The Words of the Schanker Family |
TO: All FFWPU District, State and Church leaders, all Blessed
FROM: Blessed Family Department
DATE December 16,
RE: Parents’ Matching Convocation #8 in San Leandro,
CA, Feb. 13-15, 2009
May the blessings of God and True Parents be with you during this busy holiday season.
We are pleased to announce the upcoming Parents’ Matching Convocation #8. It will be held in San Leandro, CA, at the LaQuinta Inn and Hotel, during the Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day weekend, February 13-15. Details and registration information are available on the Blessed Family Department website <www.familyfed.org/bfd/index.html>. Parents seeking opportunities to meet other parents, view approximately 500 profiles of candidates, or simply to learn more about the matching process will want to register as soon as possible on the website.
This is the first of four such Convocations planned for 2009. These gatherings are priceless for learning about the matching tradition and process, for networking and for renewing old friendships.
All parents with eligible candidates are encouraged to submit photos and profiles to put on display. Visit the BFD website for all details (www.familyfed.org/bfd ). If profiles are over one year old, it’s best to update the photos and information in advance of the Convocation. New forms were created last month and all candidates are requested to update their profiles. These new forms help parents to better know each candidate.
Please announce this in your Sunday Church bulletins and on all your mailing lists. (Sample below) For reports of the previous seven Convocations, go to the BFD website and click on “Reports <www.familyfed.org/bfd/reports.html#pmc> ”. There you can see pictures, download PowerPoints, read participant reflections, and hear recordings. Similar Convocations are being held in Japan, Korea, and Europe. American parents may wish to participate in these or make their candidate profiles available. For more information contact your local or district BFD Representative or visit the BFD website under “Links”. We wish you tremendous success in your family and a wonderful Christmas and Happy God’s Day.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Vice-President for Education
North America Region
Rev. Jim Stephens
Co-Director, BFD
Mrs. Hiromi Stephens
Co-Director, BFD
Sample Announcement: Parents Matching Convocation #8. San Leandro, CA, Feb. 13-15, 2009. All parents with Second Generation eligible for matching now or in the future are encouraged to attend this event. Details and registration are available on the BFD website (www.familyfed.org/bfd) or through your local BFD Representative.