The Words of the Schanker Family |
Make sure your church, state or district is represented. Why not scholarship a willing and sincere young adult for this program?
There are still some spaces available for the exclusive “Train the Trainers” workshop for young adults who would like to learn to teach the Divine Principle effectively. Co-sponsored by the FFWPU Education Department and the National Witnessing Initiative, the eight day program will be held at the beautiful “Morning Garden” retreat facility overlooking the ocean in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The program begins at 5:00 PM on Sunday, August 17 and ends by noon on Sunday, August 24. Come join us, and you will:
Learn to teach the Divine Principle in effective ways that can engage young people.
Receive personal, one-on-one instruction and guidance from experienced presenters.
Gain deeper insight into the DP and how to apply it to your life.
Learn how to prepare, structure and deliver presentations. Create your own outlines!
Learn about how adults learn; develop successful strategies and interactive presentations; develop discussion questions and activities that can support learning the Principle.
Receive ongoing support and mentoring after the workshop from capable educators.
Develop confidence, conviction and a sense of ownership in sharing the Divine Principle.
The cost for the program, including accommodations and meals is $360. per person. Transportation can be arranged to/from the workshop and nearby airports. To register, or for information, contact Heather Thalheimer ASAP. We look forward to working with you.
With gratitude,
Rev. Phillip Schanker
VP for Education, FFWPU- USA