The Words of the Schanker Family |
Nationwide BC Creative Arts Contest (Films, Videos, Literature)
Phillip Schanker
May 1, 2007
TO: All Blessed Children via District, State and Church Leaders, Blessed Family Department Representatives
FROM: Phillip Schanker, VP for Education, FFWPU-USA David Hunter, Director of Youth Education, FFWPU-USA
DATE: May 1, 2007
RE: Nationwide BC Creative Arts Contest (Films, Videos, Literature)
$$ Cash Prizes $$
The Education Department of FFWPU-USA is announcing a nationwide contest for Blessed Children to showcase their creative abilities. In seeking to find new ways to express the values, beliefs, and core teachings of the Unification Movement, the Education Department is seeking to tap the vast artistic talents of the Second Generation in order to acquire new and innovative materials for use in lecture and sermon support, workshop delivery, and outreach education. The contest, which includes cash prizes for winners, encourages Blessed Children to utilize their creative talents to express their faith in the realms of film production, acting, song-writing, musical performance, music video production and creative writing.
The BC Creative Arts Contest has four general categories, each with its own cash prize. The categories for the contest are as follows: short movie on a Divine Principle topic, short movie with a _Living a Principled Life_ theme, music video with a principled theme, and religious outreach materials (brochures, pamphlets, posters, etc). Participants in the contest may submit entries in any or all of the above categories, but no more than one entry in any given category.
All submissions must be received by September 1, 2007, accompanied by a $10 entrance fee. Winners will be chosen and announced by October 15, 2007. All prizes, totaling $3500, will be distributed by November 15, 2007. Those entries judged most creative and effective in communicating Unification ideals may lead to additional funded/supported projects.
For details, specifications, and rules for the contest, please refer to the attached document, BC CAC Guidelines (pdf) For further clarification, or other questions, please contact Mr. David Hunter.
Phillip Schanker
VP for Education
David P. Hunter
Director of Youth Education Department
FFWPU-USA Education
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