The Words of the Schanker Family |
Peace Rally and Candle Ceremony Details and Instructions
Phillip Schanker
December 20, 2003
To: Family Federation Members Worldwide
From: Rev. Phillip Schanker
Date: December 20, 2003
Re: Heart to Heart Rally and Peace Candle Ceremony Details and Links
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
As we approach December 22nd, and God, True Parents, and the saints in the spirit world are focusing on the events here in Israel and Palestine, we know that each of you are supporting these activities with your heart, prayers and efforts.
The following are some highlights of the activities here, as well as some important details on how you can participate to help make the worldwide candle lighting ceremony an unqualified success!
Jerusalem is buzzing with 3,000 Peace Ambassadors filling the hotels and visiting holy sites around the city. The Israeli government has issued an official press release supporting our Peace Rally. And the City of Jerusalem has included our Peace Rally as part of their official Hanukkah Celebration. On Monday evening, after the rally, we will be given the stage and an opportunity to present a portion of the program at that Celebration.
As you have heard in previous emails, hundreds of buses are being organized from all over the country to bring participants to the rally. For example, one Arab Christian leader from Nazareth is bringing 2,000 people. Virtually the entire town of Abu Ghosh (which was the historic town of Gilead mentioned in the Bible) will attend. With more and more Peace Ambassadors arriving, our outreach has intensified significantly.
Service For Peace has organized 11 projects involving 1st and 2nd generation members and Ambassadors for Peace throughout Israel. Through these wonderful projects, so many eyes and hearts are being opened, even as our own participants are having deep and heartfelt experiences. Information about these projects will be posted on the site tomorrow. Here are a few:
a.. Breaking ground to build the first park in Bethlehem, which will eventually hold 1 million trees.
b.. Decorating the town of Bethlehem for Christmas
c.. Hand in Hand Project - a neighborhood cleaning project including, a community dialogue, and a community hand-in-hand painting project
Our front line right now is our effort to win the hearts and participation of mainstream Jewish religious leaders. We are counting on your prayers and support!
How Can I Participate?
The Rally for Peace and the Peace Candle Ceremony will be held on Monday, December 22, from 2 PM until 4:15 PM Jerusalem time. (7 AM - 9:15 AM in New York and 9 PM - 11:15 PM in Seoul).
To view the event:
During the above times, we will be broadcasting the event live over the internet. To view the streaming video and sound, please go to our website (www.PEACERALLY.INFO) and click on the live broadcast link.
To view it, you will need to use Windows Media Player. Please be sure to test your Windows Media Player before Monday.
To participate in the Peace Candle Ceremony:
Our goal is to light between 12 and 120 MILLION candles around the world in solidarity with this ceremony.
a.. Please go to our website ( www.PEACERALLY.INFO ) and click on the candle icon where we are counting participants.
b.. Please send emails to all your contacts asking them to do the same and pass on the request to their own networks.
c.. Please click on the following link to view guidelines on how to organize your own Peace Candle Ceremony. (http://peacerally.info/additional/organizer_event.htm)
Be a part of this historic event!
Brothers and Sisters - let us all link our hearts, minds, and efforts in support of this event. Please be a part of this event, wherever you are, and help us liberate the family of Abraham - and God's Heart.
May God Bless you and your families at this holy time.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
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