The Words of the Schanker Family |
May the blessings of God and True Parents be fully present with you during this busy fall season.
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Parents’ Matching Convocation with Adult BCs on January 16-18, 2009. This Convocation is for parents who have BCs that are qualified matching candidates aged 23 or above.
At this Convocation, BCs age 23 or older are also being invited to attend. BCs over 23 are typically out of college and into their careers. They may wish to take on a larger role in their own matching. Also they are more mature and responsible adults.
Parents are encouraged to attend even if their own adult BC does not want to come. Based on your feedback, we can make improvements and adjustments for future programs.
The exact location is not decided, but it will be on the East Coast in the DC-New York-Bridgeport corridor. Further details will be announced soon. Watch the website: www.familyfed.org/bfd for updates. Details and registration information will be posted there as soon as they are available.
The dates are Jan. 16-18, 2009, with the following Monday being the Martin Luther King holiday.
We are having ongoing discussions with BCs over age 23 and their parents about the content of this Convocation and how to tailor it for this age group. We would welcome your ideas and suggestions. Please email your thoughts to Jim Stephens.
Remember to submit photos and profiles in time for this unique and significant Matching Convocation. Visit the BFD website for access to the latest forms (www.familyfed.org/bfd).
Please announce this in your Sunday Church bulletins and on all your mailing lists. (See sample below.) We wish you tremendous success in your mission. God bless you and your family.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Vice-President for Education
North America Region
Rev. Jim Stephens
Co-Director, BFD
Mrs. Hiromi Stephens
Co-Director, BFD
Sample Announcement: Adult BCs (23+) and Parents Matching Convocation, January 16-18, 2009, East Coast location. All parents with Second Generation age 23 and over are invited and encouraged to attend a special Parents Matching Convocation WITH your BCs. Details will be available soon on the BFD website (www.familyfed.org/bfd) or through your local BFD Representative.