The Words of the Schanker Family |
Memo 4 Read Carefully
Phillip Schanker
December 7, 2003
To: Regional Directors, Vice-Regional Directors, State Leaders, Members
From: Rev. Phillip Schanker, Mr. Jim Flynn
Date: December 7, 2003
RE: Pilgrimage & Peace Rally Update: Outreach, Registration, Transportation & Fees; Conference Call Sun. Night, 12/07
As the elder son nation marches forward toward the goal of 1440 participants to the Dec. 22nd Peace March & Rally in Israel, we will have an important conference call for Vice Regional Directors and Coordinators (Regional Directors are welcome) on Sunday, December 7th at 11:00 PM New York time (8:00 PM California time). We will discuss travel options to Israel, hotels & accommodations, tours, witnessing and outreach in Israel, as well as registration and fee payment. To prepare for our discussion, and to effectively achieve the participation of all members in this historic event, please read the following points carefully and prepare the required reports and information:
I. Goals & Guests
A. Please use Sunday Service and members' meetings tomorrow to inform, invite and register participants from your city/state/region.
B. Our goal is to bring a minimum of 1440 participants from North America, with as many clergy and Ambassadors for Peace among them as possible. We should strive to assure that these special guests comprise at least 1/3 of each region's delegation.
C. We are focusing to invite leaders representing Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Korean Christian pastors in the United States, as well as civic and political leaders at all levels. To accomplish this, we will provide you with: TOOLS / STRATEGIES / TESTIMONIES
1) Christian outreach is being coordinated by ACLC nationwide. An invitation letter is available (see #D below).
2) Jewish Unificationists are spearheading a nationwide outreach to the Jewish leadership. An invitation letter and suggested strategies are available (see #D below). Many Imams we are close to are doing interfaith work, and have excellent Jewish Rabbis as contacts.
3) Cooperation with key Islamic organizations, such as the American Muslim Society, and networking with close Imams is suggested.
4) KEA pastors are coordinating the outreach to Korean Christianity, but the best way to invite them is through ACLC and American pastors.
5) The American Family Coalition is coordinating outreach to civic and political leaders in each region.
D. TOOLS: Invitation materials, strategies and an IIPC brochure on the Middle East Peace Initiative, as well as tour itineraries highlighting holy land activities and pilgrimages for each faith, will be available to download from a secure location on the web site by Sunday night. The 5 ½ minute video, "Peace under One God" (shown at the UN Rally) gives a simple overview of the spirit and purpose of the Pilgrimage & Peace Rally. Three copies were sent to each state & region during the New York UN mobilization, and more can be ordered for overnight delivery by calling Sheila Song at Washington, DC HQ.
STRATEGIES: Some strategy ideas will be available at the download site soon, and others will be shared on conference calls and through memos.
TESTIMONIES: Be sure to share insights and testimonies of breakthroughs in your outreach work with the Campaign HQ, and we will distribute them to multiply success.
II. Campaign HQ & Responsibilities
A. The US Mobilization Campaign will be coordinated by Mr. Jim Flynn. Members and guests should relate to state & regional leadership directly. General questions or clarifications (regions only, please) should be directed to Jim Flynn at, or by phone at (202) 636-2850. You may also contact Margaret Herbers at, or at DC HQ at (202) 319-3200, ext 108.
B. Specific areas of responsibility will be handled as follows:
1) Registration- Jorg Heller at
2) Travel and Accommodations- Sheila Song at
3) Payment- Rev. Eric Holt at
4) Communications- Margaret Herbers
III. Participant Registration
A. All decided participants must be registered online, either individually or by their region, by Wednesday, December 9, or they may lose their charter seats. Registration will remain open for new participants and guests until the last moment, but we cannot guarantee flights and seats after Dec. 9. Faxed or Emailed registrations will not be processed. Please make sure ALL participants are registered online immediately.
B. We suggest that members should register with regions, and regional staff input the information online, to assure that regions are aware of all participants from your area. Also, Jorg Heller will report to regions daily regarding those who have registered online.
IV. Travel & Transportation
A. At this point, there are three distinct travel groups from North America to Israel:
1) Via El Al Airlines, on a charter flight from NY-JFK on Dec. 16, returning via 4 flights on Dec. 23-24 (482 passengers). THIS FLIGHT IS ESSENTIALLY FULL
2) Via British Airways (BA), on flights from 14 US cities and Toronto to London leaving Dec. 18, then flying together by charter to Tel Aviv on the 19th, and back to London for return flights to the 15 originating cities on Dec. 23. 496 SEATS ARE AVAILABLE ON THESE FLIGHTS. See MEMO #3 (12/5) for departure points and details
3) Via individually or independently reserved commercial flights.
B. Each region has a specific number of seats already filled on the El Al charter flight (see attached passenger list), as well as a certain number of seats available on a BA flight from a nearby city (see MEMO #3). The # of BA seats assigned to your region represents ½ of your remaining regional goal. Please feel free to use these seats in the best way possible in order to fulfill that goal. In other words:
1) If you wish to move passengers from the El Al flight on the 16th to the BA flight on the 18th (or vice versa) in order to replace them with another passenger, you may do so until December 9, keeping responsibility for the total seats already assigned to your region.
2) Regions may exchange or share seats according to your situation and need. These adjustments should be completed by December 9. Please plan to discuss your region's travel situation on our conference calls Sunday (12/7) and Tuesday (12/9).
C. If you need more seats than what is currently available for your region, you should:
1) Contact regions with seats on BA from the same departure city, or another city convenient to your region, to see if they have seats they will not use.
2) Report extra needs to Sheila immediately; we may be able to get more seats from BA.
D. The seats reserved for your region on BA will be held for you through Dec. 9. After that, we may make them available to other regions or exchange them for seats from different cities. If you do not need the seats reserved for your region, report to Sheila Song ASAP.
E. An Excel report form will follow. One page is for seat requests on British Airways, as well as suggestions for changes to itinerary, etc. A second page is for you to absolutely confirm the passengers and seats on El Al.
1) On the BA page, indicate region, coordinator and # of requested seats in the cells at the top. List any passenger names you have. Use the "COMMENTS" field to indicate:
· If you wish British Airways to find a domestic flight to the departure airport from another city and back through its partner airlines (probably pretty cheap)
· If you wish a different departure city (from the 15 cities available) for your region
V. Registration Fees, Donations & Payment
A. Fee Amounts
1) El Al Charter: $1550., which covers the cost of the entire trip from Dec. 16-23 (flight, hotel, meals, tours and transportation in Israel). Domestic airfare & ground transportation in the US are not included.
2) British Airways: The entire airfare ($999. for New York & Newark, $1040. for Boston and Washington Dulles- others to be announced) plus $400 for all costs in Israel.
3) Independent Flights: $500. for Israel costs if arriving the 17th, 18th or 19th and leaving the 23rd. For longer stays, $80. per additional day. $300. for the 20th - 23rd or less.
B. Families unable to have one member of your family attend the rally should donate a minimum of $500. to support the participation of others and your regional goal.
C. Please make all payments to your region by Tuesday, December 9. Regions must send all fees to Rev. Eric Holt, 4 W. 43rd St., NY, NY 10036, to arrive by December 11.
D. For credit card payments, submit your information to your region or fill out a standard credit card form supplied to your region from HQ. Because fees are calculated to be the bare minimum, please add the credit card company's processing fee of 3%. Donations by credit card (with fee or without) are welcome as well.
VI. Hotels & Accommodations
North American participants will stay in 4-Star hotels in Jerusalem, 2 participants to a room. Single rooms can be arranged for an additional $30. per night. We encourage each region to prepare a rooming list with roommates for your region (a form will follow). Hotels will be announced soon.
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