The Words of the Schanker Family |
Below are the guidelines for Blessed Families desiring to participate in the International Peace Blessing. This is a precious opportunity to support True Parents in the culminating stages of Father’s ministry on earth, rededicate our commitment to God and our spouses, and celebrate our Blessed Families. We will do our best to make it possible for everyone to participate.
I. Who Should Participate
Father has asked all Blessed Couples and family members to stand in this International Peace Blessing Ceremony as representatives of our nations, and on behalf of all six billion people of the world. This includes:
Husbands, wives, and children
Ascended spouses or children, who can be represented physically by their photo.
Blessed members whose Blessing has broken, who maintain their faith in the ideals and values of the Blessing.
Family members who are not in the same location can participate in separate ceremonies if necessary.
If it is not possible for both spouses or all children to participate, one or more family members can represent their Blessed Family.
Members whose Blessed marriage has been undermined by infidelity cannot consider this a forgiveness or amnesty, but should contact their district leadership or BFD to initiate a process of renewal… and then join us on October 14th.
II. How to Participate
A. How to Register- Deadline Extended to Sunday, October 4, 2009
Families should register through your District HQ
Registration/ Application form can be obtained from your district HQ or BFD, or downloaded from [Access members’ area at top right, log in and click on International Peace Blessing banner at tight. Links to all forms are available at bottom of the page].
B. Blessing Donation- Submission Extended to Wednesday, October 7, 2009
True Parents have established an offering for this Blessing, to open the gateway of the Blessing to the world. For North America, each family should contribute $1,000.
Donations should be gathered by district. Families should not send donations directly to National HQ.
Participation is more important than any other condition. Each family should do the best that they can, trusting that Heaven knows and understands their situation.
Donation PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE: A minimum of $300 of the family’s donation should be submitted by the October 7th deadline. The remainder should be completed in installments before the end of 2009. A Payment Plan Commitment Form (pdf) is attached to this memo, and it can be obtained from each district HQ or BFD, or downloaded from the members’ area.
C. Recommended Blessing Attire
HUSBANDS: dark suit, white shirt, red
WIVES: white or light-colored dress or clothes, or Sunday
CHILDREN: Sunday best
III. Where to Participate
A. Locally by Internet
Locations for internet ceremonies will be announced this week, and are available from each district HQ.
B. Korea
International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon has asked for 97 couples to represent North America at the international ceremony in Korea on October 14th. One or more persons can represent their Blessed Family, participating with a photo of their spouse or family. We are seeking families who can represent the USA, and participate with True Parents in the main ceremony. Ground transportation and accommodations will be prepared, but representatives will be responsible for the costs of travel to and accommodation in Korea. Further details will follow soon. Interested couples should:
1) Report their planned participation by Email to Indicate the name and number of participants planning to attend.
2) Submit completed application forms to their district HQ, and forward a copy to the National BFD by Email or by fax at (212) 324-9227.
C. New York
BCFs whose physical or spiritual children are participating in the Blessing Ceremony in New York, are welcome to participate there with them if desired.
IV. Blessed Families Visiting from Other Nations, Who Plan to Participate in the USA
Families belonging to other nations must apply and submit your national donation through your own country or region.
Documentation of your application and approval from your national or regional leadership must be submitted to the US district where you plan to participate.
Any special circumstance or request requires endorsement from your nation or region and approval from the USA District where you will participate.
V. National 21-Day Condition of Sincerity and Unity
In support of True Parents’ International Peace Blessing, and in unity with our national and worldwide movement, President In Jin Moon has encouraged each family to create meaningful personal spiritual conditions during the 21 days prior to the Blessing, from September 23rd to October 13th. The focal points of this condition are:
Absolute Victory of True Parents and True Children
Success of the October 14, 2009 International Peace Marriage Blessing Ceremony for the establishment of Cheon Il Guk
Absolute Unity of all Blessed Central Families with True Parents and Successful Inheritance of the Blessing on Behalf of all Humankind.
For details, refer to the attached memo regarding the condition.
VI. For Further Information- contact your district BFD.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Blessed Family Department