The Words of the Schanker Family

Blessing Workshop in Los Angeles

Phillip Schanker and Inguk Seo
January 8, 2009

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - North American Headquarters
BC Blessing Department
4 W 43rd St. New York, NY 10036
In Jin Moon, Chairman, FFWPU-USA
Dr. Pyung Hwa Kim, Continental Director
Rev. Michael Jenkins, USA President

(NHQ BC Blessing - 09 -- 001)

TO: District Directors, All FFWPU Leaders, BFD Representatives, and All Blessed Central Families
FROM: Rev. Phillip Schanker, Rev. Inguk Seo
DATE: January 8, 2009
RE: Blessed Children’s Blessing Workshops in Los Angeles

Dear Blessed Families,

There are a number of Blessed Children who have been matched by their parents and also a number of Blessed Children who have applied for True Parents’ Matching. Second Generation youth who intend to participate in the Blessing ceremony are required to have completed a Blessing Workshop no more than 2 years prior to their Blessing.

Therefore, we are happy to announce a Blessed Children’s Blessing Workshop in Los Angeles for Blessing candidates, those who have been matched by their parents and any Blessed Child 17 years of age or older who wishes to participate in the workshop. We would like to invite parents as well to attend the entire workshop with their children.

NOTE: Workshop participants MUST attend the entire workshop in order to get a certificate of completion, which must be submitted at the time of their Blessing (NO EXCEPTIONS)

A. Workshop Places and Times

YMCA Camp Round Meadow
Workshop Address- 41011 Jenks Lake Road West
Angelus Oaks, CA 92305

Dates- Friday, January 23rd to Sunday 25th, 2008

Schedule- Workshop will begin Friday at 6PM and end on Sun. at approx. 3PM.


We will arrange travel from two airports for those who need it. We need to know flight information no later than January 22. Airports to arrive at: Los Angeles International Airport or Long Beach Airport (JetBlue lands in Long Beach). The campsite is in a rural mountainous area almost two hours from the metropolitan area, so there is no standard ground transportation.

Accommodations: We will be staying in heated cabins, 12 bunks to a cabin. Showers and toilets are in a separate bathhouse. There is no bedding, so each person must bring a sleeping bag and personal towel.

Workshop fee: If paid before 5:00 pm. on Monday, January 19: $110

If paid after 5:00 pm. on Monday, January 19: $125

Credit card payments will require an extra $5 for processing fees.

Checks are written to HSA-UWC, and payments are mailed to:

950 Holly Vista Drive
Pasadena, CA 91105

Expected temperatures: low 25 degrees, high 55 degrees. There is a 50/50 chance of snow on the ground. If there is snow on the ground, the Highway Patrol may require snow chains on automobile tires.

B. Who can attend: 2nd Generation blessing candidates, those matched by their parents or any second generation 17 years and older is invited to attend, and their parents are invited as well.

C. What to prepare: Clothes and toiletries, pen and notebook and sleeping bags.

D. Workshop Registration: All participants MUST register IN ADVANCE. Register online at

E. Program and Presenters: main presenter will be Rev. Phillip Schanker, VP for Education of the FFWPU, with testimonies from elder 2nd Generation couples, some special guest presenters, and lots of time for recreation, discussion and fellowship as well.

F. For further information contact:

Keith McCarthy

Most sincerely,

Rev. Phillip Schanker
Vice-President for Education

Rev. Inguk Seo
Director, BC Blessing Department

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