forget the names of all the labels we have worn and the positions we have held or think we should hold. Let us line up together, arm in arm, making one big line that circles the Earth.
PS If you want to find out whether I am really a spy, go to www.PaulSaver.com