The Words of the Schanker Family |
As previously announced, True Parents will officiate a Blessing Ceremony on February 17, 2010, in connection with the celebration of True Parents' birthday, Feb. 19th by the lunar calendar. Participants will include Blessed Children matched by True Parents, Second Generation candidates matched by their parents, First Generation church members matched with their elders' support, Blessed Central Families who did not participate in the Oct. 14, 2009 Universal Blessing, and previously married couples, including Ambassadors for Peace and clergy couples. No announcement has yet been made regarding participation in the Blessing via internet broadcast.
In connection with this ceremony, True Parents will convene a matching ceremony for Blessed Children, according to the Original Standard. On the foundation of the Oct. 14, 2009 Blessing that opened the gate of Blessing for the human family, True Parents are matching exemplary Blessed Children to establish a new model of the Blessing according to God's ideal of Creation. This memo explains how to participate in this matching and Blessing Ceremony in Korea, and how BCs matched by their parents can join the main ceremony in Korea as well. Details for all First Generation participants will follow in a separate memo.
I. Main Event Details
The Blessing Ceremony will take place at KINTEX (the Korean International Exhibition Center) just outside of Seoul. The goal for participation in this main event is 14,300 couples.
II. Schedule
Candidates should arrive by February 13 and can depart anytime after the 17th. A special schedule will be offered for USA participants on February 18th, and True Parents' birthday will be celebrated on February 19th. Blessing participants will be welcome at the 8:00 AM Ceremony on the 19th, and tickets for the evening celebration banquet are still available, at $1,000 per seat. Those wishing to attend the banquet should register by Emailing Rev. Moon Shik Kim.
Feb. 13 Candidates for True Parents' Matching Arrival
Feb. 14-16 Education and Matching
Feb. 16 Matched Couples Arrival
Feb. 17 Blessing Ceremony
Feb. 18 Sightseeing Tour and Fellowship (optional)
Feb. 19 True Parents' Birthday Celebration (optional)
Feb. 18-20 Departures
III. Qualifications for Participation in True Parents' Matching
No younger than 17, and no
older than 24 on February 17, 2010. In other words candidates should
be born between February 17, 1993 and February 16, 1985. Candidates
25 or above may apply if they wish, and participate based upon a
personal interview.
Never having kissed,
dated, had any physical relationship or made any exclusive romantic
Those who
were Blessed previously and did not begin conjugal life, but whose
partner broke the Blessing, may participate.
Resolved to
unconditionally accept and commit to True Parents' match without
question. Those who canceled a previous matching by True Parents
should not participate (Those matched by True Parents whose partner
canceled may apply if desired).
* Applicants should be prepared to be matched to anyone, trusting True Parents beyond their personal opinion or feeling.
E. Exchange blessing:
Open to
receive an international or intercultural Blessing. This may require
them to move to another country or learn another language.
Candidates must be
absolutely, 100% healthy mentally and physically.
Participants should
complete a seven-day fast prior to the matching ceremony, unless they
have accomplished this condition specifically for the matching
previously. Candidates who are matched should also be prepared to set
an example of living for others through a period of public service,
which can be accomplished through serving the church or other
creative means.
Considering these standards, applicants should complete all information honestly. Blessed Children should not attend solely because of their parents' desire, and parents should not push or force their children to attend. Candidates should personally own their commitment to each of the standards above, and participate as an expression of their personal faith and desire to attend and support True Parents. This matching is for Blessed Children only.
IV. Application Process for True Parents' Matching
Those intending to participate in True parents' matching should indicate their intention by returning the attached Response Form (pdf), or send a simple Email to the national BFD and your district BFD. This response should be submitted no later than February 6, 2010, and the application process must be completed and submitted to the National BFD no later than Tuesday, February 9th at midnight. In order to meet this short deadline, applicants should send the following materials electronically if possible.
Documents are attached, available from your district BFD, or can be downloaded from the "forms" link on the BFD page in the members' area at www.familyfed.org/members. Print out, fill out, scan and Email to Matching@unification.org; bring originals to Korea. Photos should be sent electronically (digital) or physically only, not faxed. Submit one copy of ALL documents, and bring an additional copy with you to Korea.
Matching applicants must complete the following and submit to the National BFD:
A. Blessing Application Form (pdf) -- print out, fill out, obtain all signatures. Scan and Email to Matching@unification.org. Bring the original to Korea.
B. Purity Interview Form (attached) (pdf) -- fill out honestly and sign. Obtain signatures of parents and complete purity interview with district director or designated representative. Scan and Email to Matching@unification.org, bring original to Korea.
C. Confirmation Form for True Parents' Matching (pdf) -- print and complete all signatures (National HQ will sign in Korea). Email to Matching@unification.org and bring original to Korea.
D. Blessing Fee Payment and Form (pdf) -- the Blessing fee is an important condition of gratitude and sincerity to receive the Blessing. The offering is $1500 per candidate. In case of hardship, a minimum of $1000 should be completed before the Blessing, with the remainder due by May 31, 2010. Complete, scan and Email the payment form to Matching@unification.org, bring original to Korea. Payment must be received by Feb. 10.
Include credit card information on payment form, or mail check or money order to:
Blessed Family Department ATTN:
Room 626
481 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
* Indicate on fee form where receipt should be faxed or Emailed. Bring it to Korea
E. Recommendation Letter to participate in True Parents' Matching and Blessing from local church leader -- Email scanned copy to Matching@unification.org, bring original to Korea.
F. Two 8 x 10 Photos, front view -- one full length, head to toe; one head and shoulders. We recommend to dress well, face directly to camera with full face and forehead visible. Bring originals to Korea, scan and Email to National BFD by February 9th deadline.
G. Health Report (pdf) -- Complete and include with application
H. HIV / AIDS Test -- Note: Planned Parenthood offices will complete in 1 hour for walk-ins. Email to BFD, original to Korea.
I. Physical Exam -- complete basic physical with doctor or clinic, Email with MD signature and bring original.
J. Certificate or Proof of Blessing Workshop (within last two years) -- this educational requirement may be completed after the Blessing if necessary, but should be accomplished. Candidates will also complete education in Korea before matching.
K. Seven-day Fast -- Participants should complete a Seven-day fast, ideally prior to the Blessing. Due to short notice, candidates may complete a three day fast before, and a four-day fast afterward.
V. Application Process for Second Generation Couples Matched by Their Parents, Participating in Korea (or anticipating an internet ceremony)
For matched Second Generation couples planning to participate in Korea, or anticipating the availability of the Blessing Ceremony by internet in the USA, please complete items A, B, D and F through J, as well as the attached matching report (pdf) and (pdf) family introduction forms, and submit electronically to Matching@unification.org by February 9th. For those traveling to Korea, be sure to complete the attached response form and return it to Matching@unification.org immediately.
Additional information regarding schedule, transportation, accommodations, preparation, etc., will be available as soon as we receive it. For further information, or if short notice makes completing requirements difficult, contact your district BFD representative for assistance, or write us at Blessing@familyfed.org.
Rev. Phillip Schanker
Blessed Family