The Words of the Schanker Family |
We received the exciting news today that True Parents will personally match Blessed Children aged 17 to 24, and officiate a Blessing Ceremony for these couples on November 16, 2009 in Korea. There will not be a “photo matching.” Candidates must attend the November 14-15 matching in person. Applications must be submitted electronically to the National BFD by midnight Friday, November 6, 2009. Those who are interested should respect and comply with the following guidelines and directions:
At this point we understand that the Cheon ll Guk standard established for True Parents’ matching during 2005-2008 will apply for all candidates. These qualifications include:
A. AGE: No younger than 17, and no older than 24 on November 16, 2009. In other words candidates should be born between November 16, 1992 and November 15, 1984.
B. PURITY: Never having kissed, dated, had any physical relationship or made any exclusive romantic commitment to the opposite sex.
C. ORIGINAL BLESSING: Those who were Blessed previously should not participate.
D. ABSOLUTE FAITH: Resolved to unconditionally accept and commit to True Parents’ match without question. Those who canceled a previous matching by True Parents should not participate (Those matched by TP whose partner canceled may apply if desired).
Applicants should be prepared to be matched to anyone, trusting True Parents beyond their personal opinion or feeling.
E. Exchange blessing: Open to receive an international or intercultural Blessing. This may require them to move to another country or learn another language.
F. HEALTH: Candidates must be mentally and physically healthy.
G. There may be additional conditions of sincerity such as a seven-day fast, etc.
Considering these standards, applicants should complete all information honestly. Blessed Children should not attend solely because of their parents’ desire, and parents should not push or force their children to attend. Candidates should personally own their commitment to each of the standards above, and participate as an expression of their personal faith and desire to attend and support True Parents.
This matching is for Blessed Children only. First Generation will not participate this time
Candidates should arrive by November 13 and can plan to depart on November 18. November 17 is True Children’s Day, and candidates will be invited to celebrate at the Original Palace.
Nov. 13 -- Arrivals
Nov. 14/15 -- Education and Matching
Nov. 16 -- Blessing Ceremony
Nov. 17 -- True Children’s Day- celebration at the Original Palace
Nov. 18 -- Departures
The deadline for applications to be received at the National Blessed Family Department is midnight this Friday, November 6, 2009. In order to meet this extremely short deadline, applicants should send the following materials electronically (by Email) if possible. PDF versions of some documents are attached as indicated, which in most cases will need to be printed out, filled out by hand, and either scanned and Emailed or faxed. We will try to prepare forms soon which can be filled in electronically and returned. Photos should be sent electronically (digital) or physically only, not faxed. Submit one copy of ALL documents, and bring an additional copy with you to Korea.
A. Blessing Application Form (pdf) to be signed by District-level church leadership
B. Purity Interview Form (pdf) fill out honestly and sign. Complete purity interview with district director or designated representative. Obtain signatures of parents and district-level leadership
C. Blessing Fee Payment Form (pdf) the Blessing fee is an important condition of gratitude and sincerity to receive the Blessing. Due to short notice, a minimum of 50% of the fee should be completed before the Blessing, with the remainder due by Feb. 15, 2010.
D. Health Report (pdf)
E. Two 8 x 10 Photos, front view -- one full length, head to toe; one head and shoulders
F. Certificate or Proof of Blessing Workshop (within last two years)- this educational requirement may be completed after the Blessing if necessary, but should be accomplished.
G. HIV / AIDS Test -- if impossible by application deadline, bring test results to Korea.
Additional information regarding venue, preparation, etc., will be available as soon as we receive it. For further information, or if short notice makes completing requirements difficult, contact your district BFD representative for assistance, or write us.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Blessed Family Department