The Words of the Saver Family |
You may have noticed that I have been off the radar these past several months. The reason being is that I have been doing a lot of soul searching and considering various options. To cut a long story short I have decided to re brand myself in the parenting niche with a new web site currently under construction together with some parenting information products. More specifically my target audience is parents who are being challenged by their teenager.
Some of may already know that I became a certified Life Coach in 2008. This is in addition to being a practicing high school teacher since 1995 and a parent of four children since 1989.
I am writing this letter to you now to offer my coaching services free of charge (the only price I am asking is your testimonial) to any parent with at least one teenager. The coaching could be made available to just a father, just a mother or to both together.
My purpose is three fold:
1. to quickly get coaching experience in a very defined niche i.e. with a focus in helping parents use a coaching model to parent their teenager.
2. to develop a particular coaching system whilst in the process of implementing it.
3. to gather some social proof (i.e. testimonials)
Ideally I am looking for parent/s who are currently quite challenged in their relationship with their teenager, who are desperate for change and are therefore coach able.
The coaching would be done over the telephone and go for about 1 hour over 10 sessions spanning 4-5 months. I would be calling you at a mutually agreeable time. All communications would be kept confidential. I am looking for 3 coaches.
As I said, the only cost to you is a testimonial at the end plus your own commitment to establishing a better parent teenager relationship which is presumably your goal as a parent.
My plan in the near future is to offer the same coaching service to any parents who request it, for a significant monetary fee.
In addition, I plan to run parenting seminars and provide other forms of parenting information products.
In summary here's what's in it for the successful coachee applicants:
free coaching
a better parent teenager relationship
free access to all my parenting information products
If you are interested to find out more, email me and provide the best telephone number to call/best times to call and I will get back to you.
All the best
Paul S.
P.S. If this is not for you right now but you would like to receive free parenting tips by way of videos, a newsletter and blog posts in the future, let me know and I will keep you posted.